三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 648: 2012年5月6日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It was a rainy day, unfortunately... From yesterday, the weather did not look very well, but it's raining today. Ina and I was having coffee in the morning and had a slow and relaxed morning. Then we went out to te city after 11am, to catch up with Laura. Derek could not join us as he was out till early in the morning (there was a final of succor league last night and his favorite team won the match!). So we 3 took a tram to Olympic Park west, where the Middle Ages Market held.
The Middle Ages Market?? What is it about, I wondered too. I was looking forward seeing what kind stuffs they would be selling.
会場に着くと、早速中世の服に身を包んだ人たちが! 出店している人たちは、本気です。中世の方法で作ったものが売られています。
At the park, there were people in the medieval period costumes!! Those opening the stands were very into the Middle Ages. They were selling goods made with the medieval techniques.

Bows and arrows,

And of course, beers!!

Traditioanl foods,

Traditioanl breads. They were not backed in an ovel, rather they were skewered and backed (?) in the grill.

Laura and a skewered bread.

People dressed in fur and bbqing the meats.

Armers, shields, and swords.

台湾の臭豆腐と同じ臭いが漂ってきた、と思ったら、チーズを溶かしてパンに塗って売ってました。「Schweizer Kasschmelzerey」とは「スイスチーズ溶かし屋」って言う意味です。この臭いんですがなんとも言えない臭いがたまりませんね。1つ4ユーロですが買ってみました。チーズが熟成されていて美味い!! こういう醗酵系の食べ物が大好きです。
Then I smelt something like "Stinky Tofu" - the Taiwanese favorite fermented tofu. But it was smell of melting swiss cheese!! "Schweizer Kasschemezery" means "Swiss Cheese Melter". The smell was kinda bad, but I could not resist to buy one. The cheese was very matured and full of flavour. I love those fermented foods.

Bowguns and swords were sold too. I saw on TV once or twice about those "Middle Ages" clubs in Europe. They wear armers and have a battles in a field occasionally. I would love to join those battles. One of my dream is to do "Battle of Sekigahara". It would be really hard to assemble army, so each one contributes would be a war lord, earing an armer and putting a flag, then all would gather in "Sekigahara". Battle of Sekigahara in 1600AD was the east againt the west and it was the biggest battle in Japanese history (more than 70,000 against more than 80,000). If you are interested in the battle, please check this out."Battle of Sekigahara"

Some were practicing swords. It was interesting to see.

It was a bad weather day, but as there were less people around, so we could see around in our pace. So it was good after all. But if we stayed there too long, we would be wet and get cold, so we went home around 3pm.
Back home, having coffee and tea, we had a few chat. Then Laura went back to her apartment. I had a nap.
I need to stay up till early in the morning as I was invited to be on live (Skype) for a presentation my friends Kimi and Takuya will be doing at a primary school.
I would like to tell those kids how wonderful to travel overseas and the importance of learning different cultures and meeting people.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It was a rainy day, unfortunately... From yesterday, the weather did not look very well, but it's raining today. Ina and I was having coffee in the morning and had a slow and relaxed morning. Then we went out to te city after 11am, to catch up with Laura. Derek could not join us as he was out till early in the morning (there was a final of succor league last night and his favorite team won the match!). So we 3 took a tram to Olympic Park west, where the Middle Ages Market held.
The Middle Ages Market?? What is it about, I wondered too. I was looking forward seeing what kind stuffs they would be selling.
会場に着くと、早速中世の服に身を包んだ人たちが! 出店している人たちは、本気です。中世の方法で作ったものが売られています。
At the park, there were people in the medieval period costumes!! Those opening the stands were very into the Middle Ages. They were selling goods made with the medieval techniques.
Bows and arrows,
And of course, beers!!
Traditioanl foods,
Traditioanl breads. They were not backed in an ovel, rather they were skewered and backed (?) in the grill.
Laura and a skewered bread.
People dressed in fur and bbqing the meats.
Armers, shields, and swords.
台湾の臭豆腐と同じ臭いが漂ってきた、と思ったら、チーズを溶かしてパンに塗って売ってました。「Schweizer Kasschmelzerey」とは「スイスチーズ溶かし屋」って言う意味です。この臭いんですがなんとも言えない臭いがたまりませんね。1つ4ユーロですが買ってみました。チーズが熟成されていて美味い!! こういう醗酵系の食べ物が大好きです。
Then I smelt something like "Stinky Tofu" - the Taiwanese favorite fermented tofu. But it was smell of melting swiss cheese!! "Schweizer Kasschemezery" means "Swiss Cheese Melter". The smell was kinda bad, but I could not resist to buy one. The cheese was very matured and full of flavour. I love those fermented foods.
Bowguns and swords were sold too. I saw on TV once or twice about those "Middle Ages" clubs in Europe. They wear armers and have a battles in a field occasionally. I would love to join those battles. One of my dream is to do "Battle of Sekigahara". It would be really hard to assemble army, so each one contributes would be a war lord, earing an armer and putting a flag, then all would gather in "Sekigahara". Battle of Sekigahara in 1600AD was the east againt the west and it was the biggest battle in Japanese history (more than 70,000 against more than 80,000). If you are interested in the battle, please check this out."Battle of Sekigahara"
Some were practicing swords. It was interesting to see.
It was a bad weather day, but as there were less people around, so we could see around in our pace. So it was good after all. But if we stayed there too long, we would be wet and get cold, so we went home around 3pm.
Back home, having coffee and tea, we had a few chat. Then Laura went back to her apartment. I had a nap.
I need to stay up till early in the morning as I was invited to be on live (Skype) for a presentation my friends Kimi and Takuya will be doing at a primary school.
I would like to tell those kids how wonderful to travel overseas and the importance of learning different cultures and meeting people.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 647: 2012年5月5日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It's saturday, but the weather wasn't good from the morning. Ina took me to the city and Laura joined us to have a look around the flea market.

