
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 461: 2011年10月29日

Calama to San Pedro de Atacama (Camping Los Perales)
42,129km to 42,232km = 103km


DSCF9898.jpgDSCF9901.jpgなのでそのまま出発。道は舗装路。風景は最高!! ここアタカマ砂漠は世界で最も乾燥している土地だとか(南極を除く)。カラマを出て直ぐに警察の検問に引っかかりました。でも書類を見せただけでパス。写真を撮影し先に進みます。




更に進むと岩がちの土地になり、いい風景だ。サンペドロに入る手前で、車やバイクが停まっているのでそこに停まってみました。風化した岩がイイ味出してます。(Valle del Muertos) 4台のYAMAHA XT660Rがいました。彼らはブラジルから来たとのこと。ダニエルもそういえばブラジルではXT660Rに乗ってるとか。ブラジルでは人気なんですね。


結局ロンプラに載っているCamping Los Perelasにキャンプすることに。しかしフレッドはテント持っていないので、アルゼンチンまで足を伸ばすことに。Buen viaje, mi amigo. Nos vemos en Argentina or Alemania!



Day 461: 29 OCT 2011

Calama to San Pedro de Atacama (Camping Los Perales)
42,129km to 42,232km = 103km

Today we just need to ride for 100km to San Pedoro de Atacama, so we had really slow morning. I uploaded photos to my blog and loaded luggages to my GS. We left the hostel around 11am.

We went to a petrol station to refuel or GSs and pump up the tyres. But the nozle of the air pump was too long to fit to our wheel, so we could not pump up our tyres.... I have a hand pump, but more than 2.0bar I cannot pump up any more. (I need to set up the tyre presure as: Front 2.5Bar, Rear 2.9Bar).

So we took off. The land scape of Atacama desert was awesome. But soon after we left Calama, we were stopped at a police check point. But we just showed our documents and they let us go. We took some potos there.

Atacama desert is supposed to be the driest place on earth (except Antiarctica). On the left there were snow capped mountains and on the right, there was a desert. Very nice contrast. We stopped a few times to take photos.

Just before San Pedro, the land scape changed to rocky terrerian. We sawmany cars, nuses and motorcycles parked at the road side, so we pulled over there. It was "Valle del Muertos". Very nice view. There were 4 YAMAHA XT660R from Brazil. My friend Daniel also rides XT660R in Brazil. It is the populer bike in Brazil.

From the "Valle", around 3km to San Pedoro. It's a dusty small town. We wne to to the hostel which Jose recommended, but it was full. I went to another one, but it was full too. I was told that it is a long weekend, so it would be impossible to find any room... I have a tent so I could go to a campground, but Gottfreid doesn't. So he decided to go to Argentina! Buen viaje, mi amigo! Suerte!! Nos vemos en Patagonia o Alemania!!

I went to "La Casa del Sol Naciente" where Uwe recommended. But the campground was full. S0 I went to "Camping Los Perales". The site cost 4,000CLP (US$8).

I had a late lunch and found free WiFI available at the plaza. Good.

Well, as I am really tired, I will have a break tomorrow.


Day 460: 2011年10月28日

Uyuni, Bolivia to Calama, Chile (Hotel Ayquina)
41,697km to 41,929km = 232km (Bolivian side)
41,929km to 42,129km = 200km (Chilean side); Total = 432km






ようやくこれでウユニを後にします。一路90キロ先の村、San Cristobalを目指します。San Cristobalまでは未舗装ですが硬く締まっているので舗装路と変わらなく走れます。


San Cristobalで給油。ここからチリのカラマまではガソリンスタンドはありません。Villa Alotaを越えた辺りで道路工事をしてました。本線は通行止めなので脇道を通ります。本線に戻ったら、水の撒き過ぎで路面がぬかるんでます。ワシが先頭を走ってましたが、ツルリ、とこけそうになりましたが、何とか持ちこたえて乾いた路面へ。後ろからフレッドが着いてきましたが、ツルリと滑ってコントロールを失い路肩へドッシャーン!と転倒!! 



