
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



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にほんブログ村 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Day 593: 2012年3月12日

Bonito to Presidente Prudente (Hotel Por Do Sol)
57,051km to 57,693km = 642km

今日は出発の日。朝飯を食べた後は準備に取り掛かります。昨晩KAWASAKI KLR650が宿に到着したのですが、なんとそのライダーはアダムと友達のクリスでした。ちょっと歓談。アダムとは3年前にチリで知り合い、その時はクリスはチャリダーだったんですけど、アダムに出会ったことでライダーに転向。最近までアダムとベネズエラで一緒だったとか! ワシのことはアダムに聞いていたので、自己紹介したら、直ぐに「アダムの友達だろ!」と。狭い世界ですね。


今日も暑いです。途中まで来た道を逆に走ります。200キロくらいでしょうか。 給油をしたり、ドリンクを買ったりと途中で休憩を何回か入れます。しかし、ここら辺は何も無いです。100キロ以上畑が続きます。暑いしダレますね。

サン・パウロに東に向かって走ってるんですけれども、267号が163号に合流して北上し、また267号が東進して分岐するんですけど、東の空の雲行きが…。 進行方向の左側では相当降っているのが見えますが、「まぁ、大丈夫だろう」って走っていたら、入ってしまいました、豪雨の中に。

ジャケットもパンツもゴアテックスなのでジッパーを閉めてしまえば、多少の雨は寄せ付けません。が、しかし豪雨となると話は別です。袖とかポケット内部とか結構濡れますね。 幸い豪雨地帯は直ぐに通過できたので、びしょ濡れにならずに済みました。


バタグアス(Bataguassu)という街を過ぎて、パラナ川を渡ったらサン・パウロ州です。が、しかし、橋の上が大渋滞です。対向車線からも全く車が来ないとなると、事故渋滞ですかね?? 30分くらい待つとようやく対向車が来ました。全部の車やトラックが過ぎ去るのを待ってからこちらの番です。 橋を渡っていると、何故渋滞しているのがわかりました。片側が工事中なんです。しかも開通している車道もガタガタでボロボロ。ブラジルが最近発展した国なので幹線道路の整備にも手が追いついていないのでしょうか。

サン・パウロ州に入ると1時間時間が進みます。もう6時です。ボニートでは7時ごろまで明るかったのに、ここら辺はボニート時間で5時過ぎには日没間際です。まぁ、600キロも東進しましたからね。 プレジデンテ・プルデンテ(Presidente Prudente)という街で宿を探そうと思っていたのですが、結構デカイ街なので、通り過ぎて街外れのホテルに宿を取りました。個室、エアコン、WiFi、朝食付きで55レアル(30米ドル)。ブラジルの物価からすると悪くないでしょう。部屋もきれいですし。


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Day 593: 12 MAR 2012

Bonito to Presidente Prudente (Hotel Por Do Sol)
57,051km to 57,693km = 642km

Last night I met Cristian - the Kawasaki KLR650 rider from Wasington State. Surprisingly he is a friend of Adam Lewis! They met in Chile 3 years ago and at that time Cristian was a cyclist. But after he met Adam, he was converted to a motorcyclist. A nice transformation. Until recently, Cristian was riding with Adam in Venezuela. He did not know that I was in Bonito, but he heard about me from Adam before, so when I introduced myself, he knew I was Adam's friend straight away. What a small world it is.

After brakfast, we had a chat for a while, then I started to gear up. Cristian neeed to find a welder for his pannier rack.

Shin and Tatsu left to the bus terminal after 8:30am. As their bus to Campo Grande would leave on 9am, they had to hurry!

I said good-bye to Michy and Yoko and left the hostel. I caught up with Shin and Tatsu on the way. We will catch up in Sao Paulo in 2 days.

The route to Sao Paulo is kinda oring. In fact I had to go back the same way as I came to Bonito for a while (200km or so). All I could see were farmland after farmland... It was hot too.

I made a few stops for fuel and drinks. But The area was pretty remote, there would not have any petrol station for nearly 200km.

When I took a right turn to the BR-267 from BR163, I saw the rain clouds on my way. I could see hvery rain pouring at the left handside of where I was heading.

I thought it would be ok to keep going, but suddenly I entered the heavy rain... Although my jacket and pants are Gore-Tex, in this heavy rain they would not be water tight...

Luckily I could leave the heavy section of the rain pretty soon, but my arms and pockets were soaked.

After the town of Bataguassu, there was the mighty Parana river. Once I would cross it over a bridge, I would be in the State of Sao Paulo. But there was a long queue on the bridge!