Basically, in this flea market, those residents are selling their stuffs in front of their houses/apartments. So it has very local atmosphere. They can talk to neighbours, people from outside of their neighbourhood, and those tourists. It's a good opportunity to socialise. I wish those cities and towns of Japan can host flea markets like this.

Laura had to leave us around 1pm as she had to go for a tutoring a kid. With Ina, I walked around the city, visited Munich's famous open air fresh food market.

A stand selling Austrian hams and salames.

Many kinds of vegetables and fruits were sold in many stands.

We contunued walking in the city. It was overcasted, but still the city looked beautiful.

There was a memorial for Michael Jackson in front of a hotel where he used to stay everytine when he visited Munich. His fans dedicate flowers, candles, and photos there.

ローランド・デ・ラトーレ(Roland de Lattre)という人物の銅像の下がマイケル・ジャクソンのメモリアルになってしまってます。ちょっと可哀想。
Actually, his memorial is occupying the basement of the statue of Roland de Lattre. I don't know who he is, but I felt little sorry for him...

そしてルートヴィヒ・マキシミリアンス大学(Ludwig Maximilians Universitat)へ。バイエルン王ルートヴィヒ1世が建てた大学で、大理石を使った豪奢な校舎です。
Then we visited the Universtiy of Ludwig Maximilians, built by Bavarian King Ludwig I. Lots omarbles were used to construct the building.

Here a photo gallery of Sun Yat-Sen, the father of modern China was held. So we went to have a look. He had a strong connection with Japan.
Outside of the university, on the footpath, there were some tiles made like leaflets. They were those leaflets handed out by those students against Nazi'S regime during the WWII. In Germany, they took it seriously to get rid of Nazism.

