
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



メーカー/Make : BMW
モデル/Model: R1200GS 2009年モデル Premiumライン / 2009 Model Premium Line (with ABS, ESA, ASA, and LED tail ramp and blinkers)

1. パニア/Pannier:Touratech Zega Pro 右(R)45リッター(Litre) /左(L)38リッター(Litre)
2. エンジンバー: /Engine bar: Hepco&Becker社製
3. マフラー/ Exhaust: Akrapovic社製
4. アンダーガード/Bash plate: Touratech社製
5. タンクバッグ/Tank Bag: SW Motech社製 TravelQ
6. オイルクーラーガード/Oil cooler guard: 原サイクル特注品 / One off special make by HSC Hara
7. サイドデフレク ター/Side deflector: BMW R1200GSA用
8. ヘッドライト・プロテクター/Head light protector: ごっつまもるクン/Gotsumamorukun

何故BMW R1200GSか?/ Why I chose BMW R1200GS?:
この旅を始めるにあたって、どのバイクにしようか色々考えました。まぁ、「世界一周の旅をしよう」、と考え始めたのは「GSに乗りたいから」だったので、最初からGSが最有力候補だったのですがね。。「何故世界一周をするのか?」については、こちら。--> http://m26julio.yamatoblog.net/Entry/93/





GSA.jpg1. BMW R1200 GSA:

F800GS01.jpg2. BMW F800GS:
R1200GSよりも車体が軽くてオフロード向き。800ccと高速巡航パワーも充分。1200よりも軽快に取り回しが出来ます。パニアなどカスタム・パーツも充実し、値段も1200に比べて安いので有力候補に。フロント・タイヤが21インチなので選択支が多いのも魅力。チューブタイプなのでリア・タイヤのパンク修理が大変? 耐久性となるとやはり1200に軍配が。水冷エンジンなので空冷よりも複雑なだけ故障の可能性も増えますし(あくまで可能性です)。かなり迷ったんですけど、まだこの車種が世界一周に使われた実績が無いのと1200とは違い「BMWらしさ」に欠けるので1200に軍配が上がりました。 

R1150GS01.jpg3 BMW R1150GS

xtz660tenere01.jpg4. YAMAHA XTZ660 Tenere:
660ccの水冷単汽筒。高速巡航能力は大排気量バイクには劣りますが、インジェクターで燃費はヨシ。しかし単汽筒の割には車重があり、逆輸入車になるので値段もそこそこ。パニアなどのオプションも結構充実しています。しかしBMW F800GSに比べて値段以外にメリットはあるのか?と考えた結果、落選。

e842d0ea.jpeg5. YAMAHA SR400/500:

DR650SE01.jpgDR650SE02.jpg6. SUZUKI DR650SE:

旅の準備中にはYAMAHA XTZ1200 Super Tenereは発売されていませんでした。KTM 990 Adventureは耐久性とディーラーネットワークに疑問があったので候補に入れませんでした。Suzuki V-Strom 1000やHonda Vanadero 1000は車体が重いのとオフロードの走破性が優れていないので候補外。


Day 583: 2012年3月1日

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

今日はパラグアイの祭日。「英雄の日(Dia del los Heroes)」だそうです(「のほほと世界をまわります」調べ。)蚤の市があるということなので、朝はいつもの如くブログの編集。とうとう地図を載せました。タイトル写真の下の「MAP」にカーソルを合わせて「Google Map」をクリックすると、新しいページが開き、Google Map上にワシがこれまで旅した道が示されます(作りかけですが)。どうぞご覧になってください。






DSCF1265.jpg夕食は皆でカレー。カオリちゃん、アサミちゃんとタッチが作ってくれました。ありがとう! 食後はなんと日本語ぺらぺらのドイツ娘カトリンさんと歓談。ヒッチハイクで南米を旅しているとのことで、結構面白いキャラクターです。残念ながら明日アルゼンチンに旅立ってしまうとか。写真が趣味とのことで、ワシやシンちゃんが今まで撮った写真について評論していただきました。結構ワシ等枚数は撮っていますが、「イイ写真」となると、殆ど無いんですね。テクニックは無いので「心」で撮っていますが、まぁ、写真にそれが反映してません。これからもう少し写真を撮るときに考えて撮りますか。


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Day 583: 01 MAR 2012

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

It's a public holiday in Paraguay - "The day of the heros". In  the morinng, we all worked on improving our blog. I added a map to my page menu. It was still under construction, but you could click on it and see how I travelled on Google map.