As no any car coming from the opposite side, I thought it would be a major accident on the bridge.

I waited there for 30mins and finally I saw cars and trucks were coming from opposite. Once those cars and trucks were gone, it was our turn.

When I was crossing the bridge, I realised why there was a quere. Only 1 lane was open and another lane was under construction... Even the one open was badly shaped. Brazil is now the world 8th biggest economy, but they rise so rapidly, they could not keep up with constructions, I guess.

I had to make my clock and watch 1 hour forward as the State of Sao Paulo has the timezone -3 GMT.

So it was 6pm when I entered the State. The sun was setting already. It was still bright until 7pm in Bonito (It would be 8pm in Sao Paulo). But I rode 600km to east, so it would make sense?

I thought I would find a place to stay in Presidente Prudente, but it was a quite big city, so I passed the city and find a hotel outside of the city. A single room cost R$55 (US$30) with WiFI, Air-Cond, and breakfast. The room is clean, so it is not a bad deal at all.

Tomorrow I will get to Sao Paulo city. My friend Elton wil let me stay at his place. But the question is could I get to his place without getting lost??


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Day 592: 2012年3月11日

Bonito (Bonito Hostel)

今日はパンタナールのもう1つの名所「蒼の洞窟(Gruta do Lago Azul)」に行ってきました。








DSCF1485.jpgで、いよいよ「蒼い湖」が見えて来ました。が、しかしそんなに蒼くない。日の光が届いてないからでしょうか? 写真で見たほうがずっとキレイです。













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Day 592: 11 MAR 2012

Bonito (Bonito Hostel)

I visited "Blue Lake Cave (Gruta do Lago Azul)" - one of the major attraction of Pantanal - today.

The Internet connection of this hostel is really really slow and I could not upload any photo last night. I tried to do it this morning, but there was no any Internet connection... So after breakfast, while we were waiting for a tour van, we just chat in the launge.

After 9:30am, the van came to pick us up. We got to the visitor centre around 10:30am.

As there were a few groups before us, so we had to wait there for a while. Around 11:30am, finally we got our turn. We all had to wear a helmet.

The guide spoke only Portguese, so we could not really understand the story behind this cave. Inside cave was quite huge and deep. We could not see "Blue Lake" from the top.

As we desent, we started to see the lake. It was blue but as there was no sun light, it did not look as blight as we saw it in photos.

But as we got closer to the lake, it got more blueish. It was certainly beautiful, but I was a little disappointed. We tried to take a good photo of it, but we did not have any tripod with us, so it was really hard work kept our camera still. 

After we came back to the hostel, we cooked a beef tang we bought the other day. Tatsu said he had cooked beef tang 5 times already in South America, so we let him strip the skin from the tang.

He said it would be eaiser to freee the tang and strip the skin, but there was no freezer. So he said he would try "Paraguay style". What is the "Paraguay style"??

He said "I saw a lady smashing a beef tang against a rock madly. It should make the skin come off easily." Really??

So he tried. He was banging the tang against the brick wall madly!! This is the Paraguay style!

The end result was... I don't know if the banging process made the skin come off more easily or not...
Anyway, Shin cooked the tang with cupsicum and carrot. And it was really tasty. We should thank Tatsu for his effort!

In the afternoon, we updated our blogs and checked information about Sao Paulo - our next destination.

Tomorrow Shin and Tatsu will catch a bus to Sao Paulo. I will ride to Sao Paulo and it would take 2 days.


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にほんブログ村 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Day 591: 2012年3月10日

Bonito (Bonito Hostel)


今日はブラジルでのハイライトであるボニート近郊のパンタナール随一の名所「リオ・ド・プラタ(Rio Do Plata)」にシンちゃんとタツとで行ってきました。










出た! この川の王者「ドウラド(Dourado)」。黄金という名を冠した肉食魚。確かに鱗は金色だ。この魚も美味いらしい。










明日は「蒼の洞窟(Gruta do Lago Azul)」へ行ってきます。

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Day 591: 10 MAR 2012

Bonito (Bonito Hostel)

It's been a year since the disaster of East Japan Great Earthquake. Still there are lots of people suffering from the damage. And  the worth more, the radio active substance are still being spewed out from those nuclear reactors.
I wish peace will be upon those suffering as soon as possible and the radio active problem will be contained as soon as possible.

Today I visited "Rio do Plata", one of the best place in Pantanal. This place is famous for its clear water and fish lives in.

