三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 626: 2012年4月14日
Balneario Camboriu (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)
The weather was bad, but it was a nice day.
After breakfast, I went for a walk to pick up a percel from Japan and print out the air ticket.
Having lunch - prepared by Maria with Dolor and Angela. As Maria will not be here tomorrow (Sunday), so I said good-bye to Maria. Muito Obrigado por todos!
After lunch Dolor took me to the construction site of the condominium. He was to put fertiliser to the irrigation system to nourish lawn.
As the fertiliser was stored in humid place for long, it became hard (not powderly). So it took a while to dissolve the fertiliser to water, but it went successfully. I was bitten by mosquitos a lot though....
After coming home, I took a shower and surfed on Net.
I said good-bye to Maria, Andre&Paula and Clara, we went out to have dinner at an Italian restaurant nearby. Pedro came with us. And there were Alfredo and Giana too!! What a wonderful dinner!

Mauricio (Bem tv) came to join us too!!
I could spend such a wonderful 3 weeks here at Camboriu thanks to my wonderful friends. I was so glad to see my friends tonight and could say proper good-bye to them all. But I will return and see you again!!
Back home, having puddings, we talked fora while. With Pedro I was talking after midnight. Well, I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I will go to bed now.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Balneario Camboriu (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)
The weather was bad, but it was a nice day.
After breakfast, I went for a walk to pick up a percel from Japan and print out the air ticket.
Having lunch - prepared by Maria with Dolor and Angela. As Maria will not be here tomorrow (Sunday), so I said good-bye to Maria. Muito Obrigado por todos!
After lunch Dolor took me to the construction site of the condominium. He was to put fertiliser to the irrigation system to nourish lawn.
As the fertiliser was stored in humid place for long, it became hard (not powderly). So it took a while to dissolve the fertiliser to water, but it went successfully. I was bitten by mosquitos a lot though....
After coming home, I took a shower and surfed on Net.
I said good-bye to Maria, Andre&Paula and Clara, we went out to have dinner at an Italian restaurant nearby. Pedro came with us. And there were Alfredo and Giana too!! What a wonderful dinner!
Mauricio (Bem tv) came to join us too!!
I could spend such a wonderful 3 weeks here at Camboriu thanks to my wonderful friends. I was so glad to see my friends tonight and could say proper good-bye to them all. But I will return and see you again!!
Back home, having puddings, we talked fora while. With Pedro I was talking after midnight. Well, I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I will go to bed now.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 625: 2012年4月13日
Curitiba to Balneario Camboriu (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)
59,460km to 59,684km = 224km
It's friday the 13th. Well I slept in as it was late last night.
My favorite cheese breads (pao de queijo) were served for breakfast. Nice!!
And I bought an air ticket on line. Leaving Buenos Aires in the evening of 25th and arrving Munich in the morning of 27th. Finally. I arrived South America last Feb the 19th, so I would be in South America more than 1 year and 2 months.
Daniel went to see a doctor for his injury of left shoulder. He injured while he was snowboarding in France. I wsa surfingnet while he was away. As my schedule to Germany was finalised, I sent some e-mails to my friends in Europe.
Daniel came back just after noon. We had hand made lasagna, deep fried manjocas (yukas), and a pudding made from sweet corn. They were all good.
After lunch, Daniel and I talked for a while. We've just been reunited after 1 year, but now I have to say good-bye to him.
As I wanted to get to Balneario Camboriu before the dusk, so I left his apartment around 3pm. Daniel escourted me to the entrance of the highway.
It's been since Colombia that we rode together.
It started to rain and soon it got heavier, so we stopped at a petrol station and waited for the rain to ease.

