
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 707: 2012年7月4日

Headington, Oxfordshire (Graeme and Zia's place)
71,754km to 71,775km = 21km

今日も天気悪し。まぁ、予報どおりですね。朝ジアの電話を借りてBMWディーラー「ノース・オックスフォード・ガレージ(North Oxford Garage)」に電話。なんと2週間先まで予約で埋まっているとか。「オイルとフィルター買うから、ガレージの端を貸してくれないか?」と訊ねたら、「オイルとフィルター交換だけだったら午前中に持って来ればやるよ。」とのことで、早速行ってみました。

The weather was... bad again today. Well, it was according to the forecast. ZIa rent me her mobile phone and I called the BMW Dealer "North xford Garage" in the morning. They said they were fully booked out for next 2 weeks! I asked if I could use their garage space to change engine oil. And they said for just changing engine oil and a filter, they could make a time for me. So I went to the garage.

ここはBMWの車とバイクのディーラー。店員の対応は流石、しっかりしてます。そしてみんなフレンドリー。忙しい中、無理やり時間を作ってもらってオイル交換に無料安全チェックもしてくれました。しかも洗車まで無料で!! ちゃんと洗剤を使って洗車したのはいつのことだろう?? カラファテの藤旅館とパラグアイのイグアス移住区のペンション園田で水洗いはしたのですが。もしかするとボリビアのスクレ以来ですね。

North Oxford Garage is a BMW car and motorcycle dealer. They were really professional and friendly. Very nice, indeed. I really thank them to make a time for me when they were really busy. They changed engine oil and the filter, then did free safety check. Also they gave Esperanza free washing! I wondered when was the last time I gave her a good wash with detergent. I remember I gave her a wash in El Calafate and Yguazu, but I did not use any detergent. It could be in Sucre! Wow, it's been a long time!! 


Well, after the good wash, it rained again on the way back home... as predicted.


Back home, I talked with Zia for a while and she took me out to Oxford sightseeing! We visited an old church first.


This is one of the oldest building in Oxford. It's pretty, isn't it?


Actually, the church tower next to the buidlng was the oldest one inOxford. It was built by Saxon more than 1,000 years ago!

パブで昼飯。「ステーキ&キドニー・プディング(Steak & Kidney Pudding)」を。これも英国風の食べ物です。ミートパイみたいで美味しいですよ。

We had lunch at a pub. I had "Steak & Kidney Pudding". Very British, indeed. It tasted like a meat pie and I really liked it.


Talking about Oxford, we canot miss Oxford University. I thought the university will have a huge campass area but in fact, they have many collages and buildings thoroughout the city of Oxford.



クライスト・チャーチ(Christ Church)。これもオックスフォード大学の一部です。

This is Christ Church. It is a part of Oxford University.


Well groomed lawn.

ため息橋(The Bridge of "Sighs")。なんで「ため息」かと言いますと、ヴェネツィアの「ため息橋(Ponte dei Sospiri)」に形状が似ているからだそうです。

The Bridge of Signs. Why is it called "Sighs"? Well he origianl one is in Venice called the same (in Italian "Ponte dei Sospiri"). The bridge in Oxford looks like one in Venice, so People started call the bridge in this name.

そしてオックスフォードで現存する最古のパブ「ターフ・ターヴァン(Turf Tavern)」を覗いてみました。

Then we visited the oldest pub in Oxford "Turf Tavern".


The history of this pub coud be dated back to 1381!!


We caught a bus back home and I was updating the blog in English.

夕飯はロースト・チキン、ポテト、野菜にグレービー・ソース!! これも英国風!!!

We had "Roast" dinner!! Roast chicken, potatos, and vegies with gravy sauce!! Very, very British!

デザートはアップル・クランペット(Apple Crumpet)! いやぁ、グレイムにジア、ワシの「英国風料理が食べたい!!」という希望を2日に渡り見事に叶えてくれました。

Apple crumpet was served as a desert. Graeme and Zia did make my wish "Having very British meals" come true! I am really lucky as Ruth served me with Bangers & Mash with Yorkshire pudding and here I had Fish & Chips with mashed green pea yesterday.

さて、明日はエディンバラに行くか、リプリーのホライズンズ・アンリミテッド(Horizons Unlimited)の集会に参加するか悩むところです。明日の天気を見てから決めます。あ、そうだ、HUのミーティングに参加した場合ネット環境無さそうなので、1-2日はブログアップできないかもです・・・。

I am still deciding if I am going to Edinburghor attending Horizons Unlimited meeting in Ripley, Derbyshire tomorrow. It all depends on the weather tomorrow. If I am attending the meting, I might not be able to update the blog for 1-2 days as there would not be any WiFi on the campground.


世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 706: 2012年7月3日

Bournemouth to Headington, Oxfordshire (Graeme and Zia's place)
71,605km to 71,754km = 149km

今日も雨!! 予報では今週ずっと雨だそうです・・・。これがイギリス!? しかし平年の7月は晴れが多いとか。うーん、ワシ晴れ男の筈なんですけど?? 

It's raining again! According to the wather forcast, it will be raining whole week... Yes, I'm in UK, this would be normal?? But I heard in July it should be better weather usually... I thought I bring the sun everywhere I go, but it'S not happening here!


Ben had to go to work early, so I said good-bye to him and I also got ready to go out. Ruth was going to take me to her office and I was going to meet my ex-colleagues! We dropped off kids at the schol and drove to the office. There was a traffic jam more than usual and we found out there was an accident...


We got to the office just after 9am. Unfortunately I cannot put any photo of the office.


I left the work at the end of 2009, so it's been more than 2 years and half! I could hardly believe that I was at Bournemouth office instead of Sydney office!! I registered as a visitor at a reception and went into the office.