I joined the tour with Shin and Tatsu. The van was supposed to pick us up at 10:30am, so we were relaxing at the side of swiming pool after breakfast. I was about to do the laundry, the van came to pick us up. It was just after 9:30am. 1 hour early!

Anyway we were ready, so we hopped on the van.

It took about 1 hour to get to the visitor centre of the ecotourism. There we got changed in a wetsuit and we hopped on a truck to get to the starting point of the walking trail to the river.

We walked about 2km in a jungle. Then we arrived at a beautiful river. I was amazed with how clear the water was!! It was so clear that it was like no water existed there. We entered the river (no jumping in! As we should not scare those fish away!).

There were lots of fish. It looked like we were in air as the water was so clear. In fact, I felt like I am a part of the river - being water.

There were small fish, middle sized fish and big fish.

Dourado is the king of food chain in this river system. They look scary. Dourado means "Gold". The colour of their scales are gold like colour, that's why.

As there was a current, all we had to do was floating, then we were curried away.

A few places, there were strong current and shallow, so we had to be careful not to hit rocks. But generally it was an easy swim.

As we went down he river, the visibility in the water decreased. Around 3pm, our tour in the river ended. We started to swim around 12noon, so we were in the water for 3hours.

Back to the hut, we had buffet lunch. As I was so hungry, I ate a few plates. In fact, I ate too much.

We all got sleepy, so we stayed on hummocks. Shin was playing with a parrot though.


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Day 591: 2012年3月9日

Dourado to Bonito (Bonito Hostel)
56,779km to 57,051km= 272km

「革命とは / Revolution」をアップしました。、かなり長い文となっていますが、読んでいただけたら幸いです。また、ご意見をいただければ、と思います。よろしくお願いいたします。革命とは / Revolution





DSCF1331.jpgだんだん湿地帯となってきて、遂に到着ボニートに。先ずはシンちゃんたちと待ち合わせをしている宿「ボニート・ホステル(Bonito Hostel)」へ。テント22レアル、ドミ38レアル。朝食付き。テントは安くて魅力ですが、この暑さでは、死んでしまいますね。なので、ドミにしました。




先ずは「リオ・ド・プラタ(Rio Do Plata)」のシュノーケルツアーを申し込みます。1日ツアーで130レアル(73米ドル)。昼飯付きですが、先進国並みに高い! しかし、この川の透明度は半端なく、「魚になれる」どころか「水になれる」と聞きます。なので、3人で明日楽しんできます!


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Day 591: 09 MAR 2012

Dourado to Bonito (Bonito Hostel)
56,779km to 57,051km= 272km

As the timezone of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul is 1 hour behind that of Asuncion, I needed to wind back my watch. So when I woke up at 7:30am today, it was already hot outside.

The breakfast offerd was great. Some breads, hams, cheese, salame, fruits, orange juice and coffee. It was a good breakfast. I left the hotel at 8:30am and headed to Bonito - less than 300km away. I would get there by lunch time.

The landscape on the way was pretty much the same as yesterday - the bast farmland. So I did not take any photo. As the roadside is narrow, it would be dangerous to pull over my GS and taking photos on the highway. I might be crushed by a truck or a bus!

As I got closer to Bonito, the landscape changed a bit - I could see some swamps and wetland.

I arrived the town of Bonito by 12noon. I went to "Bonito Hostel" straight where Shin and Tatsu were supposed to be waiting for me. But they weren't there yet. Something might happen to them??

There was a choice between a campground (R&22) and a dorm bed (R$38). The campground was a good deal, but I thought I might be dead in the tent with this heat. So I chose the dorm bed.

I cheked some e-mails and then went to have lunch to the town. But I gave up on the way as it was way too hot to walk. I found a supermarket and bought some breads, a sausage and 1.5ltr of soda! I had them in a shade.

Back to hostel, I was updating my blog and finally Shina and Tatsu came. They said they had to transfer for 3 times to get here. That's why they came later than me.

Soon we talked about a tour to "Rio do Plata" tomorrow. It would cost R$130 Including lunch. It's as expensive as a tour in the States or Canada. But it should worth the spend, I believe. WHat I heard was the fresh water of the river is so crystal clear, we can be "water".

We went to a supermarket after the sunset. We found forks for cooking Churrasco and big frozen catfish! Those are very Brazilian to me.

We cooked for dinner together. Just like when we were in Pension Sonoda.

Tomorrow, we will enjoy our trip to the river.