Just before we were toleave the petrol station, I realised the light bulb of the headlight was busted. The last time I replased it was when I met Paul in Chile. It was when Esperanza had 45,000km on the clock. So the bulb busted just after 15,000km!! It was a short life.
次のガソリンスタンドPetro Brasで給油(Petro Brasにしかハイオク・ガソリンが無いため)。電球を売ってないか訊きましたが、エスペランサに合う電球は置いてないと。なので部品屋まで走ります。
そして無事に新品の電球を購入! 小雨の降る中、電球を交換。そんなこんなでもう4時半過ぎてしまいました。
I could buy a new liht bulb there. I changed the bulb there under the light rain. It was alrady after 4:30am. To the highway, I just needed to go straight on the road we were on, so I said good-bye to Daniel there. Thanks a lot, my friend! See you again!!

After a while, the road became twisty and going down hill. It was raining hard on the way to Curitiba and it was raining hard this time again!!! Then it became foggy too. It wasn't the ideal condition of riding twisty rode. I was very cautious.
Before I completed to descend the mountains, the rain was cleared. Bt it was still clouded. I cruised on the highway straight to Itajai.
The sun set before 6am. It became dark. Fortunately, I got a new headlight bulb.
I got to the apartment of Dolor&Angela. They were still at the work, but I had the house key, so I had no problem to get into the apartment.
I was abscent for just 3 days only, but I felt "I am back." The place became "my home".
Dolor&Angela came home after 9pm. We had the late dinner together. I talked about Daniel, Tomita-san and days in Curitiba.
I came "home", but I have to keep going. I will head down south on sunday. Yes, I am the adventure rider.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Curitiba to Balneario Camboriu (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)
59,460km to 59,684km = 224km
It's friday the 13th. Well I slept in as it was late last night.
My favorite cheese breads (pao de queijo) were served for breakfast. Nice!!
And I bought an air ticket on line. Leaving Buenos Aires in the evening of 25th and arrving Munich in the morning of 27th. Finally. I arrived South America last Feb the 19th, so I would be in South America more than 1 year and 2 months.
Daniel went to see a doctor for his injury of left shoulder. He injured while he was snowboarding in France. I wsa surfingnet while he was away. As my schedule to Germany was finalised, I sent some e-mails to my friends in Europe.
Daniel came back just after noon. We had hand made lasagna, deep fried manjocas (yukas), and a pudding made from sweet corn. They were all good.
After lunch, Daniel and I talked for a while. We've just been reunited after 1 year, but now I have to say good-bye to him.
As I wanted to get to Balneario Camboriu before the dusk, so I left his apartment around 3pm. Daniel escourted me to the entrance of the highway.
It's been since Colombia that we rode together.
It started to rain and soon it got heavier, so we stopped at a petrol station and waited for the rain to ease.
Just before we were toleave the petrol station, I realised the light bulb of the headlight was busted. The last time I replased it was when I met Paul in Chile. It was when Esperanza had 45,000km on the clock. So the bulb busted just after 15,000km!! It was a short life.
次のガソリンスタンドPetro Brasで給油(Petro Brasにしかハイオク・ガソリンが無いため)。電球を売ってないか訊きましたが、エスペランサに合う電球は置いてないと。なので部品屋まで走ります。
そして無事に新品の電球を購入! 小雨の降る中、電球を交換。そんなこんなでもう4時半過ぎてしまいました。
I could buy a new liht bulb there. I changed the bulb there under the light rain. It was alrady after 4:30am. To the highway, I just needed to go straight on the road we were on, so I said good-bye to Daniel there. Thanks a lot, my friend! See you again!!
After a while, the road became twisty and going down hill. It was raining hard on the way to Curitiba and it was raining hard this time again!!! Then it became foggy too. It wasn't the ideal condition of riding twisty rode. I was very cautious.
Before I completed to descend the mountains, the rain was cleared. Bt it was still clouded. I cruised on the highway straight to Itajai.
The sun set before 6am. It became dark. Fortunately, I got a new headlight bulb.
I got to the apartment of Dolor&Angela. They were still at the work, but I had the house key, so I had no problem to get into the apartment.
I was abscent for just 3 days only, but I felt "I am back." The place became "my home".
Dolor&Angela came home after 9pm. We had the late dinner together. I talked about Daniel, Tomita-san and days in Curitiba.
I came "home", but I have to keep going. I will head down south on sunday. Yes, I am the adventure rider.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 624: 2012年4月12日
Curitiba (La Casa de Daniel)
In the morning, I said good-bye to Fabian family and left the farm to Curitiba.
Daniel stopped at the house of Tomita-san, his long term client, to deliver the flowers. Tomita-san is a Japanese migrant. Daniel told him about me before, so Tomita-san welcame me as one of his friends. He knew I fractured my right elbow and he greeted me with some tears. "You are doing very very well2, Tomita-sn said to me.