DSCF9867.jpgDSCF9873.jpgDSCF9874.jpgしかし、本線から外れると、結構深い砂。フレッドが砂でスタックしたのでワシが後ろから押して脱出。そして、ワシが砂に突っ込みましたが、フロントを取られて転倒(スピードは出てないのでポテゴケみたいなかんじ)。フレッドとエスペランサを起こして、見晴台へ。Volcan Ollegue(オヤゲ火山)をはじめ山々がなかなかの眺めです。




DSCF9886.jpgDSCF9887.jpg塩原を横切り、どんどん進みます。景色が良い所で停まって写真を撮っていたら、右側のフォグライトが紛失していることに気が付きました! せっかくラパスで修理したのに・・・。しかもヘッドライトがどうやら緩んでます。ネジを締めなおしましたが、フレッドのに比べてなんかガタガタします。宿に着いたら見てみますか。昨日の泥除けの破損に続いて、色々破損してきますね。




Day 460: 28 OCT 2011

Uyuni, Bolivia to Calama, Chile (Hotel Ayquina)
41,697km to 41,929km = 232km (Bolivian side)
41,929km to 42,129km = 200km (Chilean side); Total = 432km

I was thinking to leave Uyuni around 9am, but I woke up around 6am. When I got up and went out side, I met Gottfreid - the owner of another orange R1200GS! His GS has a Hilean number plate, but he is from Germany. He said he bought it in Chile and travelling around Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina for 3 months.

He was heading to "Calama, Chile" today, the same destination as me. So we decided to ride together.

As Ohagi was still at sleep, I woke her up and said good-bye. She will go to San Pedro de Atacama by Sunday, so we could catch up there.

We were ready to leave before 8am. But Gottfreid could not start his engine... It seemed like he got a flat battery. We tried push start, but could not. So we borrowed a jump start cable from the hostel, and asked the 4X4 parked outside of the hostel for a help.

Then he could start his engine! Firstly we went to a petrol station to fill up Gottfreid tank. But 2 of the petrol station did not have any petrol... The 3rd one, had, yeah.

We headed to San Cristbal, around 90km from Uyuni. The road was the hard packed dirt, so it was easy ride. We filled the tanks there and headed to the border.

Just after Villa Alota, there was a roadwork section. THe surface was wet and muddy, so I slipped and nearly dropped my GS, but managed to get to the dried surface. But Gottfreid, following me, slipped in the mud and crushed his GS!! 

I u-turned and went to help him to pick up his GS. Amazingly there was only miner scruch on his side bars!!

Then we continued. We saw many 4X4 parked at the mirrador, so we went there. But off the main truck, it was very sandy so Gottfried stuck. I helped him to push and he got out. Then I entered the deep sand and I dropped my GS. He helped me to pick up, and we got up to the mirrador.

There were 3 mountains could be seen. One of them was Volcan Ollague. Very nice view.

We continued to the border (Avaroa). We got there by 12:30. The border crossing was easy. Then we went to the CHilean side (Ollague). It was easy process too.

I thought the road condition at Chilean side would be better, but it wasn't. There were some section sandy and corrugated, but not hard. I was hungry (Gottfreid said he wasn't), but we could not find any food.

We passed a salt flat. I parked and was taking phoots. And I realised I lost the right fog light!! The one I fixed in La Paz!! Also the head light got loosen. The constant vivtration made those bolt loosen.

The dirt road continued until just before Calama. We rode through 400m of dirt road today. As I did not ride for 1 month and half, so I was really tired.

We came to Calama around 6pm. We found a hostel with a parking space (12,500CLP each, expensive!!). Gottfreid was cleaning his air filter and I was cleaning my GS and checked if there was any loosen bolt.

We went out for a later dinner. I made a diary and went to bed. Tmorrow we will ride to San Pedro de Atacama, 100km away from here. So it should be an easy ride.


Day 454: 2011年10月22日

Santiago to Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique

今日は朝アダムに別れを告げて徒歩でバス・ターミナルへ。アダムは1週間くらいサンティアゴでバイクの整備などをし、そてからカレテラ・オーストラルを南下、そしてアルゼンチンを北上する予定なので、アルゼンチン辺りで再会できそうですね。それまでBuen Viaje, mi amigo!!


Day 454: 22 OCT 2011

Santiago to Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique

I said good-bye to Adam after having breakfast and walked tothe bus terminal. Adam is planning to stay in Santiago for a week to fix his bike and sort out a few things, then he will head south to Carretera Austral. Them he will come up north in Argentina, so I think we will catch up again somewhere in Argentina. Till then, buen viaje y suerte, mi amigo!

The bus left Santiago at 10am on time. Vicky, the lady next to me on the bus was really nice. Until she got off at Coquimbo in the afternoon, we talked a lot. So I did not get bored.

But after that, I watched movies, sleeping and so on. The way to Iquique is still very long after many hours...