寒いので家に戻り、イナと歓談。夕食はハンガリー起源のグヤーシュ(Gulash)を。ちょっとスパイスの効いたビーフシチューって感じですか。お米と一緒に。美味い! 考えてみればヨーロッパに来て初めての米です。
As it was really cold outside, we went home early. I had chat with Ina as usual and had Gulash - Hungarian style stewed beef - for dinner. It was served with a boiled rice. The first rice meal I had in Europe. It was very good.
Laura paied a short visit and we talked for a while. Tomorrow we are going to the middle ages market. The middle age market?? I wonder what kind of stuffs will be sold there.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It's saturday, but the weather wasn't good from the morning. Ina took me to the city and Laura joined us to have a look around the flea market.
Basically, in this flea market, those residents are selling their stuffs in front of their houses/apartments. So it has very local atmosphere. They can talk to neighbours, people from outside of their neighbourhood, and those tourists. It's a good opportunity to socialise. I wish those cities and towns of Japan can host flea markets like this.
Laura had to leave us around 1pm as she had to go for a tutoring a kid. With Ina, I walked around the city, visited Munich's famous open air fresh food market.
A stand selling Austrian hams and salames.
Many kinds of vegetables and fruits were sold in many stands.
We contunued walking in the city. It was overcasted, but still the city looked beautiful.
There was a memorial for Michael Jackson in front of a hotel where he used to stay everytine when he visited Munich. His fans dedicate flowers, candles, and photos there.
ローランド・デ・ラトーレ(Roland de Lattre)という人物の銅像の下がマイケル・ジャクソンのメモリアルになってしまってます。ちょっと可哀想。
Actually, his memorial is occupying the basement of the statue of Roland de Lattre. I don't know who he is, but I felt little sorry for him...
そしてルートヴィヒ・マキシミリアンス大学(Ludwig Maximilians Universitat)へ。バイエルン王ルートヴィヒ1世が建てた大学で、大理石を使った豪奢な校舎です。
Then we visited the Universtiy of Ludwig Maximilians, built by Bavarian King Ludwig I. Lots omarbles were used to construct the building.
Here a photo gallery of Sun Yat-Sen, the father of modern China was held. So we went to have a look. He had a strong connection with Japan.
Outside of the university, on the footpath, there were some tiles made like leaflets. They were those leaflets handed out by those students against Nazi'S regime during the WWII. In Germany, they took it seriously to get rid of Nazism.
寒いので家に戻り、イナと歓談。夕食はハンガリー起源のグヤーシュ(Gulash)を。ちょっとスパイスの効いたビーフシチューって感じですか。お米と一緒に。美味い! 考えてみればヨーロッパに来て初めての米です。
As it was really cold outside, we went home early. I had chat with Ina as usual and had Gulash - Hungarian style stewed beef - for dinner. It was served with a boiled rice. The first rice meal I had in Europe. It was very good.
Laura paied a short visit and we talked for a while. Tomorrow we are going to the middle ages market. The middle age market?? I wonder what kind of stuffs will be sold there.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 646: 2012年5月4日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
今日は朝からBMW ヴェルト(Welt=世界)とBMW博物館に行ってきました。Olympiazentrum駅を出ると目の前にBMWヴェルトが。
I went to BMW Welt (World) and BMW Museum from the morning. Once I set out from Olympiazentrum staion, BMW Welt was in front of me.

BMW Welt is actually a show room of new cars, so it is free admission. I was greeted by those BMW cars.

Different models of engines were displayed with their discriptions. Also there were lots of exhibits showing the technologies of BMW. If you like car, engine or technology, you can have a good time there.

もちろんBMWのバイクも展示してます。R1200GS Adventureです。
Of course, BMW Moorcycles were displayed as well. R1200GS Adventure.

BMW bought Swedish motorcycle maker "Husqvarna", so bikes of Husqvarna were also displayed.

展示しているだけではなく、実演販売?? 階段を駆け上がったり、降ったり。その性能を訪問客に遺憾なく発揮。
Not only displaying those motorcycles, a pro-motorcycle rider made a spin on one Husvarna to show the performance of the bike to the visitors. He rode up and down the staircase.

クラシック・バイクも展示されています。R32 1928年製です!! この頃からボクサーエンジンにシャフトドライブとBMWバイクの特徴が確立されています。
A classic motorcycles was displayed too. R32 made in 1928!! It has a boxer twin and a shaft drive, the same style has still been used on modern BMW bikes.

The front is the leaf suspension system!!

I could see the spirit of BMW in Welt. They have fun with their clients and potential clients. It's really nice to have a show room like this where everyone is welcome and can enjoy the world of BMW for free of charge!
One step out from Welt, there were some BMW motorcycles were displayed. There I met Mike and Doris from Netherlands. I told them about my travel with Esperanza, they said "Please visit us when you come to Amsterdam." That's really nice!
歩道橋を渡り、今度はBMW博物館へ。前面にBMW本社「4汽筒ビル(Vier Zylinder)」が見えます。
I walked across a bridge to BMW Museum. There was the BMW headquarter "Four Cylinders (Vier Zylinder)" building in front of me.

If I turn back, there were BMW Welt and Olympic tower.

The entrance fee of BMW Museum was 9 Euros.
There were almost all models of BMW motorcycles and cars ever produced. They were like jems!
1920年から23年にかけて製造されたBMW M2 B15ボクサーエンジン。494ccで6.5馬力!スクーター並みの馬力しかありませんでした。
BMW M2 B15 Boxer twin engine made between 1920 to 23. 494cc and it had 6.5ps only just like an engine of modern 50cc scooter!

BMW R51です。1928年製。
BMW R51, 1928 make.

その他クラシックバイクが多数展示されてます。写真はBMW R68.
There were other classic motorcycles displayed. The photo isBMW R68.

BMW R80GS。このバイクがデュアル・パーパス・スポーツを開拓したのです。わがエスペランサのご先祖様。
BMW R80GS. This is the one created "Duel Purpose" motorcycling.

