
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



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Day 598: 2012年3月17日

Itapetininga to Cruitiba (Hotel Formule 1)
58,564km to 58,913km = 349km


I had a nice breakfast at the hotel. Well it was included. Unfortiunately the staff I chat last night wasn't there this morning.


I left the hotel around 9am. I continued riding on a highway to piai. It became twisty. It was fun riding through the curves but the sky was overcasted. I got to Apiai, and GPS and my map was telling me to go to the dirt road. So I did.


But after some rain, the dirt was muddy and slippery! I hate muddy roads. I rode for awhile and parked at the road side. I was taking a few photos and thinking should I go ahead or find an alternative way.


Then a gentleman came along on his motorcycle. He asked me where I was heading. I said "To Antonina". He said I should take a raod to Curitiba instead of this one as it would be muddy for a while and the road to Curitiba was paved all the way.

なので引き返し、クリチバ方面に向かいます。ここもワインディング。エルトンはこの道のことを言ってたんですかね? しかし曇り空で風景はさえません。

So I turned back and headed to Curitiba. The road was twisty and fun. Many parts of the road were heavily damaged though. I guess Elton was talking about this route instead of the dirt road. It was fun riding through but the weather was getting worse.


Aroud 33km from Antonina, I turned to the right and rode down the mountain. It started to rain and the asphalt road became the stone paved road... It would be really slippery. I was riding with cares.


But, but, I slipped at a corner. The rear slided and I tried to stay uplight, but I crushed. My GS dropped once and then came back upright, then dropped again.... It was really heart broken to see my GS being like that.


I got up quickly and ran to my GS. As the engine was still running, I turned off the ignition. Th cars behind me stopped and gave me hands to pick up my GS.


Right hand side of the crush bar was bent and pushing against the cylinder head. Some oil was leaking from the cylinder head. It might be broken... I could turn the engine on though.


Fortunately, there was a kinda rest area nearby. WE all pushed the bike up there. I checked damaged on my GS. The right wind defuser was broken, the right blinker got a clack, the "BMW" crest was snapped, the crush bar was bent and pushing against the right cylinder head, oil was leaking from the right cylinder head.... The right pannier was also dent / bent. 

I hurt my right elbow and knee. The elbow was swollen really big. It could be fractured.

DSCF1584.jpgNow I needed to call for a help. Fortunately, I have a friends in Itajai 300km from here. I asked people at the shops to lend me their mobile phones. However, as there was no reception, we could not get connected....


We tried a few times withour any success. A couple of customers came in, so I asked them to help me out. A couple tried to help me out. Joan and his girl friend tried to call Dolor and Elton, but the result was the same... They stayed with me for a while. Thanks so so much!

FInally I decided to call a towing truck. The owner of the shop organised it for me. It took 2 hours to get there. We headed to Curitiba the capital cit of the State of Panara.

距離は大したこと無いのですが、ワインディングなので1時間以上かかりました。宿は「Hotel Formule 1」に。103レアルと高額ですが、今日は仕方ない。

THere were less than 50km to Curitiba, but it was twisty road, so it took more than 1 hour to get there. I checked in @ "Hotel Formule 1". It cost R$103 a night, expensive, but I was in a kind of emergency situation, so it's Ok to spend more.


After I settled, I checked my right elbow. It was swollen even bigger!! But it wasn't that painful and I could move my arm, so I judged it was just a bruise.


I used Skype to contact Elton and Dolor. As I would not be able to ride my GS, they would contact their friends in Curitiba to help me out!


I was writing a dirary on my blog and then I heard someone knocking the door. "Mr. Valmor is waiting for you at the roby, Sir." a staff said to me. I went down and I met Valmor, his son Rodrigo and his girl friend Tatiana. Valmor is a cousin of Dolor. He said "Let's go to a hospital." I said "Well, it seems to be fine, just a bruise..."