Andrea, Marco, Alex, Tracey, Joanna, Cristel, and Chris, the most of team member are still there! I had never met them face to face, but everyone welcame me! While I was working in Sydney, we often communicated via phone, e-mails and chat. Tracey is going to get married this friday and going for 2 weeks leave from tomrrow, so I came on the right timing!


As everyone was at work, so I could now have long conversations with them, but they found a time to come to talk to me. They were specially interested in what I would do once I would be back to Japan. I told them my intension to make Japan better.


Tracey made a phone calll to Sydney office and I could speak with Vanny. It'S been more than 2 years since I spoke with her!


I could hook up with the network, so I could update the  diaries in English.


Marco took me to the canteen and I had meatloaf!


It was already 2pm when I had lunch. Ruth finishes her work at 2pm, so I said good-bye to the team and let the office. Back home, I started to gear up and Ruth went to pick up the children.

エレノアとジョシュアをルスが迎えに行って帰ってくるのを待って、出発です! たった1日でしたが、本当にいい思い出が出来ました。また会いに来ますよ! 

Eleanor and Joshua came back and helped me out to get Esperanza out of the drive way (it was really hard to move her in deep gravels). I really could spend a good time there thanks to Ruth, Ben, Eleanor and Joshua! I will come back to see you guys one day!


In the rain, I rode to Oxford on a highway. I got to Oxford around 5pm. In the city, I was telling myself "Leftside driving, leftside driving".

そしてボリビアのスクレの宿「パチャママ(Pachamama)」で出会ったグレイムとジアに再会!! いやぁ、旅先で出会った旧友に再会するのは本当に嬉しいですね! 

Then I came to the house of Graeme and Zia I met @ Hostel Pachamama in Sucre Bolivia. We spend weeks together there. It's always good to catch up with friends I met during the trip!


We talked for a while. There are 2 Chihuawas - Scooter and Indigo at home and they are so cute!

夕飯はまたまた英国風! フィシュ&チップスとマッシュド・グリーンピーです(写真は後ほど)。

We had very British dinner! Fish & Chips and mashed peas!


We talked till late after dinner.


Tomorrow I will take Esperanza to the BMW dealer. I sent a service request a while ago, but I haven't heard from them. Hopefully they are not busy...



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Day 705: 2012年7月2日

Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, France to Bournemouth, UK (Ruth's place)
71,555km to 71,605km = 50km


It was raining from the morning again... While it stopped raining, I put away my tent and got ready.


From the campground, I could see Hougue Castle, so I rode there. I needed to be quick as  had to make to the ferry terminal by 10am. 


Just got closer to the castle, it started to rain hard. So I pulled over at the road side where I could have a good view of the castle and took a photo. And then I headed to the ferry terminal.


I was quite wet by the time I got to the terminal. I went to the Briterny Ferry counter and got my ticket. It was before 9:30am. I sat on the launge and recharged the battery of my laptop while waiting.


I went outside after 10am, and it was raining eaven harder... The there was a long queue of cars for checking in. I had to wait for a while in the rain.


I could check in after 10:30am, and got through Immigration. Then I had to wait for boarding.


Boarding started just before 11am. I was n the rain for 1 hour, so I was soaked even though my riding jacket and pants supposed to be waterproof (Goretex). But after 2 years of hard usage, they were no longer really waterproof....


Onboard, I sat on a seat and I fell asleep before the ferry departed. I was naping for 30mins or so. The ferry left the horbour at 11:30am and was supposed to be in Pooe, UK by 1pm in UK time. So it would be 2hours 1/2 trip.

フェリー内で売店があるのですが、さすがにボッタクリ。サンドイッチが3.40ポンド(5.3米ドル)もします! しかし腹が減ったので買ってしまいました。

There were kiosks on the ferry, but the prices were rip-off! A sandwitch cst 3.40 ponds (US$5.3)!! But I was hungry and I bought one...


After lunch, I went back napping. When I woke up, I could see Isle of Great Britain!


It was raining in UK, as expected...

フェリーを降りて、イギリス発上陸です!! 32カ国目!!!

I got off the ferry and stepped on my 32nd country to visit on this trip!


After went through immigration, I rode through Poole and headed to Bournemouth. I was going to meet my ex-colleague Ruth there. We had never met them before, but we used to communicate everyday when I was working in Sydney. She and her colleagues told me when I would be in UK, I had to visit them! It's more than 2 years and half since I quited the work. And finally I would be there!


I went to a MacDonald's to go on line to get her address. Then I updated my diary which I could not log as my laptop battery got flat last night.


1時間半後ようやくメッセージが来ました!! 雨の中彼女の家まで走ります。そしてルスに初対面!! なんか不思議な感じですね。娘のエレノールと息子のジョシュアも迎えてくれました。

Then I rode to her place in the rain. I met Ruth for the first time. It was very strange feeling as I knew her but it was the first time to see her. Her daughter Eleanor and son Joshua welcame me too :)

夕方彼氏のベンが帰ってきて、皆で英国風の夕食「バンガーズ&マッシュ(Bangers&Mash)」と「ヨークシャー・プディング(Yorkshire Pudding」を頂きました。誰が「イギリスの飯は不味い。」と言いました? なんの美味しいですよ!!

In the evening, her boy friend Ben came and we had "Bangers & Mash with Yorkshire puding" for diner. very very British. Who said "foods in UK are bad"? Actally they were really good!


After diner, with Ruth and Ben, I talked about the trip.


I will visit her office and meet my ex-colleagues. The most of team member are still there. So I am looking forward meeting them, finally!!



I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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