そして星型エンジンBMW 801!! 第二次大戦中のドイツ戦闘機フォッケ・ヴルフ (Focker Wulf)Fw190に搭載された星型夫熾烈復列14汽筒エンジン、41.8リッター、2000馬力です。BMWは飛行機のエンジンメーカーとして第一次大戦中に発足したのです。
Then my favorite airplane engine BMW 801! It was used for Focker Wulf Fw190 fighter. Radial 14 cylinder engine,41.8 litre, 2,000ps.

There was a Formula 1 machine,

And a classic sport car,

Motorcycles used for rally,

This car does not look like a BMW, but it is a BMW...

I might have a plastic model of this racing machine when I was a kid.

そしてBMW イゼッタ(Isetta)。車とバイクの中間的な乗り物。前から乗車するんです。これ欲しいなぁ。
Then BMW Isetta! A vehicle in between acar and a motorcycle. Peopel get in the car fron te front! I want to own one!

Then at the top floor of the museum I met Marcus - a staff of the museum,. He has a Japanese flat mate, so he speaks some Japanese. We talked about my trip and BMW.

I really had a great time in BMW Museum. BMW have been making its products in quality. BMW is a manufacture without any compromise in its product!
Then I walked around Olympic Park. Olympic Tower 290m high stood tall and could be seen everywhere.

Olympic Tower and Four Cylinders.

It was a reall nice day to walk around the park. I could see entire Munich from the top of the hill in the park.

I walked back to the station. It was before 3pm, so I decided to go to English Garden. I got off the subway at Universitat station. Once I step out from the station, it looked like this. Every piece of Munich seems to be beautiful.

As it was a beautiful day, many people were enojoying sun bathing, walking, and cycling in the garden. There were rivers runing through the garden and some people were playing in the water.

There was a Japanese tea house. "Urasenke". One of three "Senke", "Urasenke"'s branch in Munich built his tea house "Kanshoan".

One weekend of a month, there is open tea ceremony held in the tea house. This month it will be on 12th and 13th.
I walked upstream of the river, and the river flows faster there. And there was crowd of people.

なんと川でサーフィンしてます!!! イナから聞いてはいましたが、これは面白い!! 橋の下から川が流れ出てきて、うまい具合に水の「こぶ」をりようして左右に波を乗りこなします。
There were people surfing in the river!!! Ina told me this before, but I was surprised to see in real. Very interesting indeed. The river was rushing out under the bridge, ad there was a "hump" where those surfers station themselves and ride the waves right to left, left to right!

I was so impressed by those surfers. Then I contnued walking to the middle of the city.
The parliament house of Kingdom of Bavaria,

Then Frauenkirche.

