三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Genova - Italy to Aix en Provence - France (Camping Chantecler)
65,399km to 65,814km = 415km
I got up at 6:30am and left the hostel just after 7:30am. I was aiming to get to Cannes or Aix-en-Provence today.
I rode throgh the coast of Nortwest Italy. The scenery was like this. Isn'T it noce!? But, but, it was really painful riding through he route
Why? Because there were constant traffic jams! There were many towns along the coast, and there were buses on the way, but there was no exptra space for bus stops, so once the buses stopped, all the traffic stopped. Also there were many roundabout, that made the traffic stucked.
I knew it would take long time to ride through without using a motorway, but I did not expect this much of traffics.
But at a petrol station, a gentleman gave me a spray can of helmet visor cleaner. Nice. Some Italians are really nice and freindly (not all).
そして、26カ国目フランスに入国!! もう1時です。5時間以上走ってまだ170キロくらいしか走ってなかったんですね。
Then I entered the 26th country, France! It was already 1pm. I'd been riding for more than 5 hours but just did 170km or so....
I French side, the sea became more blue and emerald green. It was really beautiful. I found a bakery and bought a sandwitch for lunch. I had it at the see side. Awesome!!
Then I came to Monaco - the 27th country on this trip. Monaco is famous for F1 Monte Carlo Grand-Prix. I rode through the famous tunnel! THe view of the harbour was beautiful, but I could not find any empty parking space...
After going around the city many times, finally I found a parking space where I could see a nice look of the harbour.
The harbour was beautiful .
考えてみたらここはスタート地点から坂を駆け上がったところではないですか!! UBSの広告の横断幕が貼ってあります。その先にはタグ・ホイヤーやピレリの宣伝もありましたので、グランプリの準備中なのかな?
I realised that it was the slope of F1 race track. There was a banner of UBS, and down there there were banner of Tag Heuer and Pirreri, so I thought they were preparing for the F1 Monte Carlo Grand-Prix.
Actually I wanted to ride through the chicane or othre parts of F1 circuit, but I did not know where and I was getting tired of the traffic, so I moved on.
I headed to a campground in Cannes. In French side, there were lots of roundabout, so I could not make much progress. I thought some of roundabouts should be replaced with traffic lights to make smoother traffic flow.
I got to Cannes after 4pm. As the sun was still high, I decided to keep going to make tomorrow easier.
After Cannes, there were less runabouts and I could ride in faster pace. From the coast to the mountains I rode through curves. It was fun! But when I came to some runabouts, I got stucked again...
なんだかんだで7時過ぎにエクス・アン・プロヴァンス(Aix em Provence)に到着。疲れたぁ!! 11時間以上走行していたってことですか!? こりゃ疲れるわけだ。
Finally after 7pm, I arrived Aix-en-Provence. I was so exhausted. I was riding for 11 hours or more!! No wonder I was so tired.
After I pitched the tent at a campground, I went to buy some foods for dinner. But the nearest supermarket was already closed, so I walked to nother one. But on the way, I found am Asian take away stand, so I bought stir fried noodle for 3.50 Euros. According to the lady, there are many Japanese residents in the centre of Aix and there are many Sushi restaurants. I did not guess that so many Japanese living there.
Tomorrow I will head to Toulouse where I am expecting to catch up with Jean-Yves I met in Ningaloo reef, Western Australia. It's been more than 2 years since I saw him last!
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Genova (Youth Hostel Genova)
It was raining and heavy fog this morning. So I stayed at the hostel and updated my blog and made a few research about Cote d'Azur of France where I am heading next.
It stopped raining around 10am, so I went out to the city.I walked own the hills. I could see the city just there but the slopes were bended so many times, so I could not get there soon.
Finally I got down to the city. Genova was know as "the king of the sea" in medieval times. There was a sailing ship in the harbour.
帆船の全部に取り付けてある幸運の女神、ではなくトリトンと息子か?? ちょっとバカっぽい顔が素敵。
The statue of good fortune in front of the ship. Usually it would be a godess but it was Triton and his son?? I liked his face a lot.
