三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 748: 2012年8月13日
Tallinn, Estonia to Riga - Latvia (Friendly Fun Frannks Hostel)
79,894km to 80,210km = 316km
今日も晴れ! バルトに入ってからいい天気が続いています。暑からず寒からず、ライディング日和です。ここエストニアは北欧3国に比べてガソリンが安いので助かります。95オクタンでリッター1.40ユーロ前後。給油を済ませてタリンの街を後に。
It's afine day!. Since I came to Estonia, it's been fine weather. It's not too hot nor oo cold, the perfect climate for riding. A litre of petrol (95 octane) costs 1.40 Euros or so here in Estonia. It's much cheaper than in Scandinavia and Finland. I filled up the tank and left Tallinn.
Even though the weather was great for riding, but the road was dead boring. THe road was rather straigh all the way and only catle farms and forests alongside of the road...

200キロくらい走って国境を越えました。41カ国目、ラトビア入国!! しかし道は相変らず単調。リガ湾の畔を道が走っているのですが、道と湾の間に木があって海も見えず・・・。
From Tallinn, around 200km south, I passed the border to Latvia. The 41th country to visit on this trip! But the road was still boring. The main highway goes along side of Bay of Riga, but those trees were between the coast and the road, so I could ot even see the sea.
I made a lunch and fuel stop at a petrol station. In Latvia the price of 95 octane gasoline is around 1 Lats, whih is around 1.50 Euros. Little more expensive than in Estonia. But foods and drinks seem to be cheaper in Latvia. Latvia is a member of EU, but they have its own carrency still.
今日の宿「Friendly Fun Franks Hostel」には2時頃に到着。「無料駐車場有り」との広告なんですが、まぁ、言ってみれば路上駐車です。エスペランサにカバーを被せてカモフラージュ。
I got to "Friendly Fun Franks Hostel" by 2pm in Riga.

Central Market. A lady at the right hand side was really beautiful. Unfortunately, I managed to get a photo of her back side only.

Inside Central Market. It reminded me of "Mercado" of Latin America.

Here Latvia, same as Estonia, it was occupied by Soviet Russia. There are more "Russian" residents here than in Estonia and we could see more remainings of "Soviet" period in Riga. Central Market was also was he part of the Soviet period.
A fountain in a park.

A monument of somehthing...

A view of the central (?) plaza.

A medeival theme restaurant. I just walked pass by and a waitress here was really beautiful!!

There were lots of beauties I could see on the street of Riga. In Tallinn, there weren't much chances I turned back to see beauties, but here in Riga, it happened quite often.
The statue looked very "Soviet" to me.