Day 590: 2012年3月8日

Colonia Yguazu - Paraguay to Dourado - Brazil (Hotel Guapore)
56,216km to 56,779km = 563km (Paraguay side = 41km / Brazil side = 522km)


DSCF1328.jpg園田のお父さんにお母さん、パブロさん、そしてシンちゃん、タツ、ゲンジ、ヨシ、サッちゃんが見送ってくれました。3週間、ほんとに楽しかったです。ペン園、大好き。またいつの日か必ず戻ってきます。皆さんもお元気で! シンちゃんとタツとは2日後にブラジルのボニートで再会予定ですが。





ブラジル側は歩かなくていいのですが、一時輸入許可証がなかなか発行されない! まぁ、ただ単に新しいシステムを導入したからやりかたがわからなかっただけなんですけど。





ayrton_senna.jpgふと、小さな街を通り過ぎたとき、ガソリンスタンドの「Posto Senna」という看板が目に付きました。その時は気が付かなかったのですが、少し後になって、「あ、あのアイルトン・セナの一族のブランドだ」と気が付きました。そういえば、ここブラジルは故アイルトン・セナの故国。

そしてガイラ(Guaira)からマト・グロッソ・ド・スル州(Mato Grosso do Sul)はパラナ川を渡らなければならないのですが、そこにかかる橋の名前が「アイルトン・セナ橋(Punta Ayrton Senna)」でした。アイルトン・セナの遺産はここブラジルでは生きているのですね。残念ながら、写真は撮れませんでした・・・。兄貴ゴメン!


今日は走れるところまで走ろう、と日暮れ時まで走り、結局ドウラド(Dourado)という街まで走りました。結構疲れていたので宿は82レアル(45米ドル)とちょっと高いですが、朝飯付きなので「Hotel Guapore」ここにしました。夕飯は近くのパイ屋さんで安く済ませました。


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Day 590: 08 MAR 2012

Colonia Yguazu - Paraguay to Dourado - Brazil (Hotel Guapore)
56,216km to 56,779km = 563km (Paraguay side = 41km / Brazil side = 522km)

This is the day I have to say good-bye to my home in Paraguay. I stayed 21 days here. It wasn't the longest stay in one place during this trip, but Pension Sonoda is my favorite place.

I brought out my GS to the front and put the panniers and gears on. Then I was back to be an adventure rider.

Mr.&Mrs Sonoda, Pablo, Shin, Tatsu, Hikaru, Yoshi, and Sachiko came out to see me off. It was really good to see you guys. Hopefully we can catch up soon (I will ctach up with Shin and Tatsu @ Bonito, Brazil in 2 days)

I finally left Pension Sonoda. After filled up fuel at 42km, I headed to the border to Brazil.

I was seeing those farms created by those Japanese settlers here. All the way I could see was farmland until I got closeto CIudad del Este.

The imigration process was easy, but I had to walk up to the custom office up hill. Then I crossed to Brazilian side. Imigration was easy too. But it took a while to get a temporary vehicle permission. The officer said recently the system was updated and he wasn't familiar with the system yet.

Now I was back to Brazil. The last time I spent only 30mins or so in Brazil, so it was actually my 1st full day in Brazil. I do not speak any Portguese, but Portguese is somehow similar to Spanish, so hopefully I can survive without learning much Portguese.

I bought a map of Brazil and checked the route to Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. Together with the GPS, I should be able to navigate through.

Brazilian side was also masive farmland after leaving the city of Foz do Iguacu. At a little town when I pass through, I saw a petrol station named "Posto Senna". I did not realise what it was, but later I realised it must be owned by the relative of Ayrton Senna da Silva.

Actually my brother is a big fan of Fomular 1.WHen Ayrton Sena was alive, he was my brother's favorite driver. I liked Nigel Mansell thogh.

From the town of Guaira, to enter the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, I had to cross Panara river. Then the name of the bridge was "Ayrton Senna Bridge (Punta do Ayrton Sena)".

His ledgend is still alive here in Brazil, so I felt. I couldnot take a photo of the bridge. Sorry my bro.

As I was riding through the bridge, I was thinking about Ayrton Senna, my brother and my family.

I kept riding on until the sunset. I arrived the town of Dourado. I founda hotel with a parking space for R$82 (US$45). It was expensive, but I took a room as I was tired.

I had pies at a pie shop nearby (a cheap meal). In an air-cond private room, I am updating my blog, uploading photos to facebook etc. Hopefully my friends Shin and Tatsu wil arrive Bonito tomrrow morning without any problem. I would be there around lunch time. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button! にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
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一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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