But any how they tok me to a hospital. The doctor checked my arm and took some x-rays. He diagnosed that I hd a fractured elbow! He said my arm needed to be casted and it would take 10days before I take it off.... Then I will need to take another x-ray to see the healing process. If it's ok, I can take off the casting but I still have to use a brace to support the arm for 4-6 weeks!! Now my plan to go to Europe at the end of the month is void.


We went to another room and the doc put the casting on my arm. The first fracture in my life it is and the first casting I had in my life.


Valmor took me to a few pharmarcy to buy the medication. It was alrady late at night but he spent hours for me. How could I thank you, Valmor.


Now I am back to the hotel, writing this diary with the casted arm!


Tomorrow Dolor will come to pick me and my GS up from Itajai. I will heal my injury soon, but I worry about my GS. I hope she is OK.
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にほんブログ村 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Day 597: 2012年3月16日

Sao Paulo to Itapetininga (Ipora Hotel)
58,313km to 58,564km = 251km

昨晩は遅くまで出歩いていたので、シンちゃんとタツの宿に泊めさせてもらいました。朝9時ごろに宿を発ちエルトンの家に帰ります。シンちゃんとタツはこれからリオ・デ・ジェネイロまで一緒に行動し、そこから別々の道に行きます。友よ楽しい日々をありがとう。また何処かで再会しよう。それまでBuen viaje, mis amigos!!

Well, I was out until late last night, so I slept at the hostel where Shin and Tatsu stayed. I left there around 9am and went back to Elton's place.  Shin an Tatsu would be going to Rio de Janeiro together and then they will go separate ways. I am hoping to se you guys again somewhere around the world. Till then, Buen viaje, mis amigos!!

パウリスタ通り(Av. Paulista)まで地下鉄で行き、空港行きのバス「875AかM/10」を待ちますがなかなか来ません。地元のお兄ちゃんも空港行きのバスを待ってますが、2人で「まだ来ないねぇ」っと言い合いながら待つこと30分、ようやく来ました。

I caught a tube to Av. Paulista where I could catch a bus to the domestic airport (either 875A/10 or 875M/10). However I waited for a bus for 30 mns. There was a local guy also waiting for the bus, and we waited saying "it's not coming yet." to each other.


Finally I got on the bus. But it took more than 1 hour. I got home around 11am. I took a shower and packed up, then uploaded some photos to my blog.


Elton came home around 12:30pm. As his girl friend Martha wasn't there yet, so we waited for her arrval. We left around 2pm. They were going to Limeria, so we would reide together until campinas Een though they were behind the schedule (they have an appointent in Limeria), they were calm! We went to fill petrol first. Elton paid for me! Thanks for everything, my friend.

市街を抜けるのに時間がかかりましたが、その後は順調。100キロくらい走ったカンピナス(Campinas)という辺りの分岐点でエルトンと彼女のマーサとお別れです。本当にお世話になりました、エルトン。いつの日か日本に遊びに来てよ! Muchissimas Obrugado mi amigo! Nos vemos pronto y que te vaya bien!

It took a while to get out from Sao Paulo city, but after that it was a smooth ride to Campinas, 100km away from Sao Paulo. We pulled over at the road side just before the junction where we would go separate way We took photos and said good-bye to each other. I hope one day he will visit me in Japan. Muchissimo graias mi amigo!  Nos vemos pronto y que te vaya bien!!


Now I was back to the adventure with Mr. Sheep and my GS. I passed Capivari and went to Tatui. There were a few sections under toad works, so it took a time to go through. WHen I got to Tatui, it was after 5pm. The sun was seting soon. I cashed outsome Reals from a bank and looked for an accomodation. But I could not find anything good. The next town Itapetininga would be less than 30km away, so I rode there.


When I got to Itapetininga, the sun set already. I went into the first hotel I found inthe town. It was R$92 (US$50) for a single room (with breakfast and WiFi). As it was dark already, I decided to stay there. It was a nice hotel. It could be the nicest hotel ever on this trip.


I went to a supermarket and made some sandwitches for dinner. I did not have lunch, so I saved some money and I could spend more for an accomodation. In the end, the security of my GS is the most important.