I did a lot today!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
今日は朝からBMW ヴェルト(Welt=世界)とBMW博物館に行ってきました。Olympiazentrum駅を出ると目の前にBMWヴェルトが。
I went to BMW Welt (World) and BMW Museum from the morning. Once I set out from Olympiazentrum staion, BMW Welt was in front of me.
BMW Welt is actually a show room of new cars, so it is free admission. I was greeted by those BMW cars.
Different models of engines were displayed with their discriptions. Also there were lots of exhibits showing the technologies of BMW. If you like car, engine or technology, you can have a good time there.
もちろんBMWのバイクも展示してます。R1200GS Adventureです。
Of course, BMW Moorcycles were displayed as well. R1200GS Adventure.
BMW bought Swedish motorcycle maker "Husqvarna", so bikes of Husqvarna were also displayed.
展示しているだけではなく、実演販売?? 階段を駆け上がったり、降ったり。その性能を訪問客に遺憾なく発揮。
Not only displaying those motorcycles, a pro-motorcycle rider made a spin on one Husvarna to show the performance of the bike to the visitors. He rode up and down the staircase.
クラシック・バイクも展示されています。R32 1928年製です!! この頃からボクサーエンジンにシャフトドライブとBMWバイクの特徴が確立されています。
A classic motorcycles was displayed too. R32 made in 1928!! It has a boxer twin and a shaft drive, the same style has still been used on modern BMW bikes.
The front is the leaf suspension system!!
I could see the spirit of BMW in Welt. They have fun with their clients and potential clients. It's really nice to have a show room like this where everyone is welcome and can enjoy the world of BMW for free of charge!
One step out from Welt, there were some BMW motorcycles were displayed. There I met Mike and Doris from Netherlands. I told them about my travel with Esperanza, they said "Please visit us when you come to Amsterdam." That's really nice!
歩道橋を渡り、今度はBMW博物館へ。前面にBMW本社「4汽筒ビル(Vier Zylinder)」が見えます。
I walked across a bridge to BMW Museum. There was the BMW headquarter "Four Cylinders (Vier Zylinder)" building in front of me.
If I turn back, there were BMW Welt and Olympic tower.
The entrance fee of BMW Museum was 9 Euros.
There were almost all models of BMW motorcycles and cars ever produced. They were like jems!
1920年から23年にかけて製造されたBMW M2 B15ボクサーエンジン。494ccで6.5馬力!スクーター並みの馬力しかありませんでした。
BMW M2 B15 Boxer twin engine made between 1920 to 23. 494cc and it had 6.5ps only just like an engine of modern 50cc scooter!
BMW R51です。1928年製。
BMW R51, 1928 make.
その他クラシックバイクが多数展示されてます。写真はBMW R68.
There were other classic motorcycles displayed. The photo isBMW R68.
BMW R80GS。このバイクがデュアル・パーパス・スポーツを開拓したのです。わがエスペランサのご先祖様。
BMW R80GS. This is the one created "Duel Purpose" motorcycling.
そして星型エンジンBMW 801!! 第二次大戦中のドイツ戦闘機フォッケ・ヴルフ (Focker Wulf)Fw190に搭載された星型夫熾烈復列14汽筒エンジン、41.8リッター、2000馬力です。BMWは飛行機のエンジンメーカーとして第一次大戦中に発足したのです。
Then my favorite airplane engine BMW 801! It was used for Focker Wulf Fw190 fighter. Radial 14 cylinder engine,41.8 litre, 2,000ps.
There was a Formula 1 machine,
And a classic sport car,
Motorcycles used for rally,
This car does not look like a BMW, but it is a BMW...
I might have a plastic model of this racing machine when I was a kid.
そしてBMW イゼッタ(Isetta)。車とバイクの中間的な乗り物。前から乗車するんです。これ欲しいなぁ。
Then BMW Isetta! A vehicle in between acar and a motorcycle. Peopel get in the car fron te front! I want to own one!
Then at the top floor of the museum I met Marcus - a staff of the museum,. He has a Japanese flat mate, so he speaks some Japanese. We talked about my trip and BMW.
I really had a great time in BMW Museum. BMW have been making its products in quality. BMW is a manufacture without any compromise in its product!
Then I walked around Olympic Park. Olympic Tower 290m high stood tall and could be seen everywhere.
Olympic Tower and Four Cylinders.
It was a reall nice day to walk around the park. I could see entire Munich from the top of the hill in the park.
I walked back to the station. It was before 3pm, so I decided to go to English Garden. I got off the subway at Universitat station. Once I step out from the station, it looked like this. Every piece of Munich seems to be beautiful.
As it was a beautiful day, many people were enojoying sun bathing, walking, and cycling in the garden. There were rivers runing through the garden and some people were playing in the water.
There was a Japanese tea house. "Urasenke". One of three "Senke", "Urasenke"'s branch in Munich built his tea house "Kanshoan".
One weekend of a month, there is open tea ceremony held in the tea house. This month it will be on 12th and 13th.
I walked upstream of the river, and the river flows faster there. And there was crowd of people.
なんと川でサーフィンしてます!!! イナから聞いてはいましたが、これは面白い!! 橋の下から川が流れ出てきて、うまい具合に水の「こぶ」をりようして左右に波を乗りこなします。
There were people surfing in the river!!! Ina told me this before, but I was surprised to see in real. Very interesting indeed. The river was rushing out under the bridge, ad there was a "hump" where those surfers station themselves and ride the waves right to left, left to right!
I was so impressed by those surfers. Then I contnued walking to the middle of the city.
The parliament house of Kingdom of Bavaria,
Then Frauenkirche.
I did a lot today!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 645: 2012年5月3日
Munich to Augsburg to Munich (La Casa de Laura)
61,865km to 61,942km = 77km
The number 645 reminds me of one famous historical evet in Japan "Taika reformation" in 645. As today is Day 645 of this trip, so I just thought about it. Somehow the day counter on the right had side of te blog showing 647 days passed since I left Japan. I guess I lost count before...
さて、今日はデレックがBMWディーラーに案内してくれます。ミュンヘン市内のディーラーはどこも3-4週間予約でいっぱいなので、ミュンヘンから60キロ以上はなれたアウグスバーグ(Augsburg)にあるディーラー「Motorad Klostermair」まで行きます。メカニックは彼の知り合いで、腕はピカイチとのこと。
Today I was to go to a B<W with Derek. All BMW workshops in Munich were booked out for next 3-4 eeks, so Derek was to take me to a BMW workshop "Motorad Klostermair" in Augsburg - 60km away from Munich. He knows a mechanic there very well and he is an excellent one.
After 9am, Derek came to lead me to the dealer. First he took me to Touratech. In the morning, there were a few traffic jams in the city.