Then I went to the old town of Genova.
In those allies, there were many prostitutes standing. But they were all "not young" and not pretty...
it rained hard while Iwas walig in the old town. So I escaped to a bank and stayed there for a while.
After the rain eased, I continued walking around.
San Lorenzo Cathdoral.
A fountain in Piazza di Ferrari.
I supposed it was a part of city wall. Finally I could see a blue sky.
Then this is the house of Christopher Columbus. He was born here in Genova.
I had lunch at an eatery crowded with locals. It was self service type and cost 10 Euros. But it wasnt that good. I was so disappointed...
I had a look of the harbour again and headed back to the hostel efore I got tired.
In the afternoon, it was sunny all the way. I should have been out in the afternoon instead...
Tomorrow I will ride along Cote d'Azur of France. I am thinking how far I should ride. Till Cannes or further, I will decide tomorrow.
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Pompei Scavi to Genova (Youth Hostel Genova)
64,691km to 65,399km = 708km
It's a fine day, I will have a big ride!!
I left the campground at 8:30am and went to a motorway. I headed to the direction of Napoli (2 Euros).
After passing Napoli, I rode on the motorway for a while, then I saw a ticket booth. I wanted to find out the price to Genova, but there was no any staff around. So I was riding on the motorwa without knowing the toll fee!!
いつものように下の道を走ればいいのですが、GPSとGoogle Mapで調べたところ、下の道で行くと12時間以上かかるので、高速道路を使うことに決めたのです。
I could go on the normal untolled highway. However, whenI checked with the GPS and Gogle Map, it would take more than 12 hours, so I decided to use the motorway.
I did not need to get to Genova today, but I don't have much time (I want to get to UK by the begining of July) and I want to stay somewhere under a roof for 2 nights and have a good rest. That's why I wanted to get to as far as Genova.
I was cruising at 90-100km/h. WIth this valocity, I have a good fuel economy and it'S easy on the tyres.
I passed Rome, Fireze and just before Bologna I turned to Northwest to the direction of Pisa. Yes Pisa of the leaning tower.
I thought about visiting the leaning tower, but I did not as it would cost a lot and I asn't that interested in.
After passing Pisa, it got very mountainous. There were tunnels after tunnels. The short ones were around 200m long and the long ones were around 2km long. Just after I came out of a tunnel, another one came, so I was busy to wear the sunnies and taking them off all the time. If I took local roads, it would take long time to go through this area.
5時半頃にようやくジェノヴァに到着。高速料金はなんと50.80ユーロ!!! バイクも車も同じ値段とは・・・。半額くらいを予想してたんだけどなぁ。「母をたずねて三千里」じゃなくて「ジェノヴァをたずねて50.80ユーロ」です。
Around 5:30pm,I got to Genova. The tol fee was 50.80 Euros!! I was expecting half of the price. But they charge the same fee for a motorcycle and a car.....
Then I had to climb up hill to the hostel. Genova is a port city but as the moutains are just in front of the bay, the city is expanded to the mountains.
I got to the hostel jus before 6pm. Te view of Genova from the terrace was magnificent!
I updated 2 diaries on the blog and went to bed early. I will explore the city of Genova tomorrow but not too much!
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ポンペイのキャンプ場のネット使用料が1日5ユーロと高かったので2日間日記をアップしてませんでした! ただいまアップしましたのでご覧下さい!!
Now I updated 2 diaries. Please have a look!
Day 675: 2012年6月2日
Pompei Scavi (Camping Pompei)
I got up at 6:30am. As the gate of the ruins of Pompei would be open at 8:30am, I went there just after 7:30am to avoid the long queue. The lady at the ticket office told me usually there would be a long queue in the morning. I was the first one to get there. But there were only a few people waiting before the gate opened...
