
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 603: 2012年3月22日

Balneario Camboriu (Casa de Dolor&Angela)


It was a busy busy day yesterday. Today it would be a quiet day, I thought, but it was a little busy.

先ずは11時にネットで昨日のテレビが放映されるのでハウスキーパーさんと鑑賞。カロライナさんは映像でもキレイですね。ドロールは流石です。緊張もせずに普段どおり。ワシは? まぁ、ポルトガル語が飛び交う中、よう対応できてましたよね!? うーん、しかし、ちょっと太りすぎですね。骨折が治ったら運動しないと。

At qqam, the TV show I was on was broadcasted on the web, so I watched it with the housekeeper. Carolina was beautiful on the screen too! Unfortunately, she is married I think (I saw a ring on her ring finger!). Dolor was doing dine. He was just as usual on the screen. So calm. Me? Well I guess I was doing OK in the condition full or Portguese spoken. But, I looked too chubby on he sreen. Once my fracture is healed, I should work out hard!!   


Dolor was busy with his work whole day, so I did not have any plan to go out. I was updating the route on my Googlemap. It took a long time to make the route on Goodlemap!

外に昼飯を食べに行きました。減量しなければ、となんか言ってますが「Buffet Libre(食べ放題)」に行ってしまいました!! が、しかし、いつものように腹ギチギチには食べません。食べ放題もこのくらいで済ませておけばいいのですね。勉強になります。

I went out for lunch. I was talking about losing weight, but I went for a "Buffet Libre (All youcan eat buffet)". Well, I did not stuff myself up as usual. I learnt a lesson here. I would not stuff myself too muh when having buffet any more!


I took a walk for a while after lunch.

家に帰るとドロールからメールが。ジャーナリストのロブソンからの質問を英訳して転送してくれました。午後はこの質問に答えるのに費やします。「何故旅を始めたのか?」、「今まで大変だったこと。」、「よかったこと」、「チェについて、革命について」などなどの質問に答えます。Bocaという新聞に掲載される予定です!! これも楽しみですね。

At home, I received a message from Dolor. He translated and passed questions from the Journalist Robson I met yesterday. So I spent whole afternoon answering the questons. "Why I started my trip", "What was the most unusual tihng happened during the trip", "What was most interesting thing", "About Che and revolution" etc. My interview wil be on Boca News Paper. It would be interesting to see myself on a news paper!


It was already dark outside when I realised.

夜になってドロールとアンジェラと家族の 何人かと夕食。今日は息子さんのホルへの奥さんの従姉妹も登場! きれいな人ですね。高級ヨット製作会社で働いているとのことで、色々話が盛上がってま す。が、ポルトガル語なのでワシは半分以下しかわかりません。でも、ポルトガル語を聞く練習になりますね。

In the evening, I had dinner with Dolor & Angela and some family member. Today there was cousins of Jorge's wife were there. One of them is working for a Luxuary Yocht construction company, and all of them were listening to her stories. But it was in Portguese, so I could understand less than half of the conversations! But I could practice my hearing in Portguese.

ドロールとアンジェラの孫ペドロ君。13歳なんですが英語がペラペラで日本語と中国語も勉強中。イケメンで頭も良く、性格もイイ。彼はモテモテになること間違いなし!! (注: 写真に写っているのはペドロの従兄弟のジョアンです)

The grandson of Dolor&Angela, Pedro is 13 years old. He speaks fluent English and learning Japanese and Chinese. He is so handsome and smart and has a good personality. He would be so popular among thise girls soon! (NB: Pedro is not in the photos above)


Just like this, a day has gone!


そして更に多くお方に読んでいただけます。 クリックして一日ご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

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Day 602: 2012年3月21日

Balneario Camboriu (Casa de Dolor&Angela)

テレビ撮影は無事終了しました。DVDをもらえる予定なので、動画は後ほどアップします!! お楽しみに!!
もしくは日本時間の3月22日夜11時にこちらのサイトで、右側にある"tv on-line"をクリックすると見られます。プラグインが必要な場合がるので事前にインストールをお願いいたします。http://www.portalmenina.com/tv-mocinha

The TV shooting went very well. I will get a copy in a DVD, then I will upload the video here!
Otherwise, you can watch the video from the following site. Please click "tv on-line" at the right had side at 11:00am 22/MAR/2012 Sao Paulo time. http://www.portalmenina.com/tv-mocinha


Today is the day I will be on a TV show. Dolor came to pick me up around 11:30am. He was with Brian - an English gentleman who is gonna be a translator today. Dolor is fluent in English but he reckoned that it would be better to have a native English speaker to translate on the TV show. But Brian is not a professional translator and he has never be ona TV before, he was a bit nervous, I guess.


