
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 658: 2012年5月16日

Höchst im Odenwald (Das Haus von Katrin)


It was raining hard fromthe morning. So I decided to stay here one more day.


Sometimes there was sunshine, so I thought a few times I should leave, but soon it rained again until lunch time.


I changed the plan quite a lot. Tomorrow I will go o Fussen via Heidelburg. I will visit Nuremburg and Regensburg when I come back to Germany this autumn.


We all watched "Avater" tonight. I watched it at IMAX Theatre in Sydney, but it was still interesting to watch it. The story line was a typical Hollywood plot but as an entertainment, it was superb.


I hope it will be fine tomorrow (according to the focast, it will be).


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Day 657: 2012年5月15日

Höchst im Odenwald (Das Haus von Katrin)

今日は寒いです。朝は曇り時々雨。なんと今週木曜日はドイツでもスイスでも祝日なのでウベ、フランコ、そしてアンジェなど訪ねようとしていた友達がみんな出かけて留守!なので朝食後カトリンと今後のルート造り。ウベは20日の日曜日に戻ってくると言うので、それまでいろんな所を廻ろう、と。ハイデルベルク(Heidelburg)もいいし、ニュルンベルク(Nürnberg)もいい。そして神聖ローマ帝国の中心地であったレーゲンスブルク(Regensburg)もいい。もちろんフュッセン(Füssen)のノイシュヴァンシュタイン城(Schloss Neuschwanstein)もいいですね。

It was really a cold day. In the morning it was cloudy and raining a bit. I found out that this thursday would be the public holiday in Gemany and Switzerland, so all my friends Uwe, Franco and Antje I was going to visit would be out for their holidays!! So with Katrin, I made a plan where I could visit during their away. Heidelburg sounds good, Nürnberg is also good. Katrin and Roland told me Regensburg, which was teh capital of Holy Roman Empire was worthwhile visiting. Of course, Schloss Neuschwanstein near Füssen I should not miss.

しかし、木曜が祭日なので金曜日も休暇にして4連休を取る人が多いみたいでどこのホステルもいっぱい!! これは予想外でした。で、結局明日はニュルンベルクに先ず行って市内観光。そしてレーゲンスブルクの宿は1泊取れたのでそこで1泊。明後日レーゲンスブルクの市内観光をしてフュッセンで1泊。明々後日ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城を見学、そのままオーストリアのフェルトキルヒ(Feldkirch)という街まで行き2泊、という予定を立てました。フェルトキルヒは小国リヒテンシュタインにもスイスにも近く、なかなかいい場所みたいです。天気が良ければいいのですが。

Howeer, as many people would have long weekend by taking friday off, those hostels were booked out... I did not expect that. So we made plan like this: visiting Nürnberg in the day tomorrow and head to Regensburg for a night to stay (I could make a boking at a hostel). Then the day after, I can explore the city of Rosenburg, then I will head to Füssen to spend a night. Then in the morning, I could visit Schloss Neuschwanstein and I will ride to Feldkirch, Austria. Feldkirch is located near Liechtenstein and Switzerland and it seems to be anice to place. I hope it will be a good weather.


After I made a booking for those hostels, I realised that currently Scholoss Neuschwanstein was under restoration... So its beautiful appearance would be covered... I was very disappointed.

お昼ごはんを食べてしばらくしたら天気が良くなって来ました。3時過ぎにカトリンと車でエアバッハ(Erbach)という近隣の街へ。ここにあるエルバッフ城(Schloss Erbach)を見学に。

After lunch, the weather got better. Katrin took me out to Erbach the nearby town. Here we visited a palace "Schloss Erbach".


Erbach was a nice little town with lots of old houses.


The pattern of wood works were very interesting. Some beams were put diagonally, and that gives characters to those old houses.


The palace was pretty small compared to those palaces I visited in Munich. But the collections of the lords of this palace were impressive! As I could not take any photo inside the palace, there is no photo...

始めは鹿の角とライフルマスケット(銃)のコレクション。エアバッハ伯フランツ1世(1754年 - 1823年)が鹿狩りが好きで、鹿角を集めて飾っています。物凄い数の鹿の角。数千等に一匹左右の形が大きく異なる角を生やすのだそうで、1階に飾ってある全てがそうだそうです。

On ground floor, there were many of antlers placed on the walls. And also there were lots of muskets displayed. The lord Franz I (the princely Counts of Erbach 1754 - 1823) loved hunting and collecting stag antlers especially deformed ones. One in thousands stags grew deformed antlers (those asymmetrical) and those were considered rear pieces. Those displayed on the ground floor were all asymmetrical ones.


