
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 618: 2012年4月6日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
59,143km to 59,187km = 44km

今日は復活祭「パスコア(Pasoa)」の初日「聖金曜日(Sexta-Feira Santa)」です。イタジャイ郊外の別荘で昼食会があるのでエスペランサに乗って行きました。

It's Good Friday (Sexta-Faira Santa), the first day of Easter Holiday (Pascoa). I rode to the farm house at the outskirt of Itanaji. 


There were Dolor&Angela's family friends. Everyone was interested in how I am travelling around the world on the motorcycle. They asked me many questions. When I did not understand the questions, Jorge - the son of Dolor translated them into English.


Until lunch was served, everyone having a glass of beer or wine and snacks.


The goats were enjoying the holiday relazing. Well, they are always relaxing.


The boss of the herd. Baaaaaaaa------!!!


In Cathoric custom, today having meats is prohibited. So the main dish of the lunch were seafoods, like salmon, prowns, and scallops.


In Australia, Easter is celebrated. But what I experienced was a normal party with giving and receiving chocolate Easter Bunnys and Eggs. Well, it would depend on each family and their religious view. So I was interested to join the Easter party in Brazil.


There was no any religious ritual or anything. So even non cathoric like me could enjoy the party. It was a fun and good lunch!


Brazilian cuisins have variety of foods and they are all good. Then there were tons of desserts!! I will gain more weight...


After having the desserts, those guests started to leave. But their children were having fun fising and did not want to go home yet, so they said "Please give me a few minutes!!".


After all the guests left, I started to wash Esperanza. When I went for a ride with Mauricio the other day, we rode on a beach, so I wanted to wash off salt.


I was back to the apartment in Camboriu in the evening. I will have a quiet evening here.


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Day 617: 2012年4月5日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)


Now the plan was set, so I could spend these few days relaxed. I had some cheese and ham on breads for breakfast. It was very simple breakfast. Usually Maria prepared breakfast for me every morning, I was really spoiled.

そういえば、ブラジルに入ってから朝食付きの宿にしか泊まっていないような? そしてエルトン宅、ドロール&アンジェラ宅でお世話になっているので、「自分で朝飯を用意するのは何日ぶりだろう?」なんて考えながら食べてました。

If my memory serves me correctly, in Brazil I have been staying at hostels including breakfast. Then I stayed at Elton's in Sao Pauli and then I am staying at Dolor&Angela's. I wonder how many days I did not prepare breakfast by myself. 


After breakfast, I replied a long e-mail to my revolutionary companero. Recently I am ding more revolutionary activities. It's a good trend and I would like to keep going ahead.

11時過ぎに散歩に出陣! 朝は曇っていましたが11時過ぎになると晴れ上がりました。海賊船も出没!!

After 11am, I went for a wak. It was overcasted this morning, but by 11am, it got clear and sunny. Wath ou! A pirate ship was in the sea too!!


I walked till the north end of the beach. Then I walked down south on Av. Brasil. 


Recently I have been eating too much and I am little chubby. So I was thinking to have a light lunch. But, but I walked in front of a Buffet restaurant, it was a mistake!! A good smell of foods lured me and I went into the restaurant!!


All you can east buffet cost R$15 (US$8.5). There were some selletion of Churrasco too. I will gain more weights....


The first serve was huge.


Then the 2nd serve ... Could I eat them up??


I could not finish off little bits of meats. Sorry.


I did not plan to have a big lunch, so I continued walking. I went back to the north end of the beach again and come back down on Av. Brasil.


I went to a supermarket and bought some stuffs for breakfast. I went home and surfed on teh net.


Angela came home in the late afternoon. She came back from Rio de Janeiro on a plane. Dolor continues riding north to attend a riders meeting. She told me there is a lunch party at the farm house tomorrow inviting lots of friends, and I was invited too!!


I the evening, Mauricio called me and invited me for a drink. I went out and had some Coke Zero. Mauricio had some beer. We were talking in Portnol (mixture of Portugese and Spanish) with some English words. The language we were using was quite strange, but we could understand each other quite well.


Then I realised one thing. I could communicate better if I stick with Spanish rather than I try to speak Portugese. At the riders meetings last friday, I was told by a few that I could speak Portugese quite well, but in fact I was speaking in Spanish. I guess my Spanish pronunciation is bad so it may sound like Portugese??