We had a quick lunch at "SUBWAY". Balneario Camboriu is a nice place to hang out. It has a beautiful beach, clean and safe city and it's not too touristic.


Well, after lunch, we headed to the TV station.


This is the set we would be interviewed at. Mr. Sheep was getting nervous as he might get asked something too.

撮影が始まる前に。左からブライアンさん、ワシとヒツジ、そしてドロール。録画と思っていたら、なんとライブだとのこと。番組の名前は「Dia a Dia (Day by Day)」。司会者はカロライナ・アルメイダ(Carolina Almeida)さん、だとのこと。

A photo shot before we went on a live. Yes it was a live show!! From left, Brian, myself & Mr.Sheep and Dolor.  The presenter would be Ms. Carolina Almeida.

で、司会者のカロライナさん登場! 凄い美人!! 撮影が始まります。オープニングでちょっと紹介されて、番組のいろいろなコーナーの撮影が進みます。ワシ等はソファーで待機。コマーシャル放映中に歓談するカロライナさんとドロール。ワシとの馴れ初めとかを説明してます。それにしても美人さんだぁ。ヒツジも見とれてます。

Them Carolina came to the set. She was soooooo gorgeous!! Mr. Sheep also kept his eyes on her!!
Then the shooting started. At the begining we were introduced a bit, then other parts of the programme continued. We waited at the couch. While having an advertising break, Dolor was explaining to her how we met and about "Fazedores de Chuva".

で、遂にワシのインタビューが始まります。まぁ、ワシはポルトガル語が出来ないので、先ずはドロールにカロライナさんが質問。ワシ等が出会うきっかけとなった「Fazedores de Chuva」の説明、バイクの旅の話など。そしてカロライナさんがワシに質問。ブライアンさんが英語で通訳。「今まで長いたびを続けて来ましたが、これから何を見て、期待しますか?」との質問。ワシが英語で答えます。「これからもいろんな人と出会い、いろんな文化を見て、そこから多くを学び、得た経験から日本に貢献したいんです。」と。

Then it was our turn. She asked a few questions to Dolor first. How we met, about "Fazedores de Chuva", which brought us together etc. Then she asked me a question. "You have been travelling for a quite long time so far. From now on, what would you like to see and what would you expect?" Brian translated it to English. I answered in English. "I would like to meet more people, see more cultures, and would like to learn from them. Then I would like to bring the experiences back to Japan so that I could contribute something to my country."

ブライアンさんはポルトガル語でカロライナさんに返す筈が、なんと英語で答えてます!!! ブライアンさん、緊張してたんでしょうね。「あ、いけね!!」って気が付きました。ここはドロールが直ぐにポルトガル語で通訳をしてくれました。

Brian supposed toreply to Carolina in Portguese, but he replied in English!! I guess he was really nervous. He soon realised he was making a mistake. But Dolor explained to Carolina in Portguese.

骨折のことも聞かれたり。ヒツジのことも聞かれましたよ!! 「名前はなんていうんですか?」とカロライナさん。「ヒツジです。旅の大切なパートナーなんです。」、とワシ。

She asked me about the injury and Mr. Sheep!! "What is his name?" I said "Mr. Sheep! He is my travel buddy!!".


Well, I felt like the interview session went so fast. Our turn ended and the advertising break came in. 


The programme continued on, but I took a photo with gorgeous Carolina! Look at my face!!!


It was a good experience to be on a live show.

After the shooting, a journalist working for this TV station - a Dolor's friend - said he would like to interview me for a news paper article. He is a big fun of "Che". So I will be on a news paper too!

帰りの車の中で、「今週中か来週にイタジャイでも撮影があるかも。」とドロール。え、マジですか?? ブラジルで有名になるかもしれない、三郎とヒツジ。

Dolor took me to the house. On the way back, he said "There would be another interview in Itajai tis week or next week!". Really?? Mr. Sheep and I would be famous in Brazil!?


After I got home, I walked along the beach for an hour.

本当に人生何があるかわかりませんね。ドロールもカロライナさんに説明してましたが、シゲさんが先ずドロール&アンジェラ、そしてエルトンと出会い、ワシがシゲさんと出会い、シゲさんがエルトンをワシに紹介してくれて、エルトンにもらった「Fazedores de Chuva」のステッカーのお陰でウシュアイアでワシがドロール&アンジェラに出会う。

There are lots of unexpected happen in our lives. As Dolor explained to Carolina, Dolor&Angela met Shigeru first. Then Shigeru met Elton. Shigeru took me to Elton. Elton gave me a sticker of "Fazedores de Chuva". Dolor&Angela found the sticker on my GS in Ushaia, then we met!


I was planning to visit Dolor&Angela anyway, but without fracturing my elbow, I would not have stayed here so long as I wanted to go to Europe by the end of tihs month. So I would not have been on the TV show.  Now I should thank to my fractured elbow.