On the 1t floor, there were more antlers and muskets. Those antlers were huge ones. According to the guide, stags nowadays would not have such large antlers.


I got bored seeing lot of antlers but then it got more interesting. The next was the collections of Roman artifacts! There were statues, potteries, coins and other artifacts of Roman Empire. The most famous one out of the collection would be the bust of Alexander the Great.


I heard someone said Alexander the Great was Macedonian but not Roman. Yes, that's right, but the statue was the Roman copy of the Greek original. There were 3 copies remaining and this one would be in the best condition. On the ticket of the palace, there was a photo of this statue. I could recognise it was Alexander the Great at the first glance.


There were busts or statues of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius, Trajanus, Hadrianus, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus etc. And Ordenwalt was the territory of Roman Empire, there were some Roman artifacts recovered in this region displayed. Unlike the antlers of stags, this collection was pretty good.


Then back to the ground floor, there was a collection of armors, helmets, spears and swords of medieval knights. I had never seen so many of those at once before.


The tour started at 4pm and ended at 5:20pm. The cost was 5 Euros. I thought it was worth seeing those colletions.


Then we walked around the town. I like the atmosphere of German rural towns.


Then we visited another town Michelstadt. There were many old houses too. The old town hall "Rathaus" was one of the oldest wooden constructed building in Germany. It was built in 1494. The basement of Rathaus was in arcade style, which made this building really unique.



Then Diebsturm (The tower of thieves). I don't know why it is called "The tower of theives" but it was a part of the old city wall. Old buildings have some "flavour" or "taste" in them. I wonder why the modern buildings cannot have those.



Then "Elepahts house". There were lots of elephants on the wall. Currently it is vacant, so is anyone interested to rent the place?


Back home, I watched a movie "Rango" with Katrin. "Controlling water will control everything", which really apply to the current world. Soon we will have shotage of water worldwide and someone will obtain enomous power by controlling water souces. It was after 10pm when we finished the movie. As I am planning toleave early tomorrow, I will go to bet early.


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Day 656: 2012年5月14日

Höchst im Odenwald (Das Haus von Katrin)


It was a fine day but cold... I had a relaxed morning. There was a maple tree outside and it was beautiful.


The view from teh garden. It's a really nice house in the nice environment.


There was a small snake in the garden.


As I could not connected to Internet last night, I updated my blog and contacting my friends whom I was going to visit soon.


Then Katrin took me to a fortress nearby the town. It was built in 12th century. It was restored in recent year, so it was in a good shape.


There were many battlements on the wall.


And there was a cannon.


There was a Youth Hostel inside the fortress!! A dorm bet a night cost 23 Euros including breakfast. But only member of Youth Hostel International can stay there. And it was prohibited to have ice cream inside the hostel.


At the top of the tower, we could see the entire town of Höchst im Odenwald.


Katrin told me that a factory of Pirreri - tyre manufacturer - located here! Metzeler tyres Esperanza wearing might be made here too (Metzeler is under Pirreri).


We went back to the house once and had lunch, then her dad and mum were going to Darmstadt, so they gave me a lift there.


Katrin showed me around the town. First, we started from Mathilda Hill. "Mathildenhoehe-hochzeitsturm".


後でカトリンと調べたらロシア皇帝ニコライ2世(当時皇太子)とアリックスヘッセン大公女(Alix von Hessen)が1894年に結婚。その時ニコライ皇太子がこの地を訪れロシア正教会を建てたそうです。アリックスは後のアレクサンドラ・フョードロヴナ (ニコライ2世皇后)。そうですあの有名なアナスタシア妃のお母さんなんです。


There was a Russian Orthodox Church on the hill too (Katrin did not knowwhy it was there either). Katin and I checked it up later and found out that Rrand Duchess of Hesse, Alix von Hessen married to Tsarevich of Russia, Nicholas (later Tsar Nichoas II) in 1894. Then when Nicholas visited here, he built the Russian Orthodox Church. 

I did not know about that at all when I visited the church, but thinking about the later fate of the couple, I found the church really interesting.


Then we visited  palace.


This was a ruin of a church destroyed by air raids during WWII. The majority of the town of Darmstadt was demolished by the air raids but it was rebuilt beautifully after the war. However, to memorise the pain of the war, the church was left unrestored.