He came to Brazil nearly 80 years ago when he was 9 years old! It was before WWII. He told me many stories like one when our Emperor and Empress came to Brazil, the life of Japanese migrants during the war etc.
He came to Curitiba 30 years ago and he said at that time it was not a big city yet. Now the city has 2 million habitants and including satelite cities, there are more than 3 million population.
Many of Japanese migrants had hard time, and they did not want their children to suffer the same. So they put a lot of their efforts intoeducation of the 2nd generation. So now many of Japanese-Brazilians are contributing a lot to Brazilian society and respected. I am proud to be a Japanese.
He liked my idea of "contributing to Japan with the experiences I acquire through my trip and directing Japan to better future" and encouraged me. I wanted to speak with him and his wife more, but it was nearly lunch time, so we said good-bye to Tomita-san.
Daniel drove me to his apartment. He would deliver the flowers to other clients in the afternoon.
After lunch, I opened my blog and checked the ranking. I lost lots of places... Now my blog ranking is down to 45th... I did not update my blog just for 2 days and it went down that much. The blog ranking is a serious competition indeed.
I needed to book a flight o Germany but the ticket was still expensive, costs around US$1,400. I received a reply from Dakar Motos and the shipment of my bike to Munich would be cheaper by US$100 than to Frankfurt. So I decided to ship to Munich.
As I was busy with things, Daniel went to deliver the flowers alone.
In the evening, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood. We walked through a park and along the government buildings.

Then his friend Henrique came to pick us up for a theatre. A cousin of their friend was putting an act so we were invited.
The theatre used to be an aminition storage till the begining of 20th century.

The act was in Portugese, of course. I could not really get the theme of the act but I could tell that the actors were pretty good. As taking photo was prohibited, I could not take any photo.
After the act, I asked Daniel and Henrique about the theme of the act, but they could not really explain to me as it was hard for them to understand.
We left the theatre around 11pm and went to his friend Felipe's birthday. We chat for a while (luckily everyone could speak English) and we left there around 12 midnight.