That's why the life is interesting and amazing!


Tomorrow we will pick up my GS at the workshop. As I would not be able to ride her as yet, Dolor will bring her to the apartment. He's been a great friend to me! Thank you!


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Day 601: 2012年3月20日

Balneário Camboriú (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)


As it was busy yesterday, I did not have time to visit the repairshop. I am sorry Esperanza...


Around 10:30am, Dolor came to pik me up from his work. He is soooo kind!


At the workshop, a mechanic was already working on Esperanza. He said the sylinder head wasn't in a bad shape, so a little bit of repair will fix the problem. He had already done some work on the crush bar. Now the pannier and the broken air difuser need to be repaired.


My GS will be repaired before I will heal the fracture.

今日もドロールの家族と昼食を一緒にさせていただきました。今日はパスタ! これが美味しい。

I had lunch with Dolor's family. It was pasta. Yum!!


I got really tired. I guess my body needed some rest to repair the fracture. I went home and took a nap.


In the afternoon, I opened my laptop and found a message from Dolor, "Please be ready for an interviw at a TV station"!! I will be pn TV!! But I cannot speak Portgese much...


In the evening Dolor and Angela came back. They told me that there will be an English  translator tomorrow. That's a relieaf!


We talked about the motorcycle industry and prices in Brazil during dinner.


Well, I am looking forward appearingon TV. Bu I am a little overweighted recently. So I might not look good on TV!

おかげさまで世界一周ブログランキング26位まで上昇しました。 これからも応援よろしくお願いいたします。

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Day 600: 2012年3月19日

Balneário Camboriú (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)


I got up after 9am. As I was updating my blog till late last night, I slept in. I looked out from the window, there was a beautiful beach view! A wonderful location.


Dolor&Angela had left for their work but there was a housekeeper prepaired breakfast for me! Wow. I asked her for laundry as well, including my riding jacket and pants required hand washing. But she was happy to do it for me! Thank you!!


I was working on the net, following up e-mails, writing diaries in English etc.


Dolor came to pick me up. "We will have lunch at a house in Itajai with my whole family. We gather for lunch everyday!" he said. Another house?


Everyone was there when we arrived. There were the mother of Dolor, the mother of Angela, their son and daughters, the son-in-law, the daughter-in-law and their grand children! 4 generation gather together and have lunch. How wonderful!! 


Seeing everyone's face, I could see they were all happy! This is something average Japanese should learn. One of the main souces of happiness is being with loved ones. This is the common sense in the world, I reckon. So we, Japanese, need to work on to have time for ourselves instead of just working.


This is exactly something I am intending to actualise in future Japan. Everyone can spend time with loved ones and feel happiness. I would like to lead my county this way. I do believe that Japanese have rights to be happier and  with the abilities of Japanese, we should be able to make the country like that.


Since the earthquake / Tsunami disaster last year, the importance of "Bond" was re-recongnised in Japan. Not only being the economically strong country, we should have inner peace in our hearts as other developed countries.


The mother of Dolor is 83 years old. She is using iPhone and drive a car by herself! As she keeps her young spirit, there is no boundary. My mum needs to learn from her!!


After lunch, I went to a construction field with Dolor. He is the head of "Angel" - the fashion brand - but now he is building a comdominium complex at the outskirt of Itajai.


At the moment, they are leveling the ground, but there will be more than 30 condominiums in the block. He talked with engineers and checking on computerised irrigation system.

DSCF1618.jpgDSCF1620.jpgDSCF1621.jpgWe stayed at the construction field around 5pm, then Dolor took me to his office / factory. There were quite a lot off employees there. He showed me around the building.


Then we went to somewhere really special.


We visited Sekiguchi family - who migrated to Itajai region 30 years ago. It was the frist time for Dolor and Angela to visit them but they have a common friend. So through him, they organised this meeting for me! Mr&Mrs Sekiguchi accepted our visit happily!

セキグチさんはこの地で生姜を主に生産し、サン・パウロに出荷しているそうです。そのほかにブロッコリー、ほうれん草、紫蘇などの野菜も生産されています。ご主人のケンジロウさんは御歳75歳! 55年前にブラジルに移民されたとか。

Mr&Mrs Sekiguchi grows gingers and ship them to Sao Paulo. They grow also broccoli, Spinach, and other vegetables. Kenjiro-san - Mr. Sekiguchi is 75 years old. He migrated to Brazil 55 years ago.