そしてオーストリア出身の奇抜な建築家フリーデンスライヒ・フンデルトヴァッサー(Friedensreich  Hundertwasser)が造ったマンション「ヴァルトシュピラーレ」。

Then we visisted an apartment block designed by the famous Austrian architect Friedensreich  Hundertwasser.


From outside, it looked really extraordinary, but I wonder how the inside would be. Would it be comfortable to live??


After we got home and had dinner, Katrin took me to the local festival. But there weren't much people out there...


But of course, people havig sausages and beers!!


We walked around the town for a while. There were some house like this, which really fit the image of "European rural town" that the most ofJapanese would have.



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Day 655: 2012年5月13日

Munich to Höchst im Odenwald (La Casa de Katrin)
62,031km to 62.407km = 376km


It's my dad'sbirthday today. Congratulations!


Mr. Sheep, Sankaku and Laura's sheep. Mr. Sheep said it's hard to say good-bye...


今朝は曇りで寒いですが、バイクで移動するには丁度いい気候。朝は軽くパンを抓んでイナと歓談。そして荷物をエスペランサに積みます。カリさんにいただいたOrtliebのRack Packを後部座席と荷台に縦に置き、RocStrapで括り付けます。これで荷物の積み降ろし、そして持ち運びが大分楽になります。

This morning it was cloudy and cold but it would be a nice day to ride a motorcycle. I had some breads for breakfast and chat with Ina. Then I loaded up luggages on Esperanza. I put the Ortlieb Rack Pack given by Kari on the pillion seat and the rear rack and secured it with the Rok Straps. With these, it is much easier to load, unload  and carrying the luggage.


Laura came to visit me around 11:30am then I had Munich famous "White Sausage" breakfast. It was served with sweet mastered. Traditionally it must be consumed before noon and would be served in pair. As it was white, I thought it was made with pork, but Ina told me it was made from veal. The texture was pretty similar to Japanese Hanpen or Chikuwa (both of them are fish cakes), or kinda in between them. It tastes more like those fish cakes rather than meat sausages.


While having white sausages, the weather got better and better and it was little hot staying at the balcony.


Until around 1:30pm, I was chatting with Laura and Ina. It was hard to leave, but I must move on. I stayed there for more than 2 weeks. Ina was very friendly and very kind. As Laura's mum, she was very intellegent and I really enjoyed talking to her.

Lura was busy with her uni works and tutoring works, but with her boy friend Dirk, she helped me around a lot. It was really nice to catch up with her. Thank you guys so so much! Danke!!
Anyway, I am planning to come back to Munich by the late September or the early October (for Octoberfest!), so I will se them again soon.

"See you in Autumn!", then I left there.


I bypassed the city of Munich and passed by the Succor stadium, then went on the route 9. I followed the signs to Nurnburg and Berlin. I was cruising at 100-110km/h and many cars were passing me by so fast! As there were 3-4 lanes on the highway, it was not scary or anything.


It got really cold while riding. As it was partially coudy, it did not have enough sun to heat up the air. So I made a short stop at a rest area to wear the inner jacket. Then I rode acorss a bridge over "Donau" river. As I learnt this name "Donau" in the history class and the geography class when I was a kid, I had kinda special feeling when I crossed the bridge seeing the actual river.

ニュルンベルクを越えた辺りで給油。そして3号線に入りフランクフルト・アム・マイン(Frankfurt am Main)方面へ。あとでカトリンに聞いたんですけど「アム・マイン(am Main)」ってどういう意味なんだろう?って思いながら走ってたんです。で、マイン(Main)川を越えたので、マイン川に関係あるんだろう、ってのは判ったんですけどね。

I made another short stop just after Nurnburg for refueling. Then I turned into the route 3, heading to Frankfurt am Main. I was wondering what "am Main" means. Later on I asked Katrin and found out.

正解は「フランクフルト」という地名はドイツに2つあって、1つは世界的に有名な「フランクフルト」これが「アム・マイン」です。もう一つはベルリンの近くにある「フランクフルト」。こちらはフランクフルト・アン・デア・オーダー(Frankfurt an der Oder)。「アム=am」は畔という意味なので、「フランクフルト・アム・マイン」とは「マイン川畔のフランクフルト」という意味になります。

Katrin told me that "am Main" means "beside Main river".  As there is another Frankfurt near Berlin, which is called "Frankfurt an der Oder", Frankfurt, the famous one in the middle of Germany is called "am Main" o distiingush from another one. 