I would like to spend more days in Curitiba but will leave to Balneario Camboriu after lunch tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Curitiba (La Casa de Daniel)
In the morning, I said good-bye to Fabian family and left the farm to Curitiba.
Daniel stopped at the house of Tomita-san, his long term client, to deliver the flowers. Tomita-san is a Japanese migrant. Daniel told him about me before, so Tomita-san welcame me as one of his friends. He knew I fractured my right elbow and he greeted me with some tears. "You are doing very very well2, Tomita-sn said to me.
He came to Brazil nearly 80 years ago when he was 9 years old! It was before WWII. He told me many stories like one when our Emperor and Empress came to Brazil, the life of Japanese migrants during the war etc.
He came to Curitiba 30 years ago and he said at that time it was not a big city yet. Now the city has 2 million habitants and including satelite cities, there are more than 3 million population.
Many of Japanese migrants had hard time, and they did not want their children to suffer the same. So they put a lot of their efforts intoeducation of the 2nd generation. So now many of Japanese-Brazilians are contributing a lot to Brazilian society and respected. I am proud to be a Japanese.
He liked my idea of "contributing to Japan with the experiences I acquire through my trip and directing Japan to better future" and encouraged me. I wanted to speak with him and his wife more, but it was nearly lunch time, so we said good-bye to Tomita-san.
Daniel drove me to his apartment. He would deliver the flowers to other clients in the afternoon.
After lunch, I opened my blog and checked the ranking. I lost lots of places... Now my blog ranking is down to 45th... I did not update my blog just for 2 days and it went down that much. The blog ranking is a serious competition indeed.
I needed to book a flight o Germany but the ticket was still expensive, costs around US$1,400. I received a reply from Dakar Motos and the shipment of my bike to Munich would be cheaper by US$100 than to Frankfurt. So I decided to ship to Munich.
As I was busy with things, Daniel went to deliver the flowers alone.
In the evening, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood. We walked through a park and along the government buildings.
Then his friend Henrique came to pick us up for a theatre. A cousin of their friend was putting an act so we were invited.
The theatre used to be an aminition storage till the begining of 20th century.
The act was in Portugese, of course. I could not really get the theme of the act but I could tell that the actors were pretty good. As taking photo was prohibited, I could not take any photo.
After the act, I asked Daniel and Henrique about the theme of the act, but they could not really explain to me as it was hard for them to understand.
We left the theatre around 11pm and went to his friend Felipe's birthday. We chat for a while (luckily everyone could speak English) and we left there around 12 midnight.
I would like to spend more days in Curitiba but will leave to Balneario Camboriu after lunch tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 623: 2012年4月11日
Morretes (La Casa de Daniel)
It was raining hard last night. Though it was cloudy, but it cleared by the morning. Daniel, Camillo and Fabian were already working at the field.
They cut the flowers and washed them one by one by hands. Daniel told me that a flower is ready for cut if the colour of its pistil got half while and half yellow. After washed, they were sorted according to its colour and size.

Once the sorting was done, we had breakfast.


Daniel and I went out to the town of Morretes after breakfast. We were to buy some fishing net to catch bats living between the ceiling and the roof. And also we were to find a new home for a puppy. She felt something was different than usual, so she was hiding herself behind the wall.
We could not find a new home for the puppy, so she came back to the farm. She looked very relieved.

We went to the mountain and cut some palm trees. Core of the green part of a palm tree trank can be eaten. Fabian cut the trees with an axe and Daniel trim the tranks with a hatchet.


Now I got an idea what it was. I had the core of palm trees at Dolor&Angela's. It tasted like bamboo shoots.

We harvested 10 of them. There were lots of mosquitos and I was bitten a lot...
I took a shower and had lunch. At the farm, the time passed very slowly (probably I was not working and doing nothing!).
In the afternoon, the fishing nets were installed between the roof tiles and the basewoods. In the evening, when the bats would come out, they would be trapped with the net That's the plan.

Those bats are causing lots of damages to the roof and ceilings. So we need to act quickly to terminate them.
We had the afternoon tea and waited for the dusk.
一匹出て来ました!!が、網の隙間から上手く逃げてしまいます! 良くあんな隙間を通れるな。しばらく待ち二匹目が網に引っかかりました。棒で撲殺。ダニエルもファビアンも蝙蝠を殺したくはないのですが、仕方がないですね。
One was caught in the net! But it could escape from the trap!! We did not expect that the bat could get away!! We waited for another one and this time Fabian smacked it with a piece of wood. Daniel and Fabian did not want to kill it, but they had to do it to terminate the problem.
They got 4 bats today. There are still many to catch but one by one, they are heading to the extinction.