At Touratech, I bought ROK Straps and a Touratech engine crush bar. My Hepco&Becker Engine crush ar is still bent from the crush in Brazil and it is touching the cylinder head. If I drop the bike again on the right side, the engne bar will not give much protection, so I decided to buy a new one. According to Marcus @ Touratech, the Touratech one uses better material than Hepco&Becker and as it is made out of stainless steel, it can be welded. It cost 236.66 Euros. ANother expense, but it might save fortune in the future.
We headed north west on Auobahn.We got to Augsburg after 30mins drive or so. A mechanic checked Esperanza and he reckned the cylinder head needed to be replaced. Also the rear bake pad will e replaced (I carried a spare from Japan). The rear mud guard needed to be fitted to comply with European law. I was carrying the one broken off in Uyuni, Bolivia, but there was a used one in stock, so I took it. The one is in very interesting colour, so I will post a photo when it is fitted on Esperanza.

The service and repair jobs will be done by next friday. I did ot intended to stay in Munich so long, but it is far Esperanza. I will enjoy Mnich more meanwhile.
グローブもかなりボロボロなので新調しました。今まで使っていたのと同じGS Rallye 2 グローブです。75ユーロ。右が6万キロ使用後で左が新品です。
My gloves are now worn out pretty badly. So I bouth a new pair. The same model GS Rallye 2 gloves. 75 Euros. The pair on right is after 60,000km and one on left is new.

帰りはデレックの車で。途中ニンフェンブルク城(Schloss Nymphenburg)に立ち寄ってくれました。ヴィッテルスバッハ家の夏の離宮だったそうです。「妖精の城」との異名が付いているそうです。生憎曇りなのであまり映えませんでしたが、それでもババリア王の豪奢が偲ばれます。
Derek gave me a lift back to Munich. On the way back, he made a short stop at "Schloss Nymphenburg", the summer palace of Bavarian royal family. The nickname is "Fairy Palace". Unfortunately it was cloudy, so it did not look stunning, but still I could see how luxury Bavarian Royal family "Haus Wittelsbach" was.

We had lunch at his place and he showed me a DVD of his trip down to Cape Town on his motorcycle with his friend. Africa seemed very interesting place to ride. I have no plan to ride thrpugh Africa on this journey, but I would love to go on next one.