The staff of the hotel was very friendly. We chat in Spanish and Portguese for a while. He was interested in listening the stories of my trip and about Japan. He said I spoke good Spanish and if I practice a little more, I could speak Portguese! He alos said if I would come back to Brazil, please vist this hotel again. Just having the conversation with him, I felt the money well spent.


Tomorrow I am heading to Antonia - a fisherman'S town near Critiba, recommended by Elton. There were some dirt setions on the way, but Elton said "This is he best road in Brazil!" I am looking forward riding there!

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Day 596: 2012年3月15日

Sao Paulo (Elton's place)


This morning Elton had to leave to his work really early, so I took pubic transportations to the city. Before I went out, I did the laundry.


His apartment is located nearby the domesitic airport, so there are many buses passing the main road. But I wasn't sure which one to take, so I had to stop many buses and ask if they were going to the city. Finally I got on a bus around 10am.

しばらく「Marginal」という目抜き道路を走っていましたが、いきなり右折。住宅街に入っていきます。これはヤバイ。何処に行くんだろ? まぁ、行き先を聞いて、「行くよ」と運転手は言ってたので、そのうち着くでしょう。

The bus was on "Marginal" - the express way going through Sao Paulo city from north to south. But then the bus turned to right and was going through those residential areas. I was wondering if the bus going to the ity. But I asked the driver before I got on the bus and he said "Yes".

しかし11時過ぎても目的地には着きません。しかも街中は渋滞なので、メトロの駅が見えたのでバスを降りてメトロでシンちゃんとタツが泊っている宿「ペンション・ナミ」の最寄り駅「Sao Joaquim」まで。

The bus did not reach to the city even after 11am... And there was a heavy traffic in the city. I found a metro station, so I got off the bus and caught a metro to "Sao Joaquim" the nearby station to "Pension Nami" where Shin and Tatsu staying.


I got to the pension around 11:30am, so we decided to cook lunch at the pension. We made kinda risoto and put that on top of noodle. It reminded me of "Aeropuerto" which is the standard menu of Peruvian Cinese Eateries "Chifa". I don't know why itis called "Airport" though. It looked bad but tasted all right.


After lunch we went out. The first place to visit was "Kagoshima Cultural Centre in Sao Paulo".


The chairman of the culture centre is the elder brother of Mr. Sonoda @ Pension Sonoda in Paraguay. So he recommended us to visit the centre while we were in Sao Paulo.


Three of us are not from Kagoshima (a province of Japan, the southern most province of the mainland of Japan), but the cntre welcame us. The hero of Kagoshima "Takamori Saigo" greeted us at the entrance.

There was a samurai armer.

Unfortunately Mr. Sonoda wasn't there but a lady showed us around. She told us the sotries of those migrants and so on. There was a cute cat at the centre.


We made appointment with Katrin - the German girl we wet @ Pension Sonoda She speaks Japanese fluently. We went to the art gallery of Sao Paulo. It's been 2 weeks since we saw her off @ Pension Sonoda. She hitch hiked to Argentina and hitch hiked to Brazil. She is a tough girl.


We sat at a park and had a chat for a while. She wanted to make a phone call to her friend but she had no mobile phone nor a phone card. So she started ask people on the street if she could borrow a phone! Then a gentleman gave her a phone card. She has a gut!


She made a phone call to her friend. But they just knew each other through Facebook and ended up not meeting today.


Another friend of her would come to pick her up at 7:30pm, and we waited for a while in front of the art gallery. She would travel around Brazil until the end of Aprol and then going back to Germany. So we could catch up in Germany, probably. Until then have a safe hitch hike and good trip!


We went back to Pension Nami and cooked dinner. As this would be the final night with Shinand Tatsu in South America, we will enjoy the night life of Sao Paulo tonight!