Flea market would be held today so we heard so we walked to Co-op supermarket.

However, when we got there there wasn't any stand in front of Co-op. There were onky 2 security guards. We asked them where the flea market was held. They said it would be on every sunday... But we found a advert on a notice board saying "Flea Market on 01 MAR 2012".

We asked them, "How about this?" and they said, "Ahhh, that's on another side of the highway." So we walked there.

But when we were about to cross the highway, stong winds picked up and it seemed like a storm was coming. So we headed back to the hostel.

Then luckily Pablo came around with a van with his girl friend Kazumi. He gave us a lift to the flea market.

At the flea market, there wasn't many to see. But there were a stand selling food and cakes. Our attentions were drown there. I bought 6 Dorayaki for 18,000PYG. I will have 2 of them and the rest I shared with others. 

After lunch, we all worked on our blog again. WIth Html editing, finally I got something I coould se satisfied with. Then I had a Dorayaki. It was exellent! I love "Anko" (Japanese style read bean paste. Yum). I played Othello with Aki (he won) and Japanese chess (I won).

Tonight we had Curry and Rice in Japanese style. Kaori, Asami and Tacchi prepared it for us. Sharing a meal with friends is really fun. 

Afyer dinner, we met Katrin - a Germany girl fluent in Japanese. She is staying at a cotttage of the hostel. She is hitch hiking around South America. A cool girl. She likes photography so Shin and I showed our photos, but she did not give us thumbs up... We have a plenty of photos, but from a photographic point of view, our photos were not really good :(

Now I will think about how to make a photo better when I take a photo.

Then it was mid-night. I thought I was leaving tomorrow, but I think I will stay here till the weekend. This lace is so cozy. And the friends here are so nice.
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Day 582: 2012年2月29日

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

今日はペン園のみんなで世界第2位の発電量を誇るイタイプ・ダム(Presa de Itaipu)を訪ねました。パラグアイとブラジルの2カ国共同開発・運営をしています。最近わが国日本のエネルギー事情を考えると膨大な水力発電力を確保できる両国がうらやましい限りです。

DSCF1210.jpg残念ながらソンシ(マサ君)は午後ブエノス・アイレスに出発なのでお別れです。アスンシオンのオカモトさん宅から帰ってきたときからの同士なので一旦のお別れは寂しい限りですね。2日前はソンシを一旦送り出したのですが、今日はワシ等がソンシより先に出かけるので、ソンシに見送られる立場に。まぁ、また何処かで会おう、ソンシ。Que te vaya bien y buen viaje!

先ずはシウダー・デル・エステ(Ciudad del Este)までチキンバスで。10,000グアラニー(2.5米ドル)。そしてエステの街外れのバス停でダム行きのバスに乗り換えます。3,500グアラニー。結構エステから遠いですね。

itaipu.jpgダムの観光案内所でパスポートを渡し、登録(パスポートは登録後返却されます)。見学はなんと無料! しかも用意されたバスは最新式のメルセデスです。パラグアイ、やるな。


DSCF1224.jpg人造湖、デカイ!! この水を支えている堤防、一体どれだけの鉄筋とコンクリートを使ったのでしょうか? 鉄筋は380のエッフェル塔に匹敵する、と書いてありましたが。


あれ? ヘリコプターに乗れるの? と思っちゃいますよね?

そうなんです! ワシ等奮発したんです! 