Back to the hostel, I met Masa - a backpacker from Japan. He also concerns Japanese future and we talked a lot about it. We went out to the town and having drinks and talked till late.
Tomorrow I will explore the city of Riga more. There is a free guide tour offered by the hostel, so I will join it.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Tallinn, Estonia to Riga - Latvia (Friendly Fun Frannks Hostel)
79,894km to 80,210km = 316km
今日も晴れ! バルトに入ってからいい天気が続いています。暑からず寒からず、ライディング日和です。ここエストニアは北欧3国に比べてガソリンが安いので助かります。95オクタンでリッター1.40ユーロ前後。給油を済ませてタリンの街を後に。
It's afine day!. Since I came to Estonia, it's been fine weather. It's not too hot nor oo cold, the perfect climate for riding. A litre of petrol (95 octane) costs 1.40 Euros or so here in Estonia. It's much cheaper than in Scandinavia and Finland. I filled up the tank and left Tallinn.
Even though the weather was great for riding, but the road was dead boring. THe road was rather straigh all the way and only catle farms and forests alongside of the road...
200キロくらい走って国境を越えました。41カ国目、ラトビア入国!! しかし道は相変らず単調。リガ湾の畔を道が走っているのですが、道と湾の間に木があって海も見えず・・・。
From Tallinn, around 200km south, I passed the border to Latvia. The 41th country to visit on this trip! But the road was still boring. The main highway goes along side of Bay of Riga, but those trees were between the coast and the road, so I could ot even see the sea.
I made a lunch and fuel stop at a petrol station. In Latvia the price of 95 octane gasoline is around 1 Lats, whih is around 1.50 Euros. Little more expensive than in Estonia. But foods and drinks seem to be cheaper in Latvia. Latvia is a member of EU, but they have its own carrency still.
今日の宿「Friendly Fun Franks Hostel」には2時頃に到着。「無料駐車場有り」との広告なんですが、まぁ、言ってみれば路上駐車です。エスペランサにカバーを被せてカモフラージュ。
I got to "Friendly Fun Franks Hostel" by 2pm in Riga.
Central Market. A lady at the right hand side was really beautiful. Unfortunately, I managed to get a photo of her back side only.
Inside Central Market. It reminded me of "Mercado" of Latin America.
Here Latvia, same as Estonia, it was occupied by Soviet Russia. There are more "Russian" residents here than in Estonia and we could see more remainings of "Soviet" period in Riga. Central Market was also was he part of the Soviet period.
A fountain in a park.
A monument of somehthing...
A view of the central (?) plaza.
A medeival theme restaurant. I just walked pass by and a waitress here was really beautiful!!
There were lots of beauties I could see on the street of Riga. In Tallinn, there weren't much chances I turned back to see beauties, but here in Riga, it happened quite often.
The statue looked very "Soviet" to me.
Back to the hostel, I met Masa - a backpacker from Japan. He also concerns Japanese future and we talked a lot about it. We went out to the town and having drinks and talked till late.
Tomorrow I will explore the city of Riga more. There is a free guide tour offered by the hostel, so I will join it.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 747: 2012年8月12日
Tallinn, Estonia (Hostel Tallinn)
いつもご愛読いただきありがとうございます。「拍手」ボタンからのメッセージをいただいておりますが、返信機能がないので、感謝のご挨拶が出来ません。し かし、ちゃんとメッセージを読んでおりますよ!! お粗末ですが、ここにお礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございます!!
<追伸> 日記の下の「Comment」からメッセージをいただきますと、返信機能が付いてますので、メッセージに対してこちらから返信出来ます。これからもドシドシ、応援、励まし、叱咤、などなどコメントしてください!!
今日も天気ヨシ! さて、街に出ますよ!!
It was a sunny day! Well, I walked to the old town rom the morning.
先ずは旧市街の入り口ヴィル門(Viru Gate、ビル・ゲイツじゃないです)をくぐります。
I entered the old town fro, Viru Gate.

今日もナッツ売りの美人をゲット! ナッツ売りの女の子たちはみんな高校生か大学生くらいの年齢なんだろうなぁ。
A shot of a pretty girl! She is also a nuts seller, just like a girl yesterday. They seem to be really young. I reckon they would be still in high school or Uni.

I walked to the north side of the city wall,

and then House of the Government stands on top of the cliff. Nice.

首相官邸の横は見晴らし台。街が一望できます。昨日ここに来たかな?? いや、違う見晴らし台だ。
Next to House of the Government, there was a view point. A panoramic view of Tallinn. Did I come here yesterday? Well, it was another view point.

Dom - Cathedral.

アレクサンデル・ネヴスキー大聖堂(Alexander Nevsky Cathedral)。
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

House of the Parliament. It's nicely painted in PINK!

House of te Parliament had been rebult over the centuries. The northwestern side of the complex was built during 13th century as a fortress. I like the stone tower.

Looking at the tower from the cliff side.

This is the monument of Estonian Independence War (1918-20). Estonia had been ruled by foreign rulers over the centuries. After Russian Revolution, Estonia declaired independence, then went into a war with Soviet Russia. Estonia won independence in 1920.

However, during the WWII, in 1940, Soviet Russia occupied Baltic States. Many Estonians were sent to Siberia. Estonia regain its independence in 1990 nearly before the fall of Soviet Union.
Now it is a member of EU and using Euro as its currency. Tons of tourists visit the old town of Tallinn and enjoy its beauty.

I really like the street of Tallinn. It might be due to the good weather!?

The city wall of Tallinn is the best preserved medival city wall i Europe.

Mr. Sheep playing in the flower garden!

Well, I really enjoyed exploring he old town of Talinn. I went to see some souvenir shops and there I tasted Elk salame (it wasn't any different from other salame), and on the street I had Elk soup (it was really tasty!). Then I waked back to the hostel.
Back to the hostel, I updated some English diaries. As there were many days to catch up, it will take long time to complete all.
I bought Herrings in oil, caviar and cheese at a supermarket.

As it is next to Russia, caviar is sold in a supermarket. It contains 100g and was 1.20 Euro.

