三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 683: 2012年6月10日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
It was raining from the morning, so we stayed at home chatting till the afternoon.
We went out in the afternoon. First we visited Jean-Yves' parent's place. His dad and mum were very friendly! We talked in Spanish, English and little bit of French! Especially Dad was into cars and motorcycles, we talked a lot.
夜はジャン・イヴのお姉さん宅にて夕食。驚いたのは愛猫ライオンの大きいこと!! 本当に猫か?と疑いたくなるくらいに大きいし、犬歯が長い。ガーフィールドかおよねこぶーニャんか。
We had dinner at Jean-Yves's sister's place. I heard about a big cat but she was really big!

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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
It was raining from the morning, so we stayed at home chatting till the afternoon.
We went out in the afternoon. First we visited Jean-Yves' parent's place. His dad and mum were very friendly! We talked in Spanish, English and little bit of French! Especially Dad was into cars and motorcycles, we talked a lot.
夜はジャン・イヴのお姉さん宅にて夕食。驚いたのは愛猫ライオンの大きいこと!! 本当に猫か?と疑いたくなるくらいに大きいし、犬歯が長い。ガーフィールドかおよねこぶーニャんか。
We had dinner at Jean-Yves's sister's place. I heard about a big cat but she was really big!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 682: 2012年6月9日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
Today, there was a final match of French Rugby between Toulouse and Toulon. Which would win? Of cource, Jean-Yves, Estelle and I was supporting Toulouse!
The game would start at 6pm. There was a big screen set up at Capitole, so we got there by 5pm. But there were so many people already. Everyone was very excited and expecting their local team to win the match. But we could not see the screen, so we went to another place to see the game.

We found a screen set up at a rental bycicle station. Everyone was so into the game.

Just at the begining of the match, both teams scored 3 points with a goal. By the half time, both scored 9 points each. It was very close game.
The kicker of the oppenent was Jonny Watkinson. I thought I'd seen him and heard his name somewhere, and I realised that he was a captain of English team. At 2003 Rudby World cup, he scored 100% with his kicks. I did not know he was still playing.
In the second half, they scored 3 points each again and they were still tie. Then Toulouse got 3 points with a goal and got another 3 points with a goal - leading by 6 points! There was no much time left, so I thought Toulouse won the game, but at the last minutes, Toulon charged deep into Tolouse defence. They were almost there to get a Try. If they get a Try - 5points and if they get a conversion - 2 points, so they would win! Toulouse tried their best to defend, but Toulon was charging hard. Until the end, it was very very exciting game.
しかし最後まで地元トゥールーズは守り抜きました! ノーサイドと同時に群集は歓喜を上げて勝利を祝います。いやぁー、よかったよかった。
In the end, Toulouse did not let Toulon pass their defence line! At noside, all the crowds were joyful and congratulated the victory of their team!
After the game, we went to have dinner at a restaurant. I had lamb chop and apple pie. They were pretty good.

If it is not raining, we would go out tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
Today, there was a final match of French Rugby between Toulouse and Toulon. Which would win? Of cource, Jean-Yves, Estelle and I was supporting Toulouse!
The game would start at 6pm. There was a big screen set up at Capitole, so we got there by 5pm. But there were so many people already. Everyone was very excited and expecting their local team to win the match. But we could not see the screen, so we went to another place to see the game.
We found a screen set up at a rental bycicle station. Everyone was so into the game.
Just at the begining of the match, both teams scored 3 points with a goal. By the half time, both scored 9 points each. It was very close game.
The kicker of the oppenent was Jonny Watkinson. I thought I'd seen him and heard his name somewhere, and I realised that he was a captain of English team. At 2003 Rudby World cup, he scored 100% with his kicks. I did not know he was still playing.
In the second half, they scored 3 points each again and they were still tie. Then Toulouse got 3 points with a goal and got another 3 points with a goal - leading by 6 points! There was no much time left, so I thought Toulouse won the game, but at the last minutes, Toulon charged deep into Tolouse defence. They were almost there to get a Try. If they get a Try - 5points and if they get a conversion - 2 points, so they would win! Toulouse tried their best to defend, but Toulon was charging hard. Until the end, it was very very exciting game.
しかし最後まで地元トゥールーズは守り抜きました! ノーサイドと同時に群集は歓喜を上げて勝利を祝います。いやぁー、よかったよかった。
In the end, Toulouse did not let Toulon pass their defence line! At noside, all the crowds were joyful and congratulated the victory of their team!
After the game, we went to have dinner at a restaurant. I had lamb chop and apple pie. They were pretty good.
If it is not raining, we would go out tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 681: 2012年6月8日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
今日は曇り。昨晩遅くまでローマ帝国について色々調べていたので、朝起きたのは11時!! 12時半頃にジャン・イヴが帰って来たので(金曜日は半日出勤だそうです)、出かけました。
It was cloudy today. As I was up till late last night (I was studying about Roman Empire), I woke up at 11am! Jean-Yves ame home around lunch time (he got half day work in friday, nice), we went out for shipping together.
We visited a sport shop and a book shop. Jean-Yves asked me if there was any good Japanese auther writing Japanese history, I recommended him Ryotaro Shiba. We searched for a book by him. There were many titles of Haruki Murakami on he shelves, but we only found "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi" and "The last Shogun" by Ryotaro Shiba. He bought "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi". I hope he would like it.
Then we went a supermarket "Carrefur". It was huge!!