Day 453: 2011年10月21日

Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)


カルロスは1時には出来上がると言ってたので、もう出来てるかな? 地下鉄に乗って30分、最寄りの駅で降りましたが、ここからが長い。


Motouringには3時ごろに到着。Wilbersショックは完成してました! カルロスは留守でしたがスタッフが対応してくれました。値段も聞いていたのより約半額の660米ドル。何でだろう?と思ったら、カルロスが言ってた値段は前後のショックの値段だったのですね。それを知っていたら、アメリカからオーダーなんか最初からしなかったのに。

宿に戻る途中にLa Cumbreというアウトドア用品店でMSRのマグマイト(マグカップサイズの珈琲などをいれるためのフィルター)を購入。10,900ペソ。ちょっと高いですがこれでキャンプ時い美味しい珈琲をいれられます。

宿に戻り荷物を置いてばす バスーターミナルへ。明日10時発のイキケ行きのチケットを24,000ペソで購入。行きと同じExpreso Norteです。



Day 453: 21 OCT 2011

Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)

This is the day I pick up my new "Wilbers" shock absorber! So I was exsited from the morning but at the same time, I was anxious as many bad lucks happened previously.

As Mark&Claire were heading off to Valparaiso, Adam and I saw them off. They left here after having lunch with us. Valparaiso is just 140km away, so it should be easy ride. Enjoy see breeze there my friends!!

It was already 1:30pm, so I took a subway to Motouring. After got off the train, I had to walk for 15mins or so to get there. On the way, there was a BMW dealer and next to it a shop selling Touratech stuff, so I visited there and asked if they had "Rok Strap". But they did not have.

I got to Motouring around 3pm Carlos was not there, but the shock was completed! Wow!! The price was US$660!! Almost half of the price I heard from Carlos when we were communicating via e-mails. I wondered why and realised that the price he mentioned was for both front and rear shocks! If I knew that before, I must not have ordered the BMW shock from the States.

On the way back, I got off the train and went to "La Cumbre" outdoor store. Here I bought "MSR Magmate filter" (Adam went there yesterday and tol me he saw one). It cost 10,900CLP (US$20), a little expensive, but now I can make a good coffee while camping!

Back to the hotel once and I went to the bus terminal to get a ticket to Iquique, the same company as one I used from Iquique to Santiago "Expreso Norte" - 10am bus for 24,000CLP.

I will get to Iquique around 10am Sunday if nothing goes wrong. If I am lucky, I can take 11am bus to Oruro, which will take 9hours, then in Oruro I can catch another bus to Sucre. So I can be back to Sucre on Monday morning or evening. Wish me luck!!

I will update another diary once I am back to Sucre.


Day 452: 2011年10月20日

Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)














Day 452: 20 OCT 2011

Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)

This morning I received a reply from Carlos stating that the shock arrived there yesterday and he will start to work on it from 1pm today. So I thought I could visit "Museo Salvador Allende" nearby the hostel in the morning.

Salvador Allende was the former President of Chile (1970 - 73) and his regime was the world first communist regime elected by people through a democratic election. He was a friend of Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

However, the USA did not like a Commmunist country in South America, so the government of the States and CIA tried to get rid of Allende's regime. What they did were really dirty as usual... (As Chilean economy was heavily relied on Copper exporting at that time, the USA released its copper reserves to the market to make the copper price down, which lead to the Chilean economy crisis).

In the end, Chilean military (lead by General Pinochet - backed up by the States and CIA) couped against the President Allende and he was killed in the battle or commited suisuide in the Moneda Palace, Santiago inn 11 SEP 1973.

But just before I was abou t to go out, Mark told me that Adam arrived here last night! So I waited Adam to get up and chat with Adam, Mark&Claier till 1pm or so.

Then I went t have lunch and went to the museum. The entrance was 1,000CLP. Near the entrace, there was "The guerrilla war" by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, handed to President Allende by Ernest himself. I could see the sign of "CHE" on it. Dated March 1960. I knew Ernesto gave the book to Alllende when he visited him, so seeing the real one, tit was a good surprise.

Next to the book, there was a copy of a letter from Fidel Castro to Allende.

There weren't much about Allende, in other rooms, there were modern arts displayed. So it was a little disappointing.

I did not receive any reply from Carlos until 6pm. He said it would take 3 hours to assemble the shock, so if he started to work on my shock from 1pm, he should have done it by then.

I went to have Fajita for dinner. Back to the hostel, still no news...

Mark&Claire invited me for dinner. As a fajita was not enough, I joined them. With Adam, we had a good dinner and talked till late.

After having a shower, I checked e-mail again and found the reply from Carlos. He just finished disassembling my old shock and will assemble a new one tomorrow morning, and I should be able to pick it up by 1pm tomorrow.

I guess I have to stay one more ady here in Santiago.


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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