そして8時半にゲートが開くとともに遺跡へ!! おーーーー、まだ誰もいないポンペイ。遺跡、って感じですねぇ。ヒツジもご満悦。
As soon as the gate was opened at 8:30am, I rshed into the site. None was there at the site yet. I felt like I owned the site! Very exceptional feeling! Mr. Sheep was very happy too!
I could see Volcano Vesuvius in a distance, which terminated the life of this city Pompei.
これはなんだかわかりますか?? ここは売春宿なんです。「こんな体位も出来ますよ」っていう見本みたいです。
Would you recognise what it was? Here was a brothel. The paintings were the examples of postures the clients could do...
これがコトの行われていたベッド。石製です…。堅くて痛そう、と思いますよね?? ちゃんとマットレスが上に置かれていたそうです。
This was one of the beds used. It was made with stones. It would be rough. But do not worry, a soft matress was put on top of it.
As the volcanic erupton was too sudden and the city was burried under volcanic ashes, so many people were trupped. During the exavation, people realised that there were many cavities and often they found human remains. So they put liquid plaster into the cavaty left in the bed of ashes...
As plaster solidified, it produced the body shape of a victim...It was made because of the gradual decomposition of the victim's body.
In this house, there were a mosaic art which everyone must see once a photo of it .
It was "The battle of Alexander the Great". If my memory serves my correctly, it was the scene from the battle of Issus 333BC that Alezander the Great defeated Persian king Darius III.
But it was a reprice. The real one was in National Archeological Museum of Napoli.
轍が出来ているのがわかりますか? 数世紀もの使用で石の舗装が車輪でえぐられてしまったんですね。最盛期には人口10万人もいたポンペイの街。さぞかしに賑やかで物々運搬も多かったのでしょう。
Could you see there were rut? As it was used for centuries, the stone pavement was wearn out. There were 100,000 habitants in ancient Pompei. So it was very busy city and lots of goods needed to be transported.
There were bakeries too. The photo shows mills making wheat flour.
Then they made doughs and bake them in the oven. Just the same as today.
I found a sign like "this". Nothing has changed over 2,000 years.
A view of Pompei from the hill top.
This half circled theatre would be one of the best conditioned. It looked like we could use it now.
Some places had wall paintings with vivid colours still remaining.
Then I went to the great oval stadium.
Entring through the gate...
The ancient excitement came to live!
Then venus out of the scallop.
In the end, I saw Vesuvius, I finished exploring Pompei!!
There were much more too see, but I could not write everything here. I spent really 4 hours! I really had a great time, but at the same time I was exhausted. I've been busy travelling and sightseeing now a days, so I need to have some rests now.
On the ay back to the campground, I went to a supermarket and I made sandwithces for lunch.
Then I went to the city of Naples. The downtown of Naples was very chaotic! There was street market on and it reminded me of Mexico. Drivers beeped often too. Here is so much like Latin America. In fact here is a latin country too.
I visited National Museum of Archeology. The bust of Emperor Caracalla. Yes, he was the one made the gigantic thermal bath facilities in Rome.
The statue of young Dionysus and a child (?). They look really happy.
The reason why I came here was to see this one. "The battle of Alexander the Great".
Alexander chasing,
Darius III running away. It was the very dynamic mosaic. I was glad I visited the museum.
There were some mosaic arts really funny like this one.
Also there were something like those!
Isn't it too much exaggeration?
3 stupid guys.
Yeah, baby. Yeah!!
Flying ones too!!
A sheep with an enlarged...
なんだか、ペルーのチムー文化でしたっけ、プレ・インカの文化にもこういうのありましたよね。(写真はチムー文化の出土品 in Peru) こんなところにも南米とお共通点が!??
They remindedme of Chumu culture in Peru. They had similar one too (the photo shown is from Peru). Another similarity between Italy and South America!!??
Half goat god and a female goat...
There were many more and the ancient people and modern people like the same thing!
I really wondered what these guys were thinking. Each had a different face.
What are you thinking, boy?
A slightly boldy man in a sexy posing.