I came back home after 11:30pm and writing this diary. Well tomororw is Good Friday. I wonder what kind of meal wold be served tomorrow. I guess no meat served tomorrow and fish would be the main.


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Day 616: 2012年4月4日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)

☆★☆ 「増税に待った! 日本の財政難を救う。」をブログに掲載しました。是非ご覧になって、ご意見・ご感想・ご指摘をただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いいたします!! ☆★☆


In Brazil, depending on a carrier of the mobile phone, 3 digit of code needs to be dialed first. For example "014". But I had no idea which numbertoinput, so this morning I asked Maria to assist me calling Daniel. 


But it could not be connected... It looked like I could leave a message on his mobile, but I wasn't sure about it. I called his home but his mum (?) answered and told me "He is not here" in Portugese. I wasn't sure as my Portugese is soooo limited if he was not there just then or he would not be there for along period of time. I could ask Maria to speak with his mum (?) but I would not really understand as I would have to tlk in Portugese with Maria. Understanding languages is so important, isn't it!!?


Anyway, I was geting ready to leave here tomorrow. I was doing what I could do here. I searched air ticket from Buenos Aires to Germany, but it would cost US$1,400. The same result as yesterday...


Maria prepared lunch for me again! After lunch, I was brushing my teeth and Maria caled me "It'S your phone!". I thought it was from Daniel, hut it was from Giana! Giana follows my blog everyday and she found out I was having a trouble to contact Daniel. She said she would call Daniel from her side. How kind of her!!


5 minutes later, she called me back again. "I spoke to Daniel. He did not receive your messages on Facebook. He will call you back at Dolor'S place this afternoon." Then I could make my plan.

マリアさんは明日から休暇なんだそうです。色々お世話になりました。よいイースターホリデーを!! Tem Feliz Pascoa!!

Maria said she will take days off from tomorrow. She's been so good to me. Thank you so much Maria. Have a nce Easter holiday! Tem Feliz Pascoa!!

で、午後。一向に電話が来ません。で、メールボックスを見たらダニエルからメールが。そこには「携帯のクレジットが無いから電話出来なかった。明日は1時以降に家にいるから歓迎だよ! しかし今日から従兄弟が家に泊まっていて、三郎分のベッドが無いんだよ。だから、近くのホステルに泊まる事になるけど。もちろんバイクは家に泊めていいし、いつでも家に遊びに来ていいよ!」、と。彼の家に泊まれなのは残念ですが、まぁ、久しぶりのホステルも楽しいでしょう。

But Daniel did not call me back! I checked my mail box and there was a message from Daniel, saying "I could not call you as there is no credit on my phone! I will be back home by 1pm tomorrow and you are welcome!  But ow my cousin is staying with us and there is no extra bed for you. So you have to stay at a hostel nearby. Of course you can park your bike at my place and you can joinus for lunch and dinner anytime!". It's a pitty unable to stay at his place, but it would be fun to stay at a hostel too.


I replied to him tht I would be there tomorrow. Then I received an e-mail from Giana. There will be a car & motorcycle event on saturday here in Camboriu. Alfredo is coming back friday evening and they will be at the event. And she invited me for the Easter lunch on Sunday.

うーん、この提案も魅力的ですね。「どうしようかな、出発は週明けにしようかな、でもあまり長居してしまうと4月25日辺りにブエノス・アイレスからドイツには行けなくなってしまうな」、なんて考えていたら、ダカール・モトス(Dakar Motos)のサンドラからバイクの輸送に関するメールが。

Those sound very tempting to stay here over the weekend. So I started to wonder if I should leave tomorrow or monday. But if I stayed here longer, I might not be able to fly out from Bueons Aires to Germany. Then I received an e-mail from Sandra @ Dakar Motos regarding the shipment of my GS.


"You could arrive here 20th April the latest if flying out on 25th. But for the safer side, I would prefer you fly on 26th." she wrote.


I started counting the date on a calender. If I get to Curitiba on 9th and stay there for 3days, then will be back to Camboriu on 12th staying here for 1 or 2 nights. It would be 5-6days to Buenos Aires, so I could get there by 18th or 19th. The plan should work.


So I decided to stay here over this weekend and go to Curitiba on Monday the 9th. I called Daniel (Giana told me the 3 digit) and told him the plan. He reckoned it was the better plan.