In the evening, I showed Daniel and Fabian those photos from my trip. Daniel said he would not want to go for a long trip on a motorcycle for a while.
We talked about the current situation of Brazil, regarding work conditions and the minimum wedges. He said there is still a huge gap between rich and poor. 75% of the population are still under poverty, 20% are middle class and 5% are super rich. Especially the condition of the northwest is still far from developped. They sometimes do not have proper facilities in schools and hospitals.
Brazil is the 6th largest economy in the world, but those things would not be easily seen of statistics.
It would be hard to see the reality from outside or just a short visit....
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Morretes (La Casa de Daniel)
It was raining hard last night. Though it was cloudy, but it cleared by the morning. Daniel, Camillo and Fabian were already working at the field.
They cut the flowers and washed them one by one by hands. Daniel told me that a flower is ready for cut if the colour of its pistil got half while and half yellow. After washed, they were sorted according to its colour and size.
Once the sorting was done, we had breakfast.
Daniel and I went out to the town of Morretes after breakfast. We were to buy some fishing net to catch bats living between the ceiling and the roof. And also we were to find a new home for a puppy. She felt something was different than usual, so she was hiding herself behind the wall.
We could not find a new home for the puppy, so she came back to the farm. She looked very relieved.
We went to the mountain and cut some palm trees. Core of the green part of a palm tree trank can be eaten. Fabian cut the trees with an axe and Daniel trim the tranks with a hatchet.
Now I got an idea what it was. I had the core of palm trees at Dolor&Angela's. It tasted like bamboo shoots.
We harvested 10 of them. There were lots of mosquitos and I was bitten a lot...
I took a shower and had lunch. At the farm, the time passed very slowly (probably I was not working and doing nothing!).
In the afternoon, the fishing nets were installed between the roof tiles and the basewoods. In the evening, when the bats would come out, they would be trapped with the net That's the plan.
Those bats are causing lots of damages to the roof and ceilings. So we need to act quickly to terminate them.
We had the afternoon tea and waited for the dusk.
一匹出て来ました!!が、網の隙間から上手く逃げてしまいます! 良くあんな隙間を通れるな。しばらく待ち二匹目が網に引っかかりました。棒で撲殺。ダニエルもファビアンも蝙蝠を殺したくはないのですが、仕方がないですね。
One was caught in the net! But it could escape from the trap!! We did not expect that the bat could get away!! We waited for another one and this time Fabian smacked it with a piece of wood. Daniel and Fabian did not want to kill it, but they had to do it to terminate the problem.
They got 4 bats today. There are still many to catch but one by one, they are heading to the extinction.
In the evening, I showed Daniel and Fabian those photos from my trip. Daniel said he would not want to go for a long trip on a motorcycle for a while.
We talked about the current situation of Brazil, regarding work conditions and the minimum wedges. He said there is still a huge gap between rich and poor. 75% of the population are still under poverty, 20% are middle class and 5% are super rich. Especially the condition of the northwest is still far from developped. They sometimes do not have proper facilities in schools and hospitals.
Brazil is the 6th largest economy in the world, but those things would not be easily seen of statistics.
It would be hard to see the reality from outside or just a short visit....
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 622: 2012年4月10日
Morretes (La Casa de Daniel)
59,229km to 59,460km = 231km
For more than 3 weeks, I have been resting. Today is the day I restart my trip. I got up before 6am and got ready just after 7am.
Dolor&Angela were leaving to their office around 7:30am, sowe went down to the garage together. I said good-bye to them and left the aprtment. Well, I will be back there friday evening thought.
Once I got on the freeway, there were 230km to Curitiba. It was overcsted but it was cool, so it was a nice ride.
But it started to rain a little. After I passed Joinville, the freeway started to ascend and it got cooler.
Unfortunately, just around 70km awayfrom Curitiba, the rain got heavier. As there was no much tread left on the rear tyre and also as I crushed the bike in the rain, I was little nurvous to ride in the rain.
Just before Curitiba, it stopped raining. I got into the city of Curitiba around 10:30am. I followed the GPS and arrived Daniel's place. Usually there would be a slight
I asked the security of the apartment to call Daniel and he came down! It's been more than 1 year since we saw last time in Medellin! It's good to catch up with an old friend.
早速マンションの駐車場へ。ダニエルの愛車SUZUKI V-Strom 1000の隣に駐車。彼のバイクはカナダで登録されたもの。ブラジルのナンバーに切り替えるとなんと15,000ドルの関税がかかるとか!!
I parked Esperanza next to his beloved SUZUKI V-Strom. His bike has a Canadian registration and if he wants to get a Brazilian registration, he has to pay more than US$15,000 for the import duty!!
He bought the bike for US$11,000 in Canada and rode all the way down to Brazil, so the import duty is more than the bike worth... His temporary permit is already expired, so he cannot ride the bike leagally in Brazil now. He just take the bike out and ride around the town now. "I cannot keep the bike like this. So I have to sell this, unfortuantelly." said Daniel.
Elton told me that he sold his California registered BMW R1150GS in Paraguay. So I will ask Elton how he did it.
I picked up some stuffs from Esperanza and hopped on his car. We were going to his farm at nearby town Morretes. His family owns a farm growing floweres.
Morretes is actually very close to the place where I crushed 3 weeks ago. We would take another way rather than Gracioso.
I met his dad, mum and Fabian family who is taking care of the farm.
This is the wind house where they grow flowers.