There were many enlarged ones before, so I wonder what the average size of ancient Roman time.
Here is an example. This was the status of Emperor Claudius.
結構小さい!! しかも皮被ってます。
It is quite small!! And it's phimosis.
Generally speaking ancient Greek, Roman and Renaissance sculptures have it as phimosis.
時間は5時前。まだまだ陽はあります。外に出て、ナポリ散策。ヌォーヴォ城(Castel Nuovo)。
It was before 5pm. The sun was still high, so I went out to explore Naples. Castle Nuovo.
そして遠目に卵城(Castel Dell'Ovo)。ここまで来てもう疲れ果てました。
I saw Egg Castle (Castel Dell'Ovo) from a distance. Then I was so exhausted.
I saw Volcano Vesupius once more accross Mediterranian see and went back to the campground.
The last shot from Naples was Augustus Caesar!!
I would like to get to Genova tomorrow. As there would be around 750km to get there, so I would take Motorway.
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Rome to Pompei Scavi (Camping Pompei)
64,416km to 64,691km = 275km
As I wanted to start early, I woke up at 6am. But it was heavily foggy. With heavy fog, I would not be able to dry the tent and laundry, so I went back to sleep.
By 8am, the fog was gone, but the sun came out and hide behind clouds. The tent and the cloths were still dumped. Finally it became sunny after 9am and I could leave at 10:30am.
I headed to Pompei, the south of Napels.
From Rome till near Napels, there was national highway connected, so I could ride farely fast. However, as I went down to south, manner of drivers got worse. Even in northern Italy, comparing to Germany, Austira and Switzerland, driving manner was pretty bad (not stopping at pedestrian crossings, not indicating blinkers etc), but southern Italy was even worse. So many cars cutting in whike slowing down at roundabouts and intersections, overtaking in a solid doule line when incoming trafics were there (the width of the road was pretty wide though). They seemed more inpetient, but they were slow starters at the traffic light. Generally speaking, they were bad drivers.
ナポリ手前で初地中海! でもそんなにキレイじゃないですね。
Just before Naples, I saw Mediterranean sea for the first time! But it wasn't really beautiful.
As I got closer to Naples, there were trashes everywhere on the roadside. It reminded me of peru and Bolivia...
I was bypassing the city of Naples to Pompei, but it was a little hard job. Theststreet was narrow, there were many cars paked a the roadside (but not properly parked!), many drivers cut-in, lots of trashes on the street, the street was unevenly sarfaced. It was the world of "Latin". Yes I felt like I came back to Latin Amrica from Europe. There were many Chinese I could see on the strets of Napoli.
Around 3:30pm, finally I got to the campground in Pompei. It is located just in front of the ruin of Pompei (Pompei Scavi)! But the toilet bowls did not come with the toilet seat... Also there were Arabian style (?) toilets!!
I pitched my tent and I thought I should visit the ruin today, but a lady at the ticket office told me that it would take 4 hours to go through the site, so I decided to visit it tomororw.
径はラージサイズくらいあるのですが、生地が薄いのと具がシンプル(モツェレラ・チーズ、トマトソースとバジルの葉だけ)なので1人で食べ切れます。生地はやわらかく、美味い!! 流石本場のピザです。シンプルだけど美味い!!!
Instead, I caught a train to Naples. At the central station, I got off and went into one of quarters where lots of street markets. I ordered a pizza margherita (2.50 Euros). The pizza maker started to make the pizza base out of the dough after I made the oder. He put tomato sauce, Mozzelera cheese and aleaved of bazil, then he put the pizza into wood-fired oven.
I thought less than 2 mins, it was ready to eat!! It looked like a "large-size", but as the base was thin and toppings were simple, I could eat it all alone. The pizza base was soft and moist. It was very simple was very tasty! I was glad that I came to Naples and had a nice
Back to the campground, I prepared for tomorrow. I wil visit the ruins and going to National Museum of Archelogy in Naples.
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