Back home, I had a nap. Ina served me Hering marinated in cream sauce with boiled potatos. This is also typical Bavarian dish, she said. It was very good indeed. I am really lucky to have such wonderful people around me.
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Munich to Augsburg to Munich (La Casa de Laura)
61,865km to 61,942km = 77km
The number 645 reminds me of one famous historical evet in Japan "Taika reformation" in 645. As today is Day 645 of this trip, so I just thought about it. Somehow the day counter on the right had side of te blog showing 647 days passed since I left Japan. I guess I lost count before...
さて、今日はデレックがBMWディーラーに案内してくれます。ミュンヘン市内のディーラーはどこも3-4週間予約でいっぱいなので、ミュンヘンから60キロ以上はなれたアウグスバーグ(Augsburg)にあるディーラー「Motorad Klostermair」まで行きます。メカニックは彼の知り合いで、腕はピカイチとのこと。
Today I was to go to a B<W with Derek. All BMW workshops in Munich were booked out for next 3-4 eeks, so Derek was to take me to a BMW workshop "Motorad Klostermair" in Augsburg - 60km away from Munich. He knows a mechanic there very well and he is an excellent one.
After 9am, Derek came to lead me to the dealer. First he took me to Touratech. In the morning, there were a few traffic jams in the city.
At Touratech, I bought ROK Straps and a Touratech engine crush bar. My Hepco&Becker Engine crush ar is still bent from the crush in Brazil and it is touching the cylinder head. If I drop the bike again on the right side, the engne bar will not give much protection, so I decided to buy a new one. According to Marcus @ Touratech, the Touratech one uses better material than Hepco&Becker and as it is made out of stainless steel, it can be welded. It cost 236.66 Euros. ANother expense, but it might save fortune in the future.
We headed north west on Auobahn.We got to Augsburg after 30mins drive or so. A mechanic checked Esperanza and he reckned the cylinder head needed to be replaced. Also the rear bake pad will e replaced (I carried a spare from Japan). The rear mud guard needed to be fitted to comply with European law. I was carrying the one broken off in Uyuni, Bolivia, but there was a used one in stock, so I took it. The one is in very interesting colour, so I will post a photo when it is fitted on Esperanza.
The service and repair jobs will be done by next friday. I did ot intended to stay in Munich so long, but it is far Esperanza. I will enjoy Mnich more meanwhile.
グローブもかなりボロボロなので新調しました。今まで使っていたのと同じGS Rallye 2 グローブです。75ユーロ。右が6万キロ使用後で左が新品です。
My gloves are now worn out pretty badly. So I bouth a new pair. The same model GS Rallye 2 gloves. 75 Euros. The pair on right is after 60,000km and one on left is new.
帰りはデレックの車で。途中ニンフェンブルク城(Schloss Nymphenburg)に立ち寄ってくれました。ヴィッテルスバッハ家の夏の離宮だったそうです。「妖精の城」との異名が付いているそうです。生憎曇りなのであまり映えませんでしたが、それでもババリア王の豪奢が偲ばれます。
Derek gave me a lift back to Munich. On the way back, he made a short stop at "Schloss Nymphenburg", the summer palace of Bavarian royal family. The nickname is "Fairy Palace". Unfortunately it was cloudy, so it did not look stunning, but still I could see how luxury Bavarian Royal family "Haus Wittelsbach" was.
We had lunch at his place and he showed me a DVD of his trip down to Cape Town on his motorcycle with his friend. Africa seemed very interesting place to ride. I have no plan to ride thrpugh Africa on this journey, but I would love to go on next one.
Back home, I had a nap. Ina served me Hering marinated in cream sauce with boiled potatos. This is also typical Bavarian dish, she said. It was very good indeed. I am really lucky to have such wonderful people around me.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 644: 2012年5月2日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
The weather in Munich was excellent today. I could have some time to do things in the morning, so I was writing a reply to my friend. As I could not reply to him for more than 2 weeks, I felt guily a bit. But it was a very important e-mail and long one, so I needed to sit there and think how I would reply.
In the process of replying, I needed to read "Happines of a household" written by Osamu Dazai. It's in Japanese but if you are interested, you can read on the web for free (Google translate might not work well, but you can get some idea).「"Happines of a household"」

It passed 1pm when I checked the clock. I was still in the middle of writing the reply, but I went out to the town as it was such a nice day. I cought a train to the central station "Hauptbahbof", then I walked to the royal palace "Residenz". I really enjoyed the scenery of the streets, very beautifully done. A lavish building. I was not sure what was it, but I reckoned it was a hotel.

There was a gate. Here the pedestrian mall starts.

The tower of Fauenkirche Church coud be seen from a distance.

The tower is around 100m tall. Mr. Sheep and the tower.

I felt it was very German to have sich an orderly beauty.

The scenery at a back street was good too.

ミュンヘンはとても美しい街だと思います。何故なんでしょう? やはりそこに住んでいる人が、街を守ろう、としているからだと思います。そこに住む人の「心」が街並みに反映するのではないでしょうか。街の雰囲気・景観によって住む人の価値観などが伝わってくるようにワシには思えます。
I really thought Munich was the beautiful city. And I wondered why. I was walking along the street and thinking about it. Then I came up an answer that the hearts of residents would be reflected to the atmosphere of the city. The residents Munich are protecting and conserving the city, I guess.
Finally I got to Residenz. Why I came back here again (I came here with Ina last week),
This is the answer.

The museum of Ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an archeologist, especailly Egyptilogist, when I was young. That much I love Ancient Egypt. I saw it on a map, and I got to visit there! The entrace fee was only 4 Euros. Nice.
I did not know what woud be there, but I was very lucky to see..... Akhenaten!!!

You can tell who just with a fragment of his statue!! He was a king of the 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom). He was the son of Amenhotep III and the father of the famous Tutankhamen (a recent DNA test revealed he was the father of Tut). He is clasified as the "Heretic" king, who went against Traditional Polytheism of Egypt and made Aten as only one absolute god. And his wife - beautiful Nefertiti - makes the wonders even more.
Young Akhenaten.

His back head was always dipcted as such a diformed figure, like an alien

There were small collections but many of hem were very interesting.

Then what I liked the most was,
The statue of a man!