DSCF1253.jpg観光案内所に戻り、ヘリコプターで人造湖の上空を廻る! ように写真を撮影できるパネルがあったんです。みんなで一生懸命トリック写真を撮ります。無料で観光させてくれて、こういう「遊び心」があるもてなし、をするパラグアイ、好きです。




シンちゃんは外付けハード・ディスクを。ケン&ユミ夫婦は昨日買ったiPod Touchのカバーを買いに違う店に。



角を曲がったら、本当のパトカーがあるじゃないですか! え、本物?? 

って、言うわけで、警察署にしょっぴかれたワシ等6人(ケン&ユミ夫妻は違う店にいたので難を逃れてました)。警察署に入ると、土砂降り。寧ろ雨宿りが出来て、良かったかも。イケちゃん目線からのこの事件簿はこちらから。 http://ameblo.jp/ike-chan-world/entry-11179991109.html シンちゃん目線の顛末はこちらから。 http://ameblo.jp/p-chaishin/entry-11179673785.html




DSCF1260.jpg宿に戻ると新しい宿泊者タッチ、カオリちゃんとアサミちゃん登場。皆でチュラスコ食べ放題「チュラスケリア・シロサワ」へ。36,000グアラニー。ちょっと贅沢ですが、美味い! ウェイターのおじさんたちも陽気で面白し。


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Day 582: 29 FEB 2012

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

Today we visited "Itaipu Dam" the world 2nd largest hydro-electronic power station. According to the information, the volume of water used to turn 20 generators is 20 times more than Iguazu Falls. Can you imagine that?

The trip was organaised by Ike. 8 of us were going there, but none checked how we could get there or anothing other than Ike.

Unfortunately, the Guru - Masa - was to leave to Buenos Aires today, so we had to say good-bye to him. We wanted to see him off, but we had to leave here early, he saw us off instead. We had been together from the 1st day here, so it was really sad to see him leaving us. But hey, we are the travellers. Have a good trip my friend!!

The rest of us took a chicken bus to Ciudad del Este. Then we took another bus to the dam. 

Itaipu dam was built by Paraguay and Brazil - binational project. Electricity generated here is shared by 2 nations. However, the amount generated is enomous and Paraguay does not need that much electricity. So the most of its share is exported to Brazil.

At the reception, we registered ourselves and then we took a tour bus. Incrediblly it was free tour! And the tour bus was a brandnew Mercedes. Well-done Paraguay.

Until the 3 gorges dam in China was built, this dam was the world largest. The concret wall sustaining water of the artificial lake was enomous. I could not know haw many tonnes of cement was used but according to the information the iron and steel used for this construction were equivarent to 380 Effel tower. Anyway, it's gigantic.

The bus took us to the top of the wall. The size of the lake was huge too. But according to the information, the area submarged by the lake per electricity volume generated this dam is farely small.

Back to the reception, we found a panel with which we could take tric photos - looks like we are on a chopper overlooking the dam from the sky. I like this Paraguaian approach. We spent a lot time here to make good tric photos.

Then the weather suddenly changed. The tropic storm came. We could not go anywhere now. SO we spent more time macking the trick photos.

The rain eased sometimes but soon got heavier. So we decided to leave the venue and catch a bus back to Ciudad del Este. Fortunately, we could catch a bus soon. But we were half soaked...

Once we arrived the city, the rain was gone. So we went for a shopping. Here has tax free area and those electronic goods are sold i good prices.

I noticed 2 local guys were checking on us. They followed us for a while, but they were gone when we entered a shop. Shin bought an external hard drive and Ken&Yumi were looking for a cover for their iPd Touch (they bought it yesterday). So they went to another shop. 

After shopping, we were to the bus terminal. Then 2 local guys came up to us and said that they were policemen and we had to show them our passports. They were not in police uniform. Well honestly, none thought they were the real policemen, so we ignored them and kept going. They showed us their police badges, but the badges looked really cheap. We argued why we had to show them our passports. We were so sure that they were the "fake" policemen and if we handed in our passports to them, it would be a trouble. 

Then a uniformed policeman came. We asked him if those 2 were the real policemen. And he said "Yes". We thought this one was the corrupted policeman, so we said to them "Let's go to the police station. Then we will show you our passport.".