90km or so before Frankfurt am Main, I got off from the route 3 and rode on the local road. There were some bends on the road I could enjoy riding through and the pastral scenary pleased my eyes. I went through some sall towns on the way, I got to the town of Höchst im Odenwald where Katrin lives after 6:30pm. She was hitchhiking in South America and did not have much money, but her place looked pretty good. It's been more than a month and half since we saw last time in Sao Paulo.


Her dad Roland came out and helped me to park Esperanza in the garage. There were her sister and nephew too, so we had dinner together. Some smoked salmon, 2 kinds of salames, various cheese and various breads.


After dinner, her sis and nephew went back their home in Darmstadt. Then with Katrin, her dad and mum, I played "Rummy". It was the first time for me to play the game, and it required lots of thinking, so I was a bit confused for a few games. But I found it really interesting. In the end, her mum won 3 games, her dad won 1 game, Katrin won 1 game, and I did not win any game... Next time, I will do better!!


Just like this, the day had gone. 


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Day 654: 2012年5月12日

Munich (La Casa de Laura)


It was raining this morning, unlike yesterday... As I had plan with Ina to visit "Japanese Tea Ceremoney" at the Japanese Tea House in English Garden in the afternoon, so we had a relaxed morning.


Even in the afternoon, the rain did not stop completely. It came and went time to time. We went out to the city and looked around the outdoor shop "Globetrotters". Seeing those products, it made me want to buy them. It would be nice to have those outdoor equipments and goods, but I could do without them anyway. "Travelling light" is the principle of adventure riding.


When we got to the Japanese Tea House "Kanshoan" in English Garden, there were some people waiting for the ceremoney. At "Kanshoan" one weekend of each month, open tea ceremoney are held. There are several sessions a day: 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. We attended 3pm sesssion.


Then we were invited into the tea house


A lady performing a "guest" came into the tea house. The way she moved was according to the manner. It is almost like "Kata" - the pattern to follow. 


Then the host came into the house.


He served a "sweet" to the guest, then he started to make a cup of tea.


The movement of the host was really beautiful - so calm, quiet and slow. That would be the traditional Japanese way. We - Japanese - are forgetting this state of "tranquility" of mind in busy daily life...


After the guest had a cup of tea, they talked about those tea utensils (who made them, what and where they were made from etc).


I was glad to show Ina something Japan at the final day of my stay in Munich.


But actually I do not like the set style of "Sadou" = the way of tea ceremoney after Sen Rikyu as there are to many rules and set forms, movements etc. THe basic of the art of tea would be how a host make a guest to have a good time with his/her artistic sense. The form is not really important, Of course, the movement and forms of making tea, and creating an environment and atmosphere by the host do influence the guest's perception, so it would be good to have some set rules, forms and movement. 


This is the words regarding culinary spirit by Masamune Date, the lord of Sendai during the late 16th century to the early 17th century - "A good feast is the host acquires those seasonal tastes, cooks by him herself and provide it to the guset." The spirit of the art of tea should be the same. If we have too many rules, set forms and movements, we might lose the spirit of hosting itself.  


Traditinal Japanese life style, especially after Edo period, it was really tranquil and slow paced. In other words, Japanese used to have a "slow lifestyle", But in modern day Japan, we have the totaly opposite lifestyle, really busy and hurry. As the basic of our culture was "slow" and we are having "fast" paced lifestyle, the majority of Japanese, in my opinion, are having difficulty to actualise inner peace.

どうにか、スローライフと現代社会をバランスよく調和できないものですかね? そこに消費文明が終わりかけている今、これからの新しい文明、人類の生き方の鍵があるのではないか、とワシは考えています。

Could we find a balance between the slow lifesyle of traditional Japan and modern life? As culent way of living "Consumptionism" is ending now, in my opinion, the key for a new way of living would lie in the traditional Japanese way of living. If we could come up to the god mixture and find a balance, probably it is the way to go. 


In overseas, Asian, especially Japanese traditions and culture are gaining popularity, such as Zen, Philosophy, Martial Arts, Medicines, and cuisines, those who are really into them know better than Japanese themselves.  


I think Japanese need to understand our culture better and employ those traditions back to our daily lives, then we could live richer in mind.


WHen we were back home, Laura was there and we chat for a while.


In the evening, there was a TV programme about Ninja, so I watched it with Ina. It was in German but it seemed like it was originally the American programme, so Ninja was a little too exaggerated.


So the day was full of "Japan"! Tomorrow I will have Munich famous "white sausage" breakfast with Ina and Laua, and then around lunch time will head to the town of Höchst near Frankfurt where Katrin lives.


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