We came home and I finally made an effort to solve my long term question: what are differences between Camambert cheese and Brie cheese. According to Jean-Yves and Estelle, the regions making Camambert and Brie are different and Camambert would - generally - have richer taste. So I had eachi slice of both and compared...
As they said, Camambert had richer taste. The texture was the same. The photo is showing Camambert and Brie on a slice of bread. Could you tell which is which?

Till the evening, I was talking with Jean-Yves about Japanese history and other topics. As he is into Japanese culture, we talked a lot.
エステルが帰ってくるのを待って、街へ繰り出します。ガロンヌ川(La Garonne)の畔のドゥラドゥ地区を訪れます。
We waited till Estelle came home and we went out to Daurade area along River Garonne.

何故かというと、サン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマで出会ったクリスとカリンと再会するためです! 彼らもトゥールーズ在住なんです。
The reason why was because I made an appointment with Kris and Karin (I met them in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile)! They also live in Toulouse.

WIth their friend Remy, we 6 had drinks and talked till late. It's good to catch up with friends!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
今日は曇り。昨晩遅くまでローマ帝国について色々調べていたので、朝起きたのは11時!! 12時半頃にジャン・イヴが帰って来たので(金曜日は半日出勤だそうです)、出かけました。
It was cloudy today. As I was up till late last night (I was studying about Roman Empire), I woke up at 11am! Jean-Yves ame home around lunch time (he got half day work in friday, nice), we went out for shipping together.
We visited a sport shop and a book shop. Jean-Yves asked me if there was any good Japanese auther writing Japanese history, I recommended him Ryotaro Shiba. We searched for a book by him. There were many titles of Haruki Murakami on he shelves, but we only found "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi" and "The last Shogun" by Ryotaro Shiba. He bought "Taikoki - the tale of HIdeyoshi". I hope he would like it.
Then we went a supermarket "Carrefur". It was huge!!
We came home and I finally made an effort to solve my long term question: what are differences between Camambert cheese and Brie cheese. According to Jean-Yves and Estelle, the regions making Camambert and Brie are different and Camambert would - generally - have richer taste. So I had eachi slice of both and compared...
As they said, Camambert had richer taste. The texture was the same. The photo is showing Camambert and Brie on a slice of bread. Could you tell which is which?
Till the evening, I was talking with Jean-Yves about Japanese history and other topics. As he is into Japanese culture, we talked a lot.
エステルが帰ってくるのを待って、街へ繰り出します。ガロンヌ川(La Garonne)の畔のドゥラドゥ地区を訪れます。
We waited till Estelle came home and we went out to Daurade area along River Garonne.
何故かというと、サン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマで出会ったクリスとカリンと再会するためです! 彼らもトゥールーズ在住なんです。
The reason why was because I made an appointment with Kris and Karin (I met them in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile)! They also live in Toulouse.
WIth their friend Remy, we 6 had drinks and talked till late. It's good to catch up with friends!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 680: 2012年6月7日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
I had a slow morning. I made a reasearch on accomodationsin Barcelona and distance beween cities.
I had lunch with Jean-Yves at home as he came back during his lunch break.
I went out to the city of Toulouse around 3pm. Toulouse is famouse for its brick buildings and there are lots of brick buildings. Oh, but the building (Triumph arch?) was not made with bricks.

トゥールーズの街のシンボル「カピトル」。ここまで来て雨が降ってきたので退散!! だから不完全燃焼です。
This is "Capitole" the symbol of Toulouse. But it started to rain, so I headed back home.

広場にHONDAアフリカ・ツインがあったのでパチリ。何故ホンダは新しいアフリカ・ツインを作らないのでしょう?? There was a HONDA XVR750 Africa Twin at he plaza, so I took a photo of oit. I wonder why HONDA is not making new Africa Twin. It would be popular, I reckon.