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Day 595: 2012年3月14日

Sao Paulo (Elton's place)

今日は朝早くからエルトンのオフィスに出勤! オフィスに入るなんて1年半ぶりですかね? ちょっと緊張したり。

I went to Elton's office in the city from the morning. We were in the midle of the famous Sao Paulo's traffic jam! But it wasn't that bad as I expected. I haven't been to any offce for more than 1 year and half. So I was a bit nurvous!?


The view from his office was excellent. I could see the mighty city "Sao Paulo". Yes, THIS IS "SAO PAULO"!


I took a photo of Elton. He is soooo cool!!


As Elton needs to walk (of course!), so I walk to "Libertade" area where lots of Asians (especially Japanese) live. And there, my friends Shin and Tatsu are staying at a hostel.

At their hostel, we made a plan for today, then we went out to the town.

東洋人街では日本語があちらこちらに見えます。日本人もたくさん居るので、なんだか日本に帰ってきたみたい? 「つがる」に鳥居。

At Libertade, there were lots of signs in Japanese. I could find "Lanton" look like street lights and a Japanese style shrine gate. I was hoping I could find some Japaese take-away such as "Yakisoba", but I couldn't.


There wasn't much to see i the area. 

セ広場(Plaza do Se)まで歩きます。ここら辺は旧市街。大きな教会などがあり、イイ感じ、と思いきや治安は悪いそうです。早速浮浪者風のオッサンが「タバコをくれやぁ」と近寄って来ました。まぁ、こういうオッサンは無視するのに限ります。周りには警官が多く配備されてますね。本当に治安が悪いのですね。

We walked to "Plaza do Se" where the old town locates. There was a huge Cathedral and a nice park, but I heard this area is a bit dodgy. Soon a guy looked like a homeless came up to us and asked for a cigarette. We ignored him and kept walking. There were lots of policemen around the area, so it was probably true that this area is a bit dodgy.


From Palaza do Se, we hopped on a subway and went to a shopping district. There, Tatsu was keen to go to "Havainas" shop. "Havainas" is a brad of flip flops. It is pretty popular among backpackers. As I don't have any flip flaps with me at the moment, I thought it would be a good idea to get one if it would not be so expensive. 


We got off at a nearby station. But we still had to walk quite while. We found a mobile sandwitch shop, so we get one each. The guy did a pretty good job on the sandwitches!

THen we started to see those boutiques. What would "Nespresso" shop be selling? I wonder.

で、いよいよ、「Habainas」に。(写真提供「なんとなーく世界一周しときましょ!」 ありがとう、シンちゃん。)
Finally we got to "Havainas". (Photo provided by Shin)

結構値段も手頃。買ってしまおうかな? 黒のベースにブラジルの緑、黄、白の色をあしらって鼻緒にブラジルの国旗が付いたのが22レアルなのでそれにしました。そして右の鼻緒に日本の国旗、左の鼻緒にオーストラリアの国旗を付けてみました。いいでしょ。

A pair did not cost much. I found one with Brazilian flag colour for R$22 (US$13). As this shop is offering some customisation on any pair of Havainas flip flops, so I asked to put a Japanese flag (Right) and Australian flag (Left). How are they? They look rally good, don't they?


They are the staffs of the shop. They were so friendly!

そして歩いて宿まで戻る途中で、「すき屋」発見! お腹は空いていませんでしたが、ここは食べるしかないでしょ! (写真提供「なんとなーく世界一周しときましょ!」)

Then we walked back to the hostel. One the way back, we found "Sukiya" - the popular Gyu-don (Japanese style beef stewon top of rice) restaurant chain in Japan.
We weren't hungry but we went to have late lunch.



I ordered Extra Large Gyu-don (Beef Bowl). R$12. Could I eat up?

デカイ!! 食べきれるのか?





Well, like this we completed our day tour in Sao Paulo. I walked back to Elton's office and we went home together. Thanks so so much my friend.


I have to think what I would do tomorrow.

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Day 594: 2012年3月13日

Presidente Prudente to Sao Paulo (Elton's place)
57,693km to 58,313km = 620km


It was fin this morning. It would be a hot day again! After having brakfast (served at the hotel), I packed up and got ready. Then I found dog peed on my front and rear tyres... Damn.