He looked just like anordinary man we could see on a street.
I really had a good time in the museum. Then, I walked to Konigsplatz Plaza. On the way, there was an Obelisk, again something with Egyptian taste.

Somehow ancient Greek stractures were there. Anyway, they looked good, so I took some photos with Mr. Sheep. He was happy to go out for a walk on such a beautiful day!

家に帰ったのは5時過ぎ。夕飯はイナ、ローラとデレックと家で。デレックがディーラーを何軒かあたってくれたのですが、バイクシーズン到来なので何処も3-4週間先まで予約が埋まっているとのこと!!! 明日とりあえずミュンヘンから少し離れた所にあるディーラーに行って見ることになりました。うまくいけば来週には整備と修理が仕上がるかも、と。
I got home after 5pm. In the evening I had dinner with Ina, Laura and Derek at home. Derek phoned many workshops in Munich but they were fully booked out until 3-4 weeks later... But he said he would take to a workshop outside of Munich where he knows people. So if I am lucky, Esperanza would be ready by the end of next week.
And as such, a day has gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
The weather in Munich was excellent today. I could have some time to do things in the morning, so I was writing a reply to my friend. As I could not reply to him for more than 2 weeks, I felt guily a bit. But it was a very important e-mail and long one, so I needed to sit there and think how I would reply.
In the process of replying, I needed to read "Happines of a household" written by Osamu Dazai. It's in Japanese but if you are interested, you can read on the web for free (Google translate might not work well, but you can get some idea).「"Happines of a household"」
It passed 1pm when I checked the clock. I was still in the middle of writing the reply, but I went out to the town as it was such a nice day. I cought a train to the central station "Hauptbahbof", then I walked to the royal palace "Residenz". I really enjoyed the scenery of the streets, very beautifully done. A lavish building. I was not sure what was it, but I reckoned it was a hotel.
There was a gate. Here the pedestrian mall starts.
The tower of Fauenkirche Church coud be seen from a distance.
The tower is around 100m tall. Mr. Sheep and the tower.
I felt it was very German to have sich an orderly beauty.
The scenery at a back street was good too.
ミュンヘンはとても美しい街だと思います。何故なんでしょう? やはりそこに住んでいる人が、街を守ろう、としているからだと思います。そこに住む人の「心」が街並みに反映するのではないでしょうか。街の雰囲気・景観によって住む人の価値観などが伝わってくるようにワシには思えます。
I really thought Munich was the beautiful city. And I wondered why. I was walking along the street and thinking about it. Then I came up an answer that the hearts of residents would be reflected to the atmosphere of the city. The residents Munich are protecting and conserving the city, I guess.
Finally I got to Residenz. Why I came back here again (I came here with Ina last week),
This is the answer.
The museum of Ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an archeologist, especailly Egyptilogist, when I was young. That much I love Ancient Egypt. I saw it on a map, and I got to visit there! The entrace fee was only 4 Euros. Nice.
I did not know what woud be there, but I was very lucky to see..... Akhenaten!!!
You can tell who just with a fragment of his statue!! He was a king of the 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom). He was the son of Amenhotep III and the father of the famous Tutankhamen (a recent DNA test revealed he was the father of Tut). He is clasified as the "Heretic" king, who went against Traditional Polytheism of Egypt and made Aten as only one absolute god. And his wife - beautiful Nefertiti - makes the wonders even more.
Young Akhenaten.
His back head was always dipcted as such a diformed figure, like an alien
There were small collections but many of hem were very interesting.
Then what I liked the most was,
The statue of a man!
He looked just like anordinary man we could see on a street.
I really had a good time in the museum. Then, I walked to Konigsplatz Plaza. On the way, there was an Obelisk, again something with Egyptian taste.
Somehow ancient Greek stractures were there. Anyway, they looked good, so I took some photos with Mr. Sheep. He was happy to go out for a walk on such a beautiful day!
家に帰ったのは5時過ぎ。夕飯はイナ、ローラとデレックと家で。デレックがディーラーを何軒かあたってくれたのですが、バイクシーズン到来なので何処も3-4週間先まで予約が埋まっているとのこと!!! 明日とりあえずミュンヘンから少し離れた所にあるディーラーに行って見ることになりました。うまくいけば来週には整備と修理が仕上がるかも、と。
I got home after 5pm. In the evening I had dinner with Ina, Laura and Derek at home. Derek phoned many workshops in Munich but they were fully booked out until 3-4 weeks later... But he said he would take to a workshop outside of Munich where he knows people. So if I am lucky, Esperanza would be ready by the end of next week.
And as such, a day has gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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