味は?? うーん、これ本物かな?? 生臭い感じからすると魚の卵なんでしょうけど、プチプチ感が無い!! ニシンはまぁ、癖も無く合格。
How was it? Wel, I wondered if it was fair dinkum caviar. It was fishy, so I reckoned it was some sort of fish egg, but it wasn't crunchy at all. Harrings were nutral.
I will go to Riga, the capital of Latvia tomorrow.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Tallinn, Estonia (Hostel Tallinn)
いつもご愛読いただきありがとうございます。「拍手」ボタンからのメッセージをいただいておりますが、返信機能がないので、感謝のご挨拶が出来ません。し かし、ちゃんとメッセージを読んでおりますよ!! お粗末ですが、ここにお礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございます!!
<追伸> 日記の下の「Comment」からメッセージをいただきますと、返信機能が付いてますので、メッセージに対してこちらから返信出来ます。これからもドシドシ、応援、励まし、叱咤、などなどコメントしてください!!
今日も天気ヨシ! さて、街に出ますよ!!
It was a sunny day! Well, I walked to the old town rom the morning.
先ずは旧市街の入り口ヴィル門(Viru Gate、ビル・ゲイツじゃないです)をくぐります。
I entered the old town fro, Viru Gate.
今日もナッツ売りの美人をゲット! ナッツ売りの女の子たちはみんな高校生か大学生くらいの年齢なんだろうなぁ。
A shot of a pretty girl! She is also a nuts seller, just like a girl yesterday. They seem to be really young. I reckon they would be still in high school or Uni.
I walked to the north side of the city wall,
and then House of the Government stands on top of the cliff. Nice.
首相官邸の横は見晴らし台。街が一望できます。昨日ここに来たかな?? いや、違う見晴らし台だ。
Next to House of the Government, there was a view point. A panoramic view of Tallinn. Did I come here yesterday? Well, it was another view point.
Dom - Cathedral.
アレクサンデル・ネヴスキー大聖堂(Alexander Nevsky Cathedral)。
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
House of the Parliament. It's nicely painted in PINK!
House of te Parliament had been rebult over the centuries. The northwestern side of the complex was built during 13th century as a fortress. I like the stone tower.
Looking at the tower from the cliff side.
This is the monument of Estonian Independence War (1918-20). Estonia had been ruled by foreign rulers over the centuries. After Russian Revolution, Estonia declaired independence, then went into a war with Soviet Russia. Estonia won independence in 1920.
However, during the WWII, in 1940, Soviet Russia occupied Baltic States. Many Estonians were sent to Siberia. Estonia regain its independence in 1990 nearly before the fall of Soviet Union.
Now it is a member of EU and using Euro as its currency. Tons of tourists visit the old town of Tallinn and enjoy its beauty.
I really like the street of Tallinn. It might be due to the good weather!?
The city wall of Tallinn is the best preserved medival city wall i Europe.
Mr. Sheep playing in the flower garden!
Well, I really enjoyed exploring he old town of Talinn. I went to see some souvenir shops and there I tasted Elk salame (it wasn't any different from other salame), and on the street I had Elk soup (it was really tasty!). Then I waked back to the hostel.
Back to the hostel, I updated some English diaries. As there were many days to catch up, it will take long time to complete all.
I bought Herrings in oil, caviar and cheese at a supermarket.
As it is next to Russia, caviar is sold in a supermarket. It contains 100g and was 1.20 Euro.
味は?? うーん、これ本物かな?? 生臭い感じからすると魚の卵なんでしょうけど、プチプチ感が無い!! ニシンはまぁ、癖も無く合格。
How was it? Wel, I wondered if it was fair dinkum caviar. It was fishy, so I reckoned it was some sort of fish egg, but it wasn't crunchy at all. Harrings were nutral.
I will go to Riga, the capital of Latvia tomorrow.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 746: 2012年8月11日
Helsinki - Finland to Tallin - Estonia (Hostel Tallinn)
79,873km to 79,893km = 20km
The weaher was nice this morning. I got sweaty while I was packing, so I took off the jacket - just wearing a T-Shirt on top. I felt very, very liberated. It's been a while since I just wore a T-shirt only outside.
As my ferry was due on 13:30, so I had enough time to dry my tent. When I packed up, it was still after 10am, so wanted to go on Internet, but the network was down again... So I rode to the port.
All ferries to Tallinn would be departing from the west port of Helsinki. I rode through the city of Helsinki and got to the west port.
フェリーターミナルの前に秋葉に在る石丸やラオックスみたいな電気屋のビルがあって、「Free WiFi」とあったので行って見ました。備え付けのPCも使えますし、自分のPCからWiFiでネットがつなげます。素晴らしい。
In front of the ferry terminal, there was an electronic appliance store just like one in Akihabara, Tokyo, and I saw "Free WiFi" sign. So I went in. I could use their PCs for free and there was free WiFi connection as said on the sigm. Wonderful.
From the top of the building, there was a panoramic view of the city of Helsinki. Well, it was little too far away.

Somehow, a Mig Jet fighter was displayed too.

I had lunch at a cafe there and then it was 1pm.So I went to the terminal.
There were some motorcycles waiting for bording.

フェリーにもFree WiFiがあるのでネット。3日分の日記を英語でアップ。この1ヵ月間英語で日記を書いてなかったので、気になってたんですよね。2ヶ国語で日記を書くと大変時間がかかるので、最近英語をさぼってましたが、あまり溜めてしまうと、アップするのが大変なんですよ。
There was free WiFi connection on bord too. I updated 3 diaries in English. For a month or so, I did not write any diary in English, and it was my concern. As it takes long time to write diaries in 2 languages, but if I keep not writing in English, there would be lots to catch up later. Which would be really hard too. So I was glad that finally I could clear some back logs.
Around 3pm, when I saw outside and I saw Estonia on the way.

The ferry arrived at the port at 3:30pm, and I rode out of the ferry. I stepped on the 40th country, Estonia!!
今日の宿は昨日予約しておいたので、GPSに従って簡単に見つけました。「Hostel Tallinn」。Hostelling Internationalの加盟店なんですが、外観はボロイ。内観はまぁまぁ、なんですが、西欧・北欧と比べると見劣りがしますね。さすが旧ソ連圏。
I made a reservation for a hostel to stay in Tallinn, so it was easy to get there - just followed GPS navigation! The hostel "Hostel Tallinn" is a member of Hostelling International, but it looked quite old rom outside. Inside looked better, but it was certainly not as the same quality as those of western Europe.

There was a parking space behind the building. I parked Esperanza where was less visible from outside and put the bike cover on.

After checked-in and got hanged, I walked to the old town of Tallinn.
An old building on the way to the old town.

The star on top of the building was very Soviet like to me.

A modern building and old buildings together. I was thinking "Tallinn is not very nice lace" at that time.

But, the old town was very pretty!!
The entrance to the old town.

The plaza in front of City Hall.

City Hall is only surviving Gothic style city hall in Nortern Europe.

There was a market on at the plaza. But they were just selling souvenirs.

恐らくエストニアのドリンク「LALI」。モルト・ドリンクだと思うんですけど、味はコロンビアのポニーマルタ(Pony Malta)みたいです。ワシは好きですね。
I bought an Estonian drink (I reckoned) "LALI". It tasted like Pony Malta of Colombia. I liked it.

Russian Orthodox Church. It was pitty that the middle tower was under restoration, but it looked really pretty.

Unfortunately, no photo was allowed inside. It was decorated with gold and silver, and was very gorgeous. I supposed Estonia was very welthy state long ago.
The view of the old town from a view point. Nice.

I heard many peaple speaking in Spanish. In fact, while I was in Scandinavia, I heard many people seaking in Spanish. I met ladies and family from Spain at the campsite in Helsinki too.
A photo of a beautiful Estonian girl - selling traditional nuts.

A city wall. I really like the old town of Tallinn. It's very pretty and lots to see.

After 6pm, it gt chilly. I was just wearing a T-shirt and shorts! So I went back to the hostel before it got colder.
I just walked around the old town casually this afternoon. I really like it. If I could walk with a girl friend, that will be really perfect. But I have no girl to walk with me... Anyone wants to be my girl friend??
ついに40カ国目を達成!! バルト三国最初の国エストニアはなかなか気に入りました。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Helsinki - Finland to Tallin - Estonia (Hostel Tallinn)
79,873km to 79,893km = 20km
The weaher was nice this morning. I got sweaty while I was packing, so I took off the jacket - just wearing a T-Shirt on top. I felt very, very liberated. It's been a while since I just wore a T-shirt only outside.
As my ferry was due on 13:30, so I had enough time to dry my tent. When I packed up, it was still after 10am, so wanted to go on Internet, but the network was down again... So I rode to the port.
All ferries to Tallinn would be departing from the west port of Helsinki. I rode through the city of Helsinki and got to the west port.
フェリーターミナルの前に秋葉に在る石丸やラオックスみたいな電気屋のビルがあって、「Free WiFi」とあったので行って見ました。備え付けのPCも使えますし、自分のPCからWiFiでネットがつなげます。素晴らしい。
In front of the ferry terminal, there was an electronic appliance store just like one in Akihabara, Tokyo, and I saw "Free WiFi" sign. So I went in. I could use their PCs for free and there was free WiFi connection as said on the sigm. Wonderful.
From the top of the building, there was a panoramic view of the city of Helsinki. Well, it was little too far away.
Somehow, a Mig Jet fighter was displayed too.
I had lunch at a cafe there and then it was 1pm.So I went to the terminal.
There were some motorcycles waiting for bording.
フェリーにもFree WiFiがあるのでネット。3日分の日記を英語でアップ。この1ヵ月間英語で日記を書いてなかったので、気になってたんですよね。2ヶ国語で日記を書くと大変時間がかかるので、最近英語をさぼってましたが、あまり溜めてしまうと、アップするのが大変なんですよ。
There was free WiFi connection on bord too. I updated 3 diaries in English. For a month or so, I did not write any diary in English, and it was my concern. As it takes long time to write diaries in 2 languages, but if I keep not writing in English, there would be lots to catch up later. Which would be really hard too. So I was glad that finally I could clear some back logs.
Around 3pm, when I saw outside and I saw Estonia on the way.
The ferry arrived at the port at 3:30pm, and I rode out of the ferry. I stepped on the 40th country, Estonia!!
今日の宿は昨日予約しておいたので、GPSに従って簡単に見つけました。「Hostel Tallinn」。Hostelling Internationalの加盟店なんですが、外観はボロイ。内観はまぁまぁ、なんですが、西欧・北欧と比べると見劣りがしますね。さすが旧ソ連圏。
I made a reservation for a hostel to stay in Tallinn, so it was easy to get there - just followed GPS navigation! The hostel "Hostel Tallinn" is a member of Hostelling International, but it looked quite old rom outside. Inside looked better, but it was certainly not as the same quality as those of western Europe.
There was a parking space behind the building. I parked Esperanza where was less visible from outside and put the bike cover on.
After checked-in and got hanged, I walked to the old town of Tallinn.
An old building on the way to the old town.
The star on top of the building was very Soviet like to me.
A modern building and old buildings together. I was thinking "Tallinn is not very nice lace" at that time.
But, the old town was very pretty!!
The entrance to the old town.
The plaza in front of City Hall.
City Hall is only surviving Gothic style city hall in Nortern Europe.
There was a market on at the plaza. But they were just selling souvenirs.
恐らくエストニアのドリンク「LALI」。モルト・ドリンクだと思うんですけど、味はコロンビアのポニーマルタ(Pony Malta)みたいです。ワシは好きですね。
I bought an Estonian drink (I reckoned) "LALI". It tasted like Pony Malta of Colombia. I liked it.
Russian Orthodox Church. It was pitty that the middle tower was under restoration, but it looked really pretty.
Unfortunately, no photo was allowed inside. It was decorated with gold and silver, and was very gorgeous. I supposed Estonia was very welthy state long ago.
The view of the old town from a view point. Nice.
I heard many peaple speaking in Spanish. In fact, while I was in Scandinavia, I heard many people seaking in Spanish. I met ladies and family from Spain at the campsite in Helsinki too.
A photo of a beautiful Estonian girl - selling traditional nuts.
A city wall. I really like the old town of Tallinn. It's very pretty and lots to see.
After 6pm, it gt chilly. I was just wearing a T-shirt and shorts! So I went back to the hostel before it got colder.
I just walked around the old town casually this afternoon. I really like it. If I could walk with a girl friend, that will be really perfect. But I have no girl to walk with me... Anyone wants to be my girl friend??
ついに40カ国目を達成!! バルト三国最初の国エストニアはなかなか気に入りました。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 745: 2012年8月10日
Helsinki - Finland (Rastila Camping)
It became really cold last night. I was underestimating the night of Helsinki!!
今朝は晴れ! 快晴、とはいきませんが、晴れ間が広がってます。昨晩ネットが途中で使えなくなり、ブログのアップが途中だったので、朝のうちはブログのアップをしたり、タリン行きのフェリーを調べたり。フェリーは明日の午後1時半の便で50ユーロ。2時間でタリンに到着です。
It was the mostly sunny day. It wasn't really super clear weather, but there were more blue than grey in the sky. Many people told me that this summer the weather in Europe has been really bad.
Last night somehow the Internet connection went down, so I was updating the blog and making some research on the web in the morning. I bought a ferry ticket to Tallinn for 50 Euros, leaving 13:30 tomorrow afternoon and it would take 2 hours to get to Tallinn. .
Once I've done with the blog updating and researches, I went out to the city of Helsinki. I took a metro to centro.
This is Central Station of Helsinki. People told me, "Helsinki has many interesting architecures". Well, the tower of the station building looks different to me.

I walked to the east from the station. The I came to Cathedral of Helsinki. It's in white and very beautiful, I reckon.

I heard a music coming from the plaza. There were crowds of tourists on the stairs of Cathedral.

It was a military band playing music. I did not know what the ceremoney about, but it was interesting to see and listen.

Looking up Cathedral from the bottom of the stairs. It's really beautiful. Unfortunately, the sky got little grey...

From the top of the stairs, looking down the military band and troopers.

Inside Cathedral. It was in white too. It was very simple, but very beautiful. Nice.

When I came down, the military started to march. The band played a marching music.

Then I walked to the market place. There were fresh vegies, fruits and fish sold.

It was lunch time. Nice smells of good foods in the air. In this stand, big salmons were grilled. They looked really good.

Finnish people eat fresh snow peas. A gentleman at a stand gave me one, so I tried. It was little sweet, but had raw vegie taste (of course!). It was quite good, but I prefer cooked ones.

The view of harbour from the market place. The street views of Helsinki were pretty good. Well, there were similar scenery in Hamburg, Copenhagen, and Stockholm, as they are all harbour cities.

There were grilled salmon, stir fried sausages & potatos, paella etc, but I bought a fresh herring sandwich for 4 Euros.

The fresh herring was't fihy at all and was very good.
I bought a "meat pie" (?) for 3.50 Euros. It was more like a doughnut with mince and omion in it. It wasn'T realy good at all.

Then I bought a bag of blueberries and walked to a Russian Orhodox Chrch.
This is the largest Orthodox church in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Well, this area isn't the place where Orthodox is popular anyway. As Finlad was ruleed by Russian Empire for a while, that's why there were some Russian influences.

Inside was very solmn. The taste was different from Cathoric and Protestant churches.

I went back to the market place again.

then, I walked along side of the shore,

I visited "Seagull Cafeteria".

This cafeteria was used for a Japanese movie "Kamome Shokudo (Seagull Cafeteria)". But I haven't seen the movie, so I did not have any impression from the cafeteria...I am sorry to those funs of the movie, but honestly, it was just a cafeteria!
I walked back to Central Station.

The street and buildings were beautiful.

Helsinki is pretty s,mall city. There are many islands and some more places to be visited. But I went back to the campsite early.
Tomorrow, I will take a ferry across Baltic Sea to Tallinn, Esonia. As Baltic States are famous for beautiful lgirls, so I am looking forwards going there!!
フィンランド語って面白いですね。子音で終わるよりも母音で終わるなど、日本語にも通じるものがあります。しかし書いてあっても何がなんだかわかりません!! スペイン語、ポルトガル語、イタリア語、フランス語、ドイツ語はなんとなくわかるのですが、北欧の言葉は難しいです。特にフィンランド語は言語の系統も違うのでなおさら。もしフィンランド人が英語を話せなかったら、ここを旅するのは大変ですね。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Helsinki - Finland (Rastila Camping)
It became really cold last night. I was underestimating the night of Helsinki!!
今朝は晴れ! 快晴、とはいきませんが、晴れ間が広がってます。昨晩ネットが途中で使えなくなり、ブログのアップが途中だったので、朝のうちはブログのアップをしたり、タリン行きのフェリーを調べたり。フェリーは明日の午後1時半の便で50ユーロ。2時間でタリンに到着です。
It was the mostly sunny day. It wasn't really super clear weather, but there were more blue than grey in the sky. Many people told me that this summer the weather in Europe has been really bad.
Last night somehow the Internet connection went down, so I was updating the blog and making some research on the web in the morning. I bought a ferry ticket to Tallinn for 50 Euros, leaving 13:30 tomorrow afternoon and it would take 2 hours to get to Tallinn. .
Once I've done with the blog updating and researches, I went out to the city of Helsinki. I took a metro to centro.
This is Central Station of Helsinki. People told me, "Helsinki has many interesting architecures". Well, the tower of the station building looks different to me.
I walked to the east from the station. The I came to Cathedral of Helsinki. It's in white and very beautiful, I reckon.
I heard a music coming from the plaza. There were crowds of tourists on the stairs of Cathedral.
It was a military band playing music. I did not know what the ceremoney about, but it was interesting to see and listen.
Looking up Cathedral from the bottom of the stairs. It's really beautiful. Unfortunately, the sky got little grey...
From the top of the stairs, looking down the military band and troopers.
Inside Cathedral. It was in white too. It was very simple, but very beautiful. Nice.
When I came down, the military started to march. The band played a marching music.
Then I walked to the market place. There were fresh vegies, fruits and fish sold.
It was lunch time. Nice smells of good foods in the air. In this stand, big salmons were grilled. They looked really good.
Finnish people eat fresh snow peas. A gentleman at a stand gave me one, so I tried. It was little sweet, but had raw vegie taste (of course!). It was quite good, but I prefer cooked ones.
The view of harbour from the market place. The street views of Helsinki were pretty good. Well, there were similar scenery in Hamburg, Copenhagen, and Stockholm, as they are all harbour cities.
There were grilled salmon, stir fried sausages & potatos, paella etc, but I bought a fresh herring sandwich for 4 Euros.
The fresh herring was't fihy at all and was very good.
I bought a "meat pie" (?) for 3.50 Euros. It was more like a doughnut with mince and omion in it. It wasn'T realy good at all.
Then I bought a bag of blueberries and walked to a Russian Orhodox Chrch.
This is the largest Orthodox church in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Well, this area isn't the place where Orthodox is popular anyway. As Finlad was ruleed by Russian Empire for a while, that's why there were some Russian influences.
Inside was very solmn. The taste was different from Cathoric and Protestant churches.
I went back to the market place again.
then, I walked along side of the shore,
I visited "Seagull Cafeteria".
This cafeteria was used for a Japanese movie "Kamome Shokudo (Seagull Cafeteria)". But I haven't seen the movie, so I did not have any impression from the cafeteria...I am sorry to those funs of the movie, but honestly, it was just a cafeteria!
I walked back to Central Station.
The street and buildings were beautiful.
Helsinki is pretty s,mall city. There are many islands and some more places to be visited. But I went back to the campsite early.
Tomorrow, I will take a ferry across Baltic Sea to Tallinn, Esonia. As Baltic States are famous for beautiful lgirls, so I am looking forwards going there!!
フィンランド語って面白いですね。子音で終わるよりも母音で終わるなど、日本語にも通じるものがあります。しかし書いてあっても何がなんだかわかりません!! スペイン語、ポルトガル語、イタリア語、フランス語、ドイツ語はなんとなくわかるのですが、北欧の言葉は難しいです。特にフィンランド語は言語の系統も違うのでなおさら。もしフィンランド人が英語を話せなかったら、ここを旅するのは大変ですね。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 744: 2012年8月9日
Karsamaki to Helsinki - Finland (Rastila Camping)
79,358km to 79,873km = 515km
The cabin was very warm with a heater. It should have been a freezing night if I slept in the tent. It was a cloudy morning. Well, I haven't got much luck with the weather recently... I woke up at 7am and was thinking to have another 5mins sleep, then when I opened my eyesagain, it was already 7:4oam. It must be because of the warm cabin. It was too comfy.
I left there before 9am. It was cloudy but it was not as cold as yesterday. I assumed as I came down south so far and the climate had changed.
I made a lunch stop at a petrolstation "ABC" in Jyvaskyla. I had a buffet lunch for 9.30 Euros! Yes, it was luxury, but even a hamburger meal cost 7.30 Euros. But I just had a plate of salad and a plate of main. After lunch, having a cuppa and surfing on the net. I update the blog.
From Jyvaskyla, it was "1,000 Lakes" area. But as t was cloudy, those lakes did not look pretty at all. So I did not take any photo. As I rode through Finland from north to south, it has been pretty flat and boring... If the weather was better, I would have ridden to Karelia, where supposed to be realy beautiful with lakes.
As I approched to Helsinki, there weresome blue skies I could see. But the sun hardly came out
The odometer on Esperanza was reaching 80,00km son. She had an engine oil change in Oxford last time, some 8,000km ago (In Bonn, she had 70,000km service but I asked not to change the engine oil as it was just changed less than 2,000km ago). I am planning to ride through Baltic States and Poland. Themn I am not sure whether I am going to Czech, Slovakia and Hungary first or going back to Germany first. I am thinking to do 80,000km service and final check before I am leaving to Asia in Munich. SO it would be a good idea to change the engine oil here in Helsinki, so I reckoned. I went to BMW dealer "Biketeam".

I did not make any reservation but they quickly changed the oil for me. It cost me 110 Euros (75 Euros for oil and a filter, and labour). It wasn't a cheap expense, but keeping Esperanza in the tiptop condition is my priority. I could have changed the oil by myself, but it was easier to ask the garage to do it (as I need to think about where to damp the eused oil etc).
While waiting, I searched for an accomodation in Helsinki. But all hostels with parking space seemed to be booked out. So I asked a staff if he knew a good campsite. He told me to go to "Rasila" camping. It is located in east side of Helsinki.
The campsite cost 19 Euros. It was little expensive, but there were good facilities and wifi available. I would stay here for 2 nights. I washed my dirty clothes and cooked dinner. Tomorrow I wil explore the city of Helsinki.
さて北欧もいよいよ大詰めです。ヘルシンキはどんな街なんでしょうか? 「かもめ食堂」も立ち寄ってみたいと思います(映画見たこと無いんですけど・・・。)
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Karsamaki to Helsinki - Finland (Rastila Camping)
79,358km to 79,873km = 515km
The cabin was very warm with a heater. It should have been a freezing night if I slept in the tent. It was a cloudy morning. Well, I haven't got much luck with the weather recently... I woke up at 7am and was thinking to have another 5mins sleep, then when I opened my eyesagain, it was already 7:4oam. It must be because of the warm cabin. It was too comfy.
I left there before 9am. It was cloudy but it was not as cold as yesterday. I assumed as I came down south so far and the climate had changed.
I made a lunch stop at a petrolstation "ABC" in Jyvaskyla. I had a buffet lunch for 9.30 Euros! Yes, it was luxury, but even a hamburger meal cost 7.30 Euros. But I just had a plate of salad and a plate of main. After lunch, having a cuppa and surfing on the net. I update the blog.
From Jyvaskyla, it was "1,000 Lakes" area. But as t was cloudy, those lakes did not look pretty at all. So I did not take any photo. As I rode through Finland from north to south, it has been pretty flat and boring... If the weather was better, I would have ridden to Karelia, where supposed to be realy beautiful with lakes.
As I approched to Helsinki, there weresome blue skies I could see. But the sun hardly came out
The odometer on Esperanza was reaching 80,00km son. She had an engine oil change in Oxford last time, some 8,000km ago (In Bonn, she had 70,000km service but I asked not to change the engine oil as it was just changed less than 2,000km ago). I am planning to ride through Baltic States and Poland. Themn I am not sure whether I am going to Czech, Slovakia and Hungary first or going back to Germany first. I am thinking to do 80,000km service and final check before I am leaving to Asia in Munich. SO it would be a good idea to change the engine oil here in Helsinki, so I reckoned. I went to BMW dealer "Biketeam".
I did not make any reservation but they quickly changed the oil for me. It cost me 110 Euros (75 Euros for oil and a filter, and labour). It wasn't a cheap expense, but keeping Esperanza in the tiptop condition is my priority. I could have changed the oil by myself, but it was easier to ask the garage to do it (as I need to think about where to damp the eused oil etc).
While waiting, I searched for an accomodation in Helsinki. But all hostels with parking space seemed to be booked out. So I asked a staff if he knew a good campsite. He told me to go to "Rasila" camping. It is located in east side of Helsinki.
The campsite cost 19 Euros. It was little expensive, but there were good facilities and wifi available. I would stay here for 2 nights. I washed my dirty clothes and cooked dinner. Tomorrow I wil explore the city of Helsinki.
さて北欧もいよいよ大詰めです。ヘルシンキはどんな街なんでしょうか? 「かもめ食堂」も立ち寄ってみたいと思います(映画見たこと無いんですけど・・・。)
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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