午後4時ごろになって、なんと兄からFacebookの友達申請が!! 早速承認してチャットを始めました。新年度になたので始めたそうです。しかし、日本は朝の4時。兄はなんと仕事中!! 流石日本のサラリーマン。ご苦労様です。あまり無理はしないでね。

Around 4pm, I received a friend request on Facebook from my borther! I accepted it and started to chat with him. He started to use Facebook drom the begining of this fiscal year (starting 1st of April). But it was 4am (!!) in Japan. He was working!! This is the Japanese Businessman. I hope he would not work too hard.


I will do some exercises tomorrow and the day after to gain more strength for the distance to eat.

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Day 615: 2012年4月3日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)


Today I did not do much and almost nothing went well through out the day.


This morning I was searching for a ticket from Buenos Aires to Frankfurt, but I could not find anything cheap. A few days ago I could see a ticket around US$750, but now the cheapest ticket costs around US1,400... What should I do??


I sent an e-mail to Daniel in Curitiba yesterday, but I haven't got any reply. I am planning to go to Curitiba tomorrow. My purpose to go there is just to see him, so until I get a reply from him, I cannot move....

昨日郵便局に行って荷物は日本に送ったし、ドロール&アンジェラも留守なので基本暇です。なので「(仮題)増税に待った! 日本の財政難を救う。」の仕上げにかかろうとしますが、何故か筆が進まず・・・。パタゴニアのルータ40の路上で出会い、カラファテとブエノス・アイレスで一緒に遊んだ友人、チャリダーであり未来の文豪「福田鼠」の小説を読み始めました。彼のブログ「チョロリ草」と「作品集」。お勧めは「ペスパと万年筆」と「煙草のカフカ」です。

As I sent a percel to Japan already, Dolor&Angela are not around, I have nothing much to do. So I staeted read some novels my friend "Nezumi" wrote (They are available in Japanese only, but here are the link  ). 
I met him on Ruta 40 Patagonia, on the way to El Calafate, and we spent a few days together in El Calafate and again in Buenos Aires.


Then it was already lunch time. Maria prepared lunch for me again. She made stewed beef cooked with olives, mushed potatos and salad, and served with a big smile! She is an excellent cook and a wonderful person.  So I should not  have said that "a day nothing went well..."

If I could speak beter Portugese, we could talk more. She also does not spkea much Spanish, so our conversations are always short.


I thought I should take a walk, but I went back to read the novels in the afternoon.


Late afternoon, I went out for a walk and went to buy cheesebreads for dinner. I made them with some sausages.


Daniel has not replied back to me yet. I called his mobile phone, but I could not get connected. I could not understand the recorded message in Portugese. I will ask Maria to help me to call Daniel tomororw. So I will stay here one more day.


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Day 614: 2012年4月2日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)

今朝は6時に起床! 幸いドロールとアンジェラはまだ準備中。道中の無事を祈り、また再会を約束して2人を見送りました。

I got up around 6am. Luckily Dolor&Angela were still at home. I wish them a good trip and promissed to see each other again.


They've been taking care of me for more than 2 weeks since I got injured. Also they arranged my apearance on the TV show and news papers. I met lots of nice people through them too. Thank you so much my friends!


They will be back in a week or so. So I might be able to see them again when I come back from Curitiba.


After I saw them off, I started to sort my things as I was to send the news papers, DVDs, and a book to my home.

Just about to go to a post office, Maria (the housekeeper) asked me if I wanted to have beef stroganov for lunch. It would take more than 30mins to the post offce and last time when I passed by, there were many people waiting in the office. I thought I would get hungry while waiting there. So I had lunch first then I went out.

お昼ご飯を作ってもらっている間は「(仮題)増税に待った! 日本の財政難を救う。」の執筆。大体出来上がりましたが、まだまだ文章としてまとまっていないので掲載までもうしばらくお待ちください。

While waiting for the lunch, I was writing an article "How to save the fical deficit of Japanese government". It was almost completed but I need to make it "smoother", so it wil take a few more days before I publish it here on this blog.


Beef stroganov was good. I wonder if this is popular menu in Brazil Mauricio served me the same yesterday. I think it's a Russian recipe.


After lunch I walked to the post office. I expected to wait there long but there were only 3 customers before me, so the process was done in no time. As I included a book, ot got quite heavy and cost R$72 (US$40).


I had a nap after I came home. I had the left over beef dtroganov for dinner alone...


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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