なんと今日はマグロとサーモンとイカの刺身を振舞っていただきました!! しかもウニまである!! まさか、イタジャイでこんなに美味しいお刺身が食べられるとは。ウニもここイタジャイで取れたものだそうです。これも美味い。イか刺しは紫蘇と食べたり、ウニと和えたり。

They offered us mussels, tuna and salmon sashimi, squid sashimi, and sea urchin (Uni)!!! I did not expect to have such a wonderful sashimi in Brazil!! Sea Urchins were hearvested in Itajai, Kenjiro-san said.


They told us the stories of migrants, the culture between Brazil and Japan and so on. Everything was very interesting to us. Dolor&Angela and I could spend a great evening thanks to Mr & Mrs Sekiguchi. Thank you so so much. Arigatou gozaimasita!DSC03980.jpg


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Day 599: 2012年3月18日

Cruitiba to Balneário Camboriú (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)


Dear readers,
You may wonder if Iam ok. Yes, I am ok. The injury is minor and I don't have much pain.
But I am suffering from not being able to use my right hand!
I will check with a repair shop about my GS tomorrow. Hopefully nothing is serious.
Mr. Sheep is... fine!! He is enjoying the beach of Balneario Camboriu already!!
Special thaks to all my friends lending your kind hands!


Well, today my friends Dolor and Angela will come to pick my and my GS up around 1pm. They are more than 300km away, so it will be a lot of work for them. I really thank you my friends!


So, I packed up and checked out around 11am, and having a cuppa, I waited for their arrival in the rounge of the hotel. I was chatting with Daniel - another friend of mine from Curitiba, I met on the ship from Panama to Colombia. Unfortunately he is in France at the moment, but he gave me his hands and was contacting his friends in Curitiba to help me out. Thanks so much my friend. I will come to Curitiba to see you once I am well.

1時過ぎに我がレスキューチームが登場! ドロールと奥さんのアンジェラ、そして友人のアルフレッドさんにジアナさん夫妻。なんとダッジのRAM 2500 Heavy Duty Turbo Dieselピックアップトラックにトレーラーで登場! 頼もしいレスキューチームです!! 早速エスペランサをトレーラーに乗せます。写真はタイダウン・ロープの張りを確認するアルフレッドさん。最終確認するドロール。

After 1pm, my friends arrived. Their friends Alfred and Giana drove their Dudge RAM 2500 Heavy Duty Turbo Diesel with a trailer! What a wonderful rescue team they are!! We put my GS on the trailer. Photos: Alfred checking the tention of the tie-down straps and Dolor doing the final checking.


I was really relieaved. It was sunday and they gave up their weekend to help me out. How could I thank them.


My GS being towed.

"Are you hungry? Let's have lunch!", Dolor said. Then we went to the Italian town in Curitiba.

なんとこのレストランは5000人以上収容できるそうですが、待っているお客さんでいっぱい!! なんとギネス・ブックにも載っているとか!!

Amazingly, this restaurant have a capacity to serve 5,000 people at once! It is on Guiness World Record Book. Even so, there were many people waiting... I wonder how many people would be sereved a day.


I could see the progress of Brazil here as well. Brazil's potential is really great.


Valmor and his wife and daughter joined us for lunch. The restaurant was "Buffet" style. They served the standard plates on the tables first and the waiters came to serve other plates. So it was very efficient to serve lots of clients.


I forgot to take any photo as I was concentrated on eating and chatting!


After lunch we visited Valmor's place. It's outside of Curitiba city and it was a mansion! The backyard was soooo huge. Nice place, indeed.

珈琲を頂き、しばらく歓談。そして別れを告げて、一路ドロールたちの住むバルネアリオ・カンボリウ(Balneario Camboriu)まで。ヴァルモアさん、大変お世話になりました。またクリチバには来ますので、その時また会いましょう!

We had a cuppa there and rested for a while. Then we headed to Balneario Camboriu, where Dolor & Angela live.
I really do thank Valmor for his friendship and great help. I will come back to Curitiba once I am well, so let's catch up!


It was already 6pm when we left Curitiba. We drove on the highway in the dark. I fell in a sleep...


After 9pm, we got to Balneario Camboriu. First, we dropped my GS at a repiarshop where Dolor and Alfredo recommended. I hope my GS does not have any serious damage...


Then we visited Alfredo & Giana's place. They have 2 yochts haboured next to his place!! And in the garage, there was 1950's Cadillac polished so shinny!


As it was late, so we spent a few minutes there and went to Dolor and Angela'splace. They drove me around the city to show frist. It is a nice city at the beach side. It reminded me of Gold Coast, but it's much better! It would be wonderful to live here.


Their apartment occupys two floors of the building. It's reallu a nice place. The rooms are decorated with those souvenirs from their trips around the world. So nice! Dolor and Angela said to me to have rest here and get well. How could I thank them! I was really glad that I met those nice friends by travelling on my GS. 


We had a supper and had a chat for a while. Well, I will take a good rest tomorrow.


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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