I headed to Assus first. I was riding on a highway and there was a toll every 30km or so. I was charged R$1.50 to R$2.75 at each toll and they added up as a big bill in the end...


The condition of the road was generally fine. But a few section there were rough areas. I stopped at a petrol station at Bauru. There was a food court. Everything was expensive there, so I ordered a humberger, the cheapest option available (R$8). The lady told me there would be only meat and breads and I said it would be fine. Then it came out as she said! I expected it would have some letuce and tomatos at least. Luckily she gave me 2 sachets of tomato sauce and mayo, so the burger tasted better than those ones in Mac's.


At Bauru, I turned into SP-300. THen I saw black clouds ahead. Then it started to rain hard. The wind picked up strong too. So it was a storm. I found a petrol station and stayed there for a while.

I stayed there for 1 hour and the rain eased. I continued riding but then I was in the heavy rain... Luckily I found another petrol station to hide myself and my GS.


I got to Sao Paulo around 5pm. I navigated through the traffic according to the GPS. Then I saw black coulds covering the sky ahead of me.I got the heavy rain 3 times today. 


I could not find a petrol station soon, but finally I found one.Those local riders were also resting there.

かなり待ちました。待っている間にブラジル人ライダーと歓談。そのうちの1人が日系人のハザマさん。エルトンの家まで先導してくれると! ありがたい!!

THis time the rain did not ease off. I started to chat with those locals.  


It was just before 7pm when the rain finally eased. Mr. Hazama - he is the 3rd generation Japanese Brazilian - said he was gonna lead me to Elton's place. How kind he was!

So I got to Elton's place safely. Thanks Mr. Hazama!

It's been more than 1 year since I saw Elton in California.

「世界を旅するニート」のシゲさんが紹介してくれたのですが、そもそもシゲさんを知るきっかけだったのは「SUZUKI DR650」なんです。シゲさんはSUZUKI DR650で世界一周を。ワシもDR650「孫市」でオーストラリアを一周しました。ネットで検索しててシゲさんのブログに出会ったんです。そして「出来れば北米で落ち合おう」となり、LAで初対面。メキシコ・シティーまで行動をともにしました。

I met Elton through Shigeru - riding around the world on his SUZUKI DR650. I had the same bike in Australia and I did the round trip Australia with DR. Before I started this trip around the world. I was researching on the web and found Shigeru's blog. I contated him and we decided tomeet up somewhere in North America. Then We met in LA. Since then we rode together till Mexico City.

LAからチノに向かう途中でエルトンの家でお世話になったんですね。そこで「Fazedores de Chuva」のステッカーをパニアに貼って中南米を走ったんです。で、最南端のウシャイアでドロールとアンジェラに出会います。きっかけは「Fazedors de Chuva」のステッカー。彼らは「Fazedors de Chuva」のリーダーなんです。「誰にこれをもらったの?」とドロール。「エルトンだよ。アメリカで。」とワシ。「エルトンは俺の親友だよ!」とドロール。

From LA to Chino, we stayed at Elton's place. Shigeru and Elton met in Oregon. Elton gave us a sticker of "Fazedores de Chuva (Rain Makers). I put that on my pannier and road down all the way to Ushuaia. Then I met Dolor and Angela. They saw the sticker on my pannier and asked me who gave it to me. I said it was Elton. SOlor said "Elton is my best friend!!". What a small world.


How people get connected is really amazing, doesn't it!? I have to thank my DR650 "Magoichi", Shigeru and Elton.


I parked my GS at a parking space and took a shower. We had pizzas for dinner and tlaked about our trips and bikes!


This photo was taken in California more than 1 year ago. From left Shigeru, me and Elton.


I am tired today. Elton will give me a lift to his office where is nearby Libertade area. My friends Shin and Tatsu are staying at a hostel in the area.

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一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
Copyright ©  -- M-26-Julio 羊とめぐる冒険 BMW R1200GSで世界一周の旅 --  All Rights Reserved

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