They took us around the corner and there was a real police pick-up truck.... OMG. They were the real cops....

We were taken to the police station. Then we showed our passports to them. They said "If you have the passports, why didn't show us those on the street!?" Well, we told them that we did not believe they were the real policemen... They checked our passports thoroughly (they tried to illitate us). They we were released!

The reason why we were questioned was that as Ciudad del Este is the border city to Brazil and Argentina, there are many people crossing the borders without proper immigration process (those citizens of 3 countries are exempted from the process). Especially Asians are targeted by the police. 

It started to rain hard again while we were at the police station. So we were kinda lucky to be inside of the building rather than walking on the street.

But the rain did not ease soon. We ended up catching a cab to the bus terminal. It took a while to find a bus buck to 41km (Colonia Yguazu).

Back to the hostel, there were 3 new gusts - Kaori, Tacchi, and Asami. We all went to have Brazilian style BBQ "Churasuco" for dinner. All you can eat for 36,000PGs (US$8). A little expensive, but it was excellent.

Many things happened today. It was the tiring day but fun.


Day 581: 2012年2月28日

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)



これでブログ村ランキング上位を狙えるかな? もちろんトップを目指します。ベストをつくします。




イケちゃんがイタイプ(Itaipu)ダムに行きたいと言い出したら、結構この見所凄いらしく、行きたいと言い出した旅人が何人か。もしかしたら明日はダム見学かも。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
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Day 581: 28 FEB 2012

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

I spent whole day editing my blog today. I made the top page photo and adding the route I've ridden so far to Google map. It was a fun work to add the route on the map. I had to remind myself how I rode through Canada, the States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama (I haven't done South  America yet).

I am half ship-wrecked here, but I've been utilising the time here. Especially after Ken&Yumi came here, Shin and I have transformed our blogs a lot.

The rest of the day, we went to the supermarket, cooked lunch and dinner together as usual. I am not sure what it is but this place has a magical touch that everyone joins together.

Ike - he just arrived here yesterday - said he wanted to go to Itaipu dam - one of the world largest dam. It seems to be realy cool place to visit, so some of us show their interests to go there tomorrow. Well, I am one of them. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button! にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
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Please check this out!

Day 580: 2012年2月27日

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)







夜は雨。涼しくなるのでありがたし。なんだかんだ言って、通算2週間くらいこの「ペン園」に滞在している三郎。しかし、ブログの編集したり、新しい友達が出来たり、ダラダラしたり、楽しい毎日です! ******************************************************************************************************************************************** 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
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Day 580: 27 FEB 2012

Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

It was fine day again. Unfortunatelly my friends Yasu, Takuya and Masa (the Guru) were to leave today. As they were leaving after lunch, we went to grocery shopping.

Shin and Taku were in charge of cooking. They made stir fried vegies and chorizos. It was served with a soup. Recently our cooking skills are getting better and better.

Those 3 left the hostel after lunch. It's sad to say good-bye to my friends but, hey, we are the travellers! We must keep going. Yasu and Takuya had already bought their bus tickets, but Masa - the Guru - had no ticket yet. So there was a great possibility that he would come back here as the bus to Buenos Aires could be fully booked.

In the afternoon, there was a blackout. We spent time chatting, studying Spanish, drowing pictures etc. Then the Guru returned! He could not buy a ticket to Buenos Aires for today. Rather no seat was available until wednesday. Everyone was happy to see him again.

This evening, we had to make dinner for 10. Iku, Emi and Taku were in charge of cooking. Stir-fried egg plant and minced beef in miso based sauce they cooked. Well-done guys.

Well, I have been staying at Pension Sonoda for 2 weeks by now. I am semi ship-wrecked here. But I am editing my blog, meeting new friends, chatting with them and son on here. I am having good time indeed.

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一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
Copyright ©  -- M-26-Julio 羊とめぐる冒険 BMW R1200GSで世界一周の旅 --  All Rights Reserved

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