There were some papirus from Egypt!

Today is the birthday of Frabio - the son of Fabian. So Camillo - Daniel's Dad - grilled many kinds of sausages and celebrated Frabio's birthday!
フラビオはマイケル・ジャクソンが好きだそうで、"ビリー・ジーン"や"Beat it"などの曲に乗って踊りまくるフラビオ。
Frabio likes Michael Jackson! He danced with "Billie Jean" and "Beat it!".

We all played with balons and it was a fun party and fun night.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Morretes (La Casa de Daniel)
59,229km to 59,460km = 231km
For more than 3 weeks, I have been resting. Today is the day I restart my trip. I got up before 6am and got ready just after 7am.
Dolor&Angela were leaving to their office around 7:30am, sowe went down to the garage together. I said good-bye to them and left the aprtment. Well, I will be back there friday evening thought.
Once I got on the freeway, there were 230km to Curitiba. It was overcsted but it was cool, so it was a nice ride.
But it started to rain a little. After I passed Joinville, the freeway started to ascend and it got cooler.
Unfortunately, just around 70km awayfrom Curitiba, the rain got heavier. As there was no much tread left on the rear tyre and also as I crushed the bike in the rain, I was little nurvous to ride in the rain.
Just before Curitiba, it stopped raining. I got into the city of Curitiba around 10:30am. I followed the GPS and arrived Daniel's place. Usually there would be a slight
I asked the security of the apartment to call Daniel and he came down! It's been more than 1 year since we saw last time in Medellin! It's good to catch up with an old friend.
早速マンションの駐車場へ。ダニエルの愛車SUZUKI V-Strom 1000の隣に駐車。彼のバイクはカナダで登録されたもの。ブラジルのナンバーに切り替えるとなんと15,000ドルの関税がかかるとか!!
I parked Esperanza next to his beloved SUZUKI V-Strom. His bike has a Canadian registration and if he wants to get a Brazilian registration, he has to pay more than US$15,000 for the import duty!!
He bought the bike for US$11,000 in Canada and rode all the way down to Brazil, so the import duty is more than the bike worth... His temporary permit is already expired, so he cannot ride the bike leagally in Brazil now. He just take the bike out and ride around the town now. "I cannot keep the bike like this. So I have to sell this, unfortuantelly." said Daniel.
Elton told me that he sold his California registered BMW R1150GS in Paraguay. So I will ask Elton how he did it.
I picked up some stuffs from Esperanza and hopped on his car. We were going to his farm at nearby town Morretes. His family owns a farm growing floweres.
Morretes is actually very close to the place where I crushed 3 weeks ago. We would take another way rather than Gracioso.
I met his dad, mum and Fabian family who is taking care of the farm.
This is the wind house where they grow flowers.
There were some papirus from Egypt!
Today is the birthday of Frabio - the son of Fabian. So Camillo - Daniel's Dad - grilled many kinds of sausages and celebrated Frabio's birthday!
フラビオはマイケル・ジャクソンが好きだそうで、"ビリー・ジーン"や"Beat it"などの曲に乗って踊りまくるフラビオ。
Frabio likes Michael Jackson! He danced with "Billie Jean" and "Beat it!".
We all played with balons and it was a fun party and fun night.
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