In the evening, I showed Jean-Yves and Estelle my photos from Latin America and told them those stories there. It was already midnight! I wil go to bed now.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
I had a slow morning. I made a reasearch on accomodationsin Barcelona and distance beween cities.
I had lunch with Jean-Yves at home as he came back during his lunch break.
I went out to the city of Toulouse around 3pm. Toulouse is famouse for its brick buildings and there are lots of brick buildings. Oh, but the building (Triumph arch?) was not made with bricks.
トゥールーズの街のシンボル「カピトル」。ここまで来て雨が降ってきたので退散!! だから不完全燃焼です。
This is "Capitole" the symbol of Toulouse. But it started to rain, so I headed back home.
広場にHONDAアフリカ・ツインがあったのでパチリ。何故ホンダは新しいアフリカ・ツインを作らないのでしょう?? There was a HONDA XVR750 Africa Twin at he plaza, so I took a photo of oit. I wonder why HONDA is not making new Africa Twin. It would be popular, I reckon.
In the evening, I showed Jean-Yves and Estelle my photos from Latin America and told them those stories there. It was already midnight! I wil go to bed now.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 679: 2012年6月6日
Aix en Provence to Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
65,814km to 66,233= 419km
I got up at 7:30am this morning. I had 8 hours sleep but I felt really dull. Physical fatigue from yesterday was not gone completely yet.
After letting the tent dry, I left the campground around 9:30am. I rode down to the coast first. By the time when I saw the coastal line, it was completely overcasted. I was hoping it would not rain.
Fortunately, it didn't rain. I could ride in fast pace unlike yesterday. After Montpellier, I entered the moutainous region again. I rode through curves and it was fun!
I made a stop at a Mac's. As there was a free WiFi, having a cuppa I updated my blog (at the Internet connection fee at the campground was so expensive, I could not update the blog last night). Generally I am anti-MacDonald's, but their coffee is not expensive and not too bad. Also often they have a free WiFi, so they are quite traveller friendly. But I would not have a meal there (as their burgers are expensive but aren't good). I have lunch at a sandwitch shop nearby.
I rode down to a plain region and cruised for a while. Just after passing Saint-Chiman, it got mountainous again. I was enjoying riding through curves without any traffic jam! But the scenery was nothing special.
Then I arrived Toulouse around 6pm. I went straignt to the apartment of Jean-Yves. I found a fat (really fat) cat at the parking area.

インターコムを押すと出て来ました。2年ぶりの再会です!! いやぁー、あの頃は「フランスに来たら遊びに来い。」なんて言われて、「行くよ」と答えても実感湧かなかったけど、遂に来ました。有言実行です。
I beeped the intercom and he came out to greet me! It's been more than 2 years!! I met him on a cruise ship (Whale Shark watching tour) in Nigaloo Reef, Western Australia. At that time, he said I could stay at his place when I come to France and I said I would visit him, and now it was actualised! I kept my words!!
For the episode of how we met, please click here (written in Japanese only though...).
We talked a lot. After while, his girl friend Estelle came home. I met her on the cruise ship too.
I had a quiche, french cheeses and salad for dinner. As expected, French cheeses are excellent.
I would have a realaxing day tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Aix en Provence to Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
65,814km to 66,233= 419km
I got up at 7:30am this morning. I had 8 hours sleep but I felt really dull. Physical fatigue from yesterday was not gone completely yet.
After letting the tent dry, I left the campground around 9:30am. I rode down to the coast first. By the time when I saw the coastal line, it was completely overcasted. I was hoping it would not rain.
Fortunately, it didn't rain. I could ride in fast pace unlike yesterday. After Montpellier, I entered the moutainous region again. I rode through curves and it was fun!
I made a stop at a Mac's. As there was a free WiFi, having a cuppa I updated my blog (at the Internet connection fee at the campground was so expensive, I could not update the blog last night). Generally I am anti-MacDonald's, but their coffee is not expensive and not too bad. Also often they have a free WiFi, so they are quite traveller friendly. But I would not have a meal there (as their burgers are expensive but aren't good). I have lunch at a sandwitch shop nearby.
I rode down to a plain region and cruised for a while. Just after passing Saint-Chiman, it got mountainous again. I was enjoying riding through curves without any traffic jam! But the scenery was nothing special.
Then I arrived Toulouse around 6pm. I went straignt to the apartment of Jean-Yves. I found a fat (really fat) cat at the parking area.
インターコムを押すと出て来ました。2年ぶりの再会です!! いやぁー、あの頃は「フランスに来たら遊びに来い。」なんて言われて、「行くよ」と答えても実感湧かなかったけど、遂に来ました。有言実行です。
I beeped the intercom and he came out to greet me! It's been more than 2 years!! I met him on a cruise ship (Whale Shark watching tour) in Nigaloo Reef, Western Australia. At that time, he said I could stay at his place when I come to France and I said I would visit him, and now it was actualised! I kept my words!!
For the episode of how we met, please click here (written in Japanese only though...).
We talked a lot. After while, his girl friend Estelle came home. I met her on the cruise ship too.
I had a quiche, french cheeses and salad for dinner. As expected, French cheeses are excellent.
